
1059 Words

CHAPTER 25 – RICHARD "One more bottle of tequila!" I yell out to the bartender, twirling the shot glass in my loose grip. My eyes are getting heavy from a couple of drinks I've had. But it doesn't matter. I plan on getting f*****g wasted tonight. The bartender places the bottle in front of me and Ray reaches to grab it. I beat him to it, grabbing the bottle and turning the other way to pour myself a drink. "That's enough, man. You drinking way too much." Ray sighs behind me. "Not as much as I plan on," I reply briskly, placing the bottle on the counter. I chug down my drink and it heats my throat, leaving me with a strong urge to pour myself another glass. You could say I'm a f*****g addict, but tequila has always been it for me. "Dude, what are you talking about? We both know you'v

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