1545 Words

CHAPTER 31 - JANE (PARALLEL UNIVERSE) I walk out of the grocery store, steadying the grocery bags in my arms. They're heavy and filled to their brim. It's only a matter of time before I'm tired and need to get a taxi. But for now, I'll just try to enjoy the walk. "Jane, wait up!" June sprints slightly to meet me, as we take the sidewalk, heading home. The street is rowdy and crowded so we keep squeezing through bodies and sometimes, bumping into others. "Why don't we just grab a taxi already? It's tiring carrying these bags and bumping into people." I sigh, adjusting the weights on my arms. This definitely isn't what I signed up for. "Going home with a taxi will make us get home faster, and that's gonna ruin everything." "Ruin what?" I ask confusedly. "Your little time outside," June

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