1345 Words

CHAPTER 32 – RICHARD (PARALLEL UNIVERSE) "Who's next?!" Ray yells, as the scruffy, haggard lady scrams out of the office. "Let's just tell them all to go f**k themselves!" I snap at Ray, slamming my hands on the table. Just then, the door opens and another female walks in. She's a little better dressed than the last female, but she's still not Jane, and I'm getting f*****g impatient! "Relax, man. We'll get you a fine-ass secretary. I promise." Ray whispers to me, rubbing my arm. His hair is tousled from the stress and I feel a bit of sympathy for him. "With the sorry excuses of females walking in through that door, I highly doubt that," I reply with a hiss, standing abruptly that my seat topples behind me. The loud crashing sound makes her flinch, and she lowers her head. I can see

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