1235 Words

CHAPTER 30 - VISHAL (THE FIRST UNIVERSE) Watching the leaves fall from the tree is a little medicinal and it eases a bit of the suffocation I'm feeling in my heart. My fingers are loosely wrapped around the glass of brandy in my hand. I sip from it again, not letting my eyes off the window. It's a bright day and full of good energy but I feel more gloomy than I ever have. Jane has been gone for over a week and there's still no news about her disappearance. Richard has disappeared too. No trace of him or his feral werewolves. It feels like they all just…disappeared. For real. I've combed the entire pack and beyond in my desperate search for my mate, Jane. I've contacted every Alpha of the packs in the region to be on the lookout and let me know if they see her. But no one has any news

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