let the show begin 1

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CHAPTER four CEO'S AFFAIR WRITTEN BY DANIELLA Amelia pov Am home I knocked the door no response I decided to open the door and went in I saw my dad and mom sitting and staring at each other immediately I entered mom noticed my dress dad quickly came over to meet me,...'hand me the grocery daughter let me make something for us...'he said and left to prepare a meal, he never asked me how I got the money anyways who cares....................mom dragged me into my room and off my dress and my expensive shoe how could she take it off, mom said all these cloth And shoe are expensive ....'you not wearing it ok am selling it...' she said.here she goes again, mom took everything and while I grab another junky dressed and put it on, hoping that I could finally take a nap, mom return back I was annoyed and terrified she said ........'where do you get all these expensive dress...' she said I was very happy my mom would asked me that question, I narrated how it happen and started, mom advised to b etter turn them into my cash machine I asked how, she said I should seduce my CEO I shouted phew! mom that irritating instead she reply telling me to see the condition we are now you better get the f**k there and make money okay she said I was annoyed at mom I sent her out of my room,I freshen up my body mom word's kept ringing in my brain yes I know am tired of all these poverty I need to reach my pearls common I took my mind away from it, who will I even go for is it taylor or oliver hmm mm, I stood up from my bed when dad called me that food is ready, I went to the dining table I was about munching my food when we heard a loud noise outside, we all stood up and went outside to see what was going on , it was kenzie the landlady she was shouting for her money ....'when will you pay the house rent,you have to pay it or I call the cops...' she said mom had too kneel down for that lady of my age 28years but she dont even care about anything she was insting we give her money, mom went inside and pack all my expensive cloth and gave her bought by oliver ...'here you go...' she handed it to her, kenzie was happy with the expensive dress and left quietly without a word, we all went back inside mom started crying ....'how can that young girl insult me..' mom kept crying dad kept petting her, we all lost appetite for food everyone went straight into their room, I pity mom so I decide to do anything for her, so I got ready for action I tried sleeping but I was too anxious. Hopi ng that we will sleep peacefully was a joke, Early in the morning kenzie came back and threaten us that she would call the cops again if we dont pay her money, she wont even let us rest mom slapped her face and told her she gave her cloth that worth $500,000 last night why was she disturbing us again, she was very greedy she tried slapping mom back but I defend mom by slapping her back, she said no matter what before two days and she hasn't't receive her money there will be trouble she said leaving us alone, mom tried to be happy and fake smile we went inside back ,mom went directly inside her room I knew what she was up too weeping again, I promise to teach kenzie a lesson a very useless old agar I ate my food and gave my mom word of encouragement and finally left to work I got there fast as possible,I arrived there with my junk cloth has usually,I went directly to the CEO office I knocked and without hesitation,I entered and found ava on top of taylor I covered my eyes and close the door back, immediately I left ava ame out and left,I walked inside back he looked at me devilishly I entered back, he told me never to enter his office without knocking,he changed his eyes and smiled ...'your name is amelia right..' I replied yes he gave me a approval letter,I was so happy am now a model of that company, so I started work, it a advertising work for me, after yesterday I went straight to taylor it was only a day left to pay kenzie her money to avoid embarrassment,I summoned up my courage I entered his office .....'hi ceo..' I said he replied looking at his laptop ...'how may I help you...' ....'I need something from you urgently sir,I need just $100,000 please I wil pay you back..' .......'hmmm really just wait and see...' he said, he asked me to turn around, he asked me what would I give him in return, when oliver barge in and dragged me away from him saying ...'dont you ever ask for money with that guy he is deceitful ok...' he said I wanted to ask him why he said that before I could land he squeezes some dollars inside my hand I tried rejecting it but he said if I do that would be the last time I will ever set my eyes on him again. I was shocked I dont want to loose him at all so I did not even bothered rejecting the money, he was about walking away I told him thank you, he smiled and left. I gently worked back into the company liva saw my mood and asked what was the source of my laughter I told her everything and she was happy for me that what I called friends, she told me I should teach kenzie a lesson that she would never forget SHE SAID and I SMILED and nodded in agreement, while talking ava passed by and came over to us 'SO YOU GUYS ARE GIST I NG INSTEAD OF WORKING I PROMISE TO DEAL WITH YOU TWO' she said liva was a little bit scared while I laughed seriously liva had to join me we both mocked her ava said ..'so you guys arent scared do you know me ...' we stood up and tell her...'we know you, the ceo s*x machine or club machine, that he can jump to anytime rotten vir**gna ...' we said and we both laughed and she left annoyingly we both gave our self high five liva said to me ...'let see what she is gonna do...' I replied saying who cares. we were both laughing when we heard the emergency alert saying that a company needs a model for there new cream and soap. Everyone in the company was to dressed well, specifically for lady's the chairman of the company need only one female for rent age and that $100,000 any lady that was chosen would be published on magazine and on the product and the company get $500,000 Liva asked me how would I get the cloth to wear I replied that she should not get worried about me I would collect my cloth from kenzie I said. Everyone was excited females were preparing for the show. WRITTEN BY DANIELLA IBIKUNLE
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