372 Words
CHAPTER FOUR CEO'S AFFAIRS WRITTEN BY DANIELLA PIRATED COPY YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED AMELIA RETURN HOME HAPPILY. Amelia pov I did not even bothered to knock the door,I entered without shouting I saw dad massaging mom toe cause he stole meat from mom's pot, I laughed mom and dad are always a funny character, dad asked me to help him beg mom to released him, I replied him childshily mom punished dad how you want he is your husband,'''yes daughter''' mom said a nd I left upstairs to freshen up,.'I would be back soon..' I said and left, I sat down on my bed and brought out the money oliver gave me, I was unable to count it earlier, I locked the door and gently count it too my greatest surprise it was $2thousand dollars, woah! am so glad,I went straight downstairs mom was already asleep on the couch i told dad I would be back soon.I left straight to kenzie apartment I entered the door without knocking and I barged in,immediately I set my eyes on her I took the money and slapped it in her cheek I said ..'these is $200 that for the rent fee till next year...'she was putting on one of my expensive dress, I took it off her body and I packed all my expensive clothes and she was a little bit ashamed, she handed me the receipt I left her house, I came back and I saw dad doing frog jump,I asked what happened mom asked dad that did he love her but dad said no,I ignored their childish act and handed them the receipt and I gave dad $300 to find a little business to do and I gave mom the rest to buy goccery and for bills.Finally everyone was happy I quickly wash the cloth kenzie Put on and I also ironed it because tomorrow was a big day for me. I kept my beautiful green straight gown inside my bag it as no arm and skimpy but I loved it like that,the reason why I kept it was for me too be able to change into it when the visitors arrived, I was happy and I slept well. WRITTEN BY DANIELLA IBIKUNLE
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