Heart aches

483 Words
CHAPTER Three CEO'S AFFAIRS OLIVER POV She went in too change her dress I was waiting patiently to see her new look, I was looking around when I heard a voice ...'hey!how do I look ..' was that amelia she was totally different from how she looked earlier ' I looked at her from waist too waist,head to toe she was a trouble some angel I started at her lustfully and kept admiring her but seriously am not suppose to fall for a povertious sexy lady, her shape was killing and Revealed she snapped...'hello!have been talking to you since morning...' she said I came back to my normal sense . You really looked good,but try the pink gown I said she said ....' that too expensive..' I replied Don't worry about it she took the cloth and went in again to change, few minutes past she came out I was still short of words what could be the reason she is hiding her figure. I was still confused perfectly made, she came out wearing the long pink gown her waist was going to be maybe forty five on a measuring tape I think , her burst I think thirty five or something WE left the boutique and I took amelia to the goccrey shop I bought her lots of food stuff amelia was still silent, After an hour we were done shopping, I told amelia to have a thousand dollars but she rejected it I was not annoyed I felt different but I cant tell how I felt about amelia I kept staring at her, after a while I took her to the restaurant we chatted for a while I dropped at her house and zoom off. I was not in the mood to go to my family house so I decide to go over to tylor private apartment . I arrived quite a while I knock on the door no respond I knew it again taylor was at home but with a lady again , I groaned and kicked the door and went straight into his room, as I have guessed I found in there I taught of sharing my mind with him but he is annoying taylor and I have been twin my dad has a step wife who born three kids let me say mature adult jessie, priscilia and preshy it is only my brother and I my mum born the reason why I cant go to that house when am depressed is that they will Frustrate me too much, that is why . but taylor is now sleeping again with is clerk officer, I left to my own private apartment I was trying to stop thinking about amelia have never fall in love with any lady before but my heart kept beating I kept thinking till I fell asleep in my pool of garage . WRITTEN BY DANIELLA IBIKUNLE
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