chapter two

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CHAPTER TWO CEO'S AFFAIRS WRITTEN BY DANIELLA AMELIA POV It was my turn I walked into the office gently, I opened the door but the office smells terrible. I tried figuring out the smell but I cant get it. I LOOKed at every where it was indeed a model office it was full with different types of magazine, I quickly try to take a look at the ceo, I was so shocked and annoyed it was that same guy who saved my life and abused me without waisting time I summon up my courage saying ...'you son of a b***h you think you can abuse me anyhow, karma caught you shameless guy like you am gonna deal with you...' I said. not even thinking of what I was saying I was supposed to be in a pitiful eyes so he could favour me I just had a loose mouth I knew it, all he could do was to look at me saying ...'who? the hell do you think you are, are you mentally disturbed or what, who? are you...' I was already bolling already because he was ignoring me acting as if he never saw me before , I dropped my certificate on ground I was going to freaky kill him I tried attacking him when I mistakenly step on my gown and I fell straight to the ground my gown was torn already because it was made up of a light material I was still struggling to get up when I say ...'what the freaking flaguma..'the door was open it was the exactly the ceo look alike he tried helping me up when he said these words again that annoy me...'I told you, your cloth was a junk..'I now get the CEO has a twin brother and that guy was the one who abused me. He helped me up and I pull his ears ...;'so you have the guts to abuse me anyhow what a brat...' I said pulling his ear. Suddenly I heard a voice .'ENOUGH OF ALL THESE NONSENSE, OLIVER SO YOU know these lady...' he said I let go of his ear and I was a little bit ashamed, I tried apologizing but he silence me by raising up his hand saying...'I had enough for now, so oliver tell me where did you get to know her from...' Oliver replied saying ...'taylor am sorry on her behalf we had a little argument earlier...' he gave a sighs of relieved...'oliver you just mess up,but lady come back here tomorrow with your id card ok...' he said. Taylor asked oliver to get me some clothes and money. I was still ashamed and left the CEO office along with oliver,he was beside me when we left the company.We got outside the company he asked me too kindly enter his car, I ignore him and I tried ignoring him and I sat down at the back seat but the car was the famous one in California and expensive BUGATTI LA VOITURE NOIRE that was the name ,he tried talking to me still yet I ignored him he was busy asking my name he also tried talking to me BUT STILL YET I did not reply at all,Finally he got me, he wide up the car glass and turn on the AC AND LOUD THE volume of a music song by NAVY RIHANA I was at first enjoying it but he wasn't happy with me liking the music so he decide to frustrate me by playing one of the most stupid song ...'foo fighters-cheer up guys [your make up is running] I hate that music I mean everyone hate it , I had to surrender I shouted ...'TURN DOWN THE VOLUME OF THAT MUSIC,..'I said he still did not listen he was waiting for me to mention my name,out of frustration I told him my name was amelia finally he came back to his sense and low the volume of the music and said he was sorry with a pitiful eye's I had to shout have forgiven him already because he was not concentrating at all. Can you please concentrate now I said he replied telling me he was deeply sorry, that his ambition was that how could a beautiful lady like me wandered with a shabby cloth on the street he just ruin my mood again I ignored him throughout , till we reach the boutique he draw the hand break which nearly made me fell down off my seat, I stood up and open the car door and I came out gently. We walked inside together,everyone was greeting us ..'welcome boss..' I was like is he the owner of that big boutique,I knew it I WAS stupid I should have co operate with him he was damm rich, he took me to the most luxurious department that it cost, he bought me a gummy gown that worth $180,00dollars I was soo happy he asked me to change my dress I went in to the changing room and changed my cloth. WRITTEN BY IBIKUNLE DANIELLA PIRATED COPY BE WARN YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED.
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