Chapter 9: The Laws of Attraction

1935 Words
Julien's POV Apartment I stare down at the text in front of me happily. We picked out a time to meet up later for some coffee and a walk to discuss my so called charm. My chest swelled with pride as my ego got a boost. I ignored the pang in my boxers as I pictured a heated and sweaty Cionna fresh from the gym. I wouldn't let that monster get in the way this time. I would at least get to know her and…after that I didn't have a plan. I could be setting myself up for something terrible, and I swore if it felt like I was losing my grip I would pull back and leave Cionna alone. I didn't want to hurt her like I had done others. I paced into the kitchen to make myself something to eat when there is a knock at my door. I pause and reach for the large kitchen knife on my counter. Only Sophie knew my address and she knew better than to come by unannounced. Even my landlord announced himself before showing up. My heart raced anxiously as I feared who was on the other side. I carefully tip toed to the door with the blade tucked behind me. I lift my eye to the peephole to see it is covered. “Who is it?" I call out. No response. The stranger tapped another knock and I took a deep breath before opening the door. On the other side was my greatest fear fully realized. The blade fell from my hand and clanged when it hit the floor. I had thought that after a hundred years I would be free. Yet there she stood. Josey. “Hey, School Boy. You gonna let me in?" *** Julien's POV I was floored by the woman in front of me. She was just as I remembered her except for one thing. She still had a petite frame and full pouty lips, but instead of deep blood-red waves, her hair ran down her shoulders in a river of honey blonde tresses. Her eyes still read like pure trouble and I was in awe of her. She stepped into my apartment casually and with the grace of a duchess. I had to shake myself to get back in the moment. She was really here. Why? Closing the door, I lock it and pick up the knife laid dangerously at my feet. I watched her examine my home as I made my way to the kitchen to tuck away the makeshift weapon. “This is a nice place, Julien. I see you've taken on a more modern fashion over the years, huh?" She cooed. I ignore her flirtatious comment and cut straight to it. I didn't want her around any longer than she had to be. “What do you want, Josey? I won't even ask how you found me, but why are you here?" “Awe, Julien. I'm here to see you. I've been away for a while and I missed you. As for how I found you. I have my ways." “I'm well aware of your ways. “ “Careful, Julien, you'll cause a snowstorm with that attitude. Aren't you happy to see me?" “Josey, I made it very clear the last time we saw each other. Until your father summons me, I don't want to even smell your presence in my life. If that's not why you're here, then get the hell out." Josey bit her lip seductively as she sashayed over to me. Leaning on the counter, she looks up at me through her thick lashes and pouts. “You don't have to be mean school boy, but if you insist. I'll take a kiss for the road though." She leans over the counter to kiss me, but I step back until I feel the stove behind me. The glint in her hazel eyes flashed a devil red for only a second before she shrugged and made her exit. “Maybe next time. See you around, School Boy." The click of the door closing allowed me to breathe. Sh*t! Josey is the last thing I need to deal with right now. She is a living reminder of what I was. I rub my face and groan. Hopefully, she will keep moving until she is out of the area, but knowing her, she would skulk around until she gets bored. I plop down on the couch to take my mind off of the new stress reintroduced to my life. As I relax, I pick up my phone to check my schedule for the week only to remember I was supposed to meet Cionna later. I jump up and run to the shower. It took a little over forty-five minutes to get to the coffee shop she mentioned, so I needed to get my a*s in gear. F*cking Josey. *** Cionna's POV Ingenuity Coffee House The coffee house is mostly empty and it made me more nervous than I already am. I'd never been on a date before. Wait, is this even a date? Neither one of us said so. Is it a good idea? Dear Goddess Cionna, calm down. It's just a coffee and conversation. I refrained from ordering coffee until Julien got here, but I did order a panini because I'm starving. I'm unsure if what I'm doing is a good idea or not. All I know is that Julien made things simpler when he was around. I munching on my chicken, broccoli, and cheese panini when Julien walks in. He looked so handsome. He ditched the black button down for a maroon t-shirt and faded jeans. His black jacket showed off his broad shoulders and athletic build. He searches the room until his eyes meet mine. The way he smiles at me immediately makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the room. He walks toward me with the strength and confidence of a well established man who knows exactly who he is. I fumble to wipe my face and hands as he gets closer. When he reaches the table, he seats himself and shrugs off his jacket. I fan myself as I can't help but stare at every contour of his arms and shoulders. Was he always this juicy up close? I don't remember him being so huge. Maybe the club and library made him look small or something. I don't know how to start the conversation, so we sit silently staring at each other until the waitress makes her way to our table. “Is everything alright over here?" She questions. “Yes, we're fine, but could we order some coffee now please?" I ask. The waitress' eyes wandered to Julien and then went wide. She ogled him up and down hungrily. I was about to speak up when he spoke first. “Excuse me, Miss, but I believe my lady was about to order drinks for us. You seemed a bit distracted as I could see your eyes burning holes through my clothes." The waitress coughs harshly and hides behind her tiny notepad. She apologizes profusely before taking our drink orders and scattering away. I chuckle at her embarrassment and turn my suspicion to Julien. “My noble knight. I don't think you had to be so brass. She was admiring you like all the other women here." “She was being rude to the lady at the table. I'm hardly a knight, although, I do believe in the knight's code of chivalry," he muses. “The knight's code of chivalry? Do enlighten me." “Protect the weak. Fight the wrong. Seek Justice. Be loyal to friends. Be Fair. Be generous. Respect all women and dare to do right," he recites confidently. I give him a small clap and curtsy from my seat sarcastically. What was he? The more he spoke, the more curious I became. Most men don't discuss a knight's code much less one that included respecting all women. As we continue to talk, the conversation flowed so easily. I learned that he loves old twenties occult films, classic cigars, and jazz clubs. He is a classic man in a modern world, but he did appreciate some modern joys. He loves the knowledge readily available for everyone, the freedom of creativity, and he said the alcohol was better. He spoke as if he had been born in the wrong time, but it just fascinated me even more. By the time we'd finished our coffee and gotten a second round, the sun had set. I had planned to go for a swim with Alexis after our “date", but we got so caught up with each other that time slipped away. We left our table and I walk with Julien to his car. He insisted on giving me a ride back to campus, but i politely refused. Once we got to his car, the sky broke open and a heavy rain began to pour down on us. Julien whipped off his coat and threw it over me before helping me into the car. I hurriedly shut the door as he raced to the other side to get in. Now drenched in his seat, he flashes me a dashing smile that strikes my heart. I feel so calm and at peace around him. I give him directions to my building as we drive with the heat on to warm up and dry out some. He pulls up as close as he can and grunts. He doesn't want me to walk in the rain, but I reassure him that a little water won't hurt me. I move to give him his jacket when he tells me to keep it. The air between us changes and the urge to kiss him again hits me like a brick. It was just one date. Should i kiss him? He leans forward and gives me the softest kiss I'd ever felt. It felt like a feather tickling my lips and was over too soon. I opened my eyes to see his breathing change, but he still smiled as calm as ever. “I'll be back for that soon. Keep it safe for me. Enjoy your evening, Cionna." I open the car door in a trance. The cool rain created steam on my hot skin. Only when he signaled for me to get inside did the cold register. I wave a sweet goodbye and dash for the dorms. My lips still tingle from his touch. *** The next morning I was glowing and Alexis could spot it from a mile away. She dug into me about missing our swim the day before and made me get wake right when the pool opened to go for an early swim. I was quiet the entire time outside of a few competitive remarks. She had beaten me lap for lap and I was a bit of a sore loser about it. When we paused to catch our breath, the questions started. “So, you got in pretty late last night?" “Late? It was 8:30." “That's late for you. Normally you're back before I am." “I'm not allowed to stay out past eight or something?" Splashing water at me, she drew closer and raised an eyebrow. She was demanding an answer and I was dodging. “Give it up turtle. What's going on? And whose jacket was it that you brought home? It smelled like a guy." “You smelled my jacket?" “Dodging, and yes I did. So spill it. Where were you really last night?"
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