Chapter 8: Witch Wars

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Julien's POV Local Park I pause for a drink of water while a young woman passes me with her small dog. Outside was dreary, but the fresh air was helping to take my mind off Cionna. I was shocked when she texted me this morning, and her sassy banter was alluring. I caught my breath before continuing my jog. I picked up the habit from a friend some years ago and it's been a way to fend off boredom. There wasn't much for me to do outside of work and research. I didn't have close friends. It got too complicated after a while. I tried to live my life normally for the first few decades, but life is full of connections. You can't connect with people when you're forced to lie to them about a huge part of your life. So instead of taking myself through that cycle again, I kept people at a distance. Until I found a way to regain my humanity, I wouldn't allow another person into my heart or circle again. OR so I say. What am I doing with Cionna? She hasn't responded since this morning, and I was beginning to think I'd scared her off or something. Maybe I'll text her again later. Should I? *** Cionna's POV Temple My head is killing me, I think to myself as I struggle to fend off the headache growing inside as I focus harder on the exercise given to me. I was assigned to Elder Witch Janet for precision and focus. The objective was to bend sand into a specific shape and keep it moving while in that shape for as long as possible without the shape or sand being disrupted. The others in my group had simplier shapes as they were younger witches, but I was given a double helix. We had begun thirty minutes ago and I was breaking sweat as if I'd gone to the gym. Throughout the entire exercise, I had been coughing and sneezing which caused my helix to shift. Elder Witch Janet was strict, so I started over a few times until it was too exhausting to keep up. Instead, I took a break and reconfigured my double helix until she called time. I was breathless by the end of it and it was time for a meal break. Gratefully, I took a deep breath as my body felt heavy from the strain. As the others filtered out of the gallery to leave for lunch, Janet approached me. I silently prayed she wouldn't lecture me on my technique today. I felt I was on the verge of a bad cold, and there was no more patience in my body for her crankiness. With her hands clasps together, she looked at me with a tight squint. I respectfully bowed my head to her as she examined me. As she looked me over, her eyes lit up a eerie white and when she spoke I jumped. “There's something different about your aura, Cionna. It could be due to your cold, but there is a notable difference. I don't sense any ill intentions or vengeful spell around you, but I suggest you take a cleansing bath tonight just in case. I won't allow you another excuse for your performance today if you're purposefully not taking care of yourself." “I can assure you, Elder Sister, I'm just a little under the weather. I will take your advice to heart. I apologize for any trouble I may have caused during training today," I say through tight lips. She gives me a tight nod and dismisses me to join the others. However, I was going to look for my aunt. It had been over a week since I asked for her help and I needed an answer today. As I weaved my way through the bustling sounds of gossip and laughter, I see my aunt chatting with a few other Elders. I forge my way to my aunt until I accidentally bump into Nina. I quickly apologize and move to continue, but she grabs me. “I see your rudeness has no limits does it, Cionna?" “Nina, I apologized for bumping into you. I doubt that makes me rude." “I hope you don't call that insincere statement an apology, but this is not the first time you have you insulted me." I pause at her words. My annoyance rising as the conversation continues. “Nina, I don't have time for your petty disputes. I have better things to do with my time." I turn away from her and continue on my way, but her next words leave me seeing red. “It's just like you Baye witches. You all think you're royalty or something. Your parents lost their sway in this coven the day they died. You should follow suit." The next moments went by too fast. I vaguely remember spinning around and reaching out for Nina. What happened after is a mystery to me, but according to others present, I attempted to kill Nina. There was lightening and dark clouds that destroyed most of the dining area as we fought violently. If it hadn't been for my aunt's interference, I don't know what would have happened. Now, I'm sitting back in the conservatory with my aunt while the High Priestess chastising me. “Sister Gwen, it is with respect that I shall allow you to discipline Cionna. I have also extended that courtesy to Nina's family, but this is a one time gift of charity. Cionna is aware of our bylaws. We do not tolerate intercoven fighting or violence against a fellow sister witch." “We both know very well the rules here, High Priestess, but what Nina said was cruel, disrespectful, and meant to antagonize my niece. I will admit she went too far in her reaction, but she was not wrong for responding to Nina negatively." The High Priestess looks to me with a frown. I had never done anything against the coven since my induction at thirteen. I was sorry for destroying the dining area, but I did not regret attacking Nina. I would not allow anyone to speak about my parents that way. “Cionna. Most of the Elder witches here stood by your parents side the day they were taken from us. Nina's family, like yours, helped to found our beloved coven, and she had no right to speak that way, but you know better than to use such magic against another within these walls." I turn my rage to the High Priestess carefully. “She's lucky that she's still breathing. I will not apologize for holding her responsible for her mouth. My parents died for this coven. Nina's parents are still here. With all due respect, High Priestess, I will never consider that evil b*tch any sister of mine!" “Cionna!" Chides Gwen. The High Priestess stops my aunt from speaking any further. “It's alright, Gwen. Cionna is upset, and I understand her rage. Nina and Cionna will be placed on a probation from the coven for a little while. Hopefully some time away will do them some good. Gwen, you will be responsible for Cionna's training during this time. I will be the judge of her progress afterward and determine her future." “Yes, High Priestess." When the High Priestess left, my aunt turned to me and took me into her arms. I didn't know I had been holding back tears until she held me and they began to fall down my face. She shushed me until the rain of tears stopped and my heart rate slowed to normal. We stayed like that until she shifted me to look at her. “Cionna, we'll be ok. This will pass and you can finally heal from your parent's loss." “I'll be fine when they're back, aunty Gwen. My parents wouldn't stand for the disrespect and new politics the coven has taken on." Gwen looks at me angrily as her arms slip from around me. “Cion. You're not still planning to revive them are you?" “Of course, I am. I was on my way to talk to you before I ran into Nina." “Cion, I thought about what you asked me, and it's too large a risk to take. You would be sacrificing your afterlife, that of your children, not to mention you would have to give yourself over to-" “I know the risk. I just need help with the power. I said this before. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't understand what i was doing." “Cion, you are still young. Being the play thing to the Demon King is not a joke! He is very real and his deals are full of loopholes. You will not get exactly what you want. Being his Mistress in death is not a noble sentence. He is cruel and the sentence is long!" “I don't care! What do I have right now that is so great?! “You have people that are still here that love you! I am not willing to help you sacrifice your the rest of your future for this. Go live. Be young. Fall in love. Grow. That is what my sister would have wanted for you." I refused to listen to another word and storm out of the conservatory. The new tears in my eyes fueled by rage, frustration, and betrayal. I had hoped that my aunt would at least understand, but it looked like it is up to me. I'm the only one willing to do what is necessary to help my parents. However, there was one thing that my aunt said that kept coming up since I asked her. The fact that I was young and had yet to live my life. I didn't have a lot of time between now and the timing of the ritual. If I was going to spend an eternity at the mercy of the Demon King, it may be worth having some sweet memories to survive off of. As I made my way to the bus stop, my phone chimed with a notification. It is a text from Julien. I had almost forgotten about him. [Hey. Did my charm make you blush too hard?] - J The snarky text made me smile. He gave me a breath of release that I desperately needed. Maybe Julien could be my sweet memory. I suppose it was worth a shot. [Hardly. Lol. I'm wrapping up at the gym. Do you like coffee?] -C
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