Chapter 10: The Death of Hope

1940 Words
Cionna's POV “I was out with a guy," I said nonchalantly. “A date?! You? On a date? Must be some guy." “It wasn't a date. We just had coffee and talked." “Oh my poor turtle," she teased. Lex rested a hand on my shoulder and gave me a deep look of endearment. “That was a date. A coffee date, but still a date. Look at you being young and wildish." “Ish?" I asked. “I know you, Cion. I highly doubt you got all hot and bothered with this guy. Unless you went on a date with James McAvoy and didn't tell me." I blush at the mention of my celebrity crush. His accent always turned me to butter when I heard it. If I had coffee with him yesterday I very well may have climbed on top of him, or been too afraid to speak. Either is possible. “Then who is the mystery guy? It's not like you to be so secretive. “ I slip my body fully out of the water; the chill beginning to make me shiver. Sitting on the pool's edge, I sigh and try to decide exactly what to tell Lex. I had only just started getting to know Julien, so outside of saying he was a snarky, smart, bartender with a delicious body, I didn't have much to tell. I blanch and shrug. Wrong choice. With a gasp, she grabs my arms and pulls me headfirst into the pool. I surface shortly after gulping down a mouthful of chlorinated water. I cough harshly as the sting of chlorine left my body and gagged out the words, “Sh*t, Lex! I met him at the nightclub and he remembered me," I choke. “Ew, Cion! You mean the guy that was creeping on you on the dance floor?" “What? No! He was the bartender." Lex nods at my correction and pats me on the back when I finally clear my lungs of water. Together we leave the pool to shower and get ready for our classes. Before we part ways, Lex givse me a bit of warning. “Hey Cion, I'm happy that you're putting yourself out there. Just a bit of advice though. Don't think too hard about a happily ever after. It's your first go round. Plus he's a bartender at a nightclub. They are notoriously slutty. Just sayin. Because I will kick his a*s if you come home crying because he broke your heart. So, just keep it safe. Ok?" I couldn't hold the smile that slid onto my face. Lex is my bestfriend. Outside of being a witch, she knew everything about my life. I didn't have many people in my life I trusted, so she meant the world to me. I reach out and hug her tightly. She had no idea how much I needed to hear that. I had been spinning and pissed off after what happened at the temple, so hearing her say that took some weight off my mind. We laugh together before parting ways. I went through the motions of my classes, but the day was better. *** It might have also helped that Julien had texted me off and on all day. He asked if I was okay after being caught in the rain. I had to reassure him twice that I was fine. Which was a lie. The cool rain agitated my cold and the swim this morning had me swallowing mucus, but a warm bath tonight with some peppermint, tea tree oil, and garlic will clear me up. He is sweet and more of a gentleman than I expected. By the time 2 p.m. rolled around for my training with my aunt I was on cloud nine. It was safe to say I really like him. He sent me a text as I made my way to the park where I'm meeting my aunt that left me beaming even brighter. [I had the best time yesterday. I apologize though. We never clarified if it was a date, so I wanted to ask you properly. Will you have dinner with me? I work an earlier shift Wednesday. I could pick you up around seven and we can enjoy a meal together. On me.] - J I'm excited and nervous. I don't know what to say. I want to see him again, but if this date is anything like the last one, I would definitely end up liking him more. Not to mention, that tease of a kiss he gave me. I know what his real kisses feel like. The memory alone gave me goosebumps. Lex said not to think too hard, so I will just go out with him and follow my gut. I reach the park and is in the process of responding when my aunt called out to me. I tuck my phone away and remind myself to reply when I'm done. *** Julien's POV Eclipse Nightclub 3:30 p.m. I felt like some young punk fussing over a crush. I couldn't help it. Talking to Cionna flowed so naturally. She is honest. Blunt, actually. She is smart, slightly sarcastic, and still as sweet and sugar. I'm enraptured by her. She couldn't lie for sh*t though. She probably felt a bit crappy after being in that cold rain, but was too prideful to admit it. My poor babydoll. I could just picture her all bundled up in blankets trying to get warm. I wonder if she slept in my jacket. The thought in my mind turned lustful instantly. I imagine her in the same powder blue set she wore the night we met with my jacket draped over her shoulders. I could almost smell her as the image unfolded. I watch as my jacket slips off her body and hits the floor. She keeps her eyes on me and walks toward me. She kicks off her shoes and with each step another piece of her clothes drops to the floor. I shut my eyes to contain my raging desire until I feel her soft body pressed into mine. A hard smack to the bar counter snaps me from my daydream. My eyes fly open to see a guy in a partially unbuttoned tux staring at me. “Are you deaf or something? I asked for a beer," he whines. I feel steam coming off my body and a wave threatening to crash down on me. I step away from the customer and reach for Kyle down the bar. Aggressively, I pull him to my spot and point to customer before walking off toward the back. I hustled to get the door to open and bolted to the bathroom to find it locked. Someone is inside, and I'm running out of time. I feel myself sway on my feet and I prop myself on a nearby wall. With my vision beginning to blur, I stumbled into the very back of the storeroom where I wouldn't be easily seen and dropped to the floor. I felt my length expand and pulse. The ache vibrating throughout my entire body. This wave was ten times more intense and I couldn't get it under control. I felt my pupils split and a cold sweat break across my skin. I grabbed my groin in agony. I was starving. My teeth panging in need and my body attacking itself in protest. In the midst of my heated state, I dazily see a pair of heels step in front of me. My mind is fractured and all I knew was need. I needed to feel the soft heat of a woman wrapped around me. I barely made out the sound of the words above my head before everything went dark. “Oh, my poor school boy." *** Cionna's POV Kate Montgomery Park 6 p.m. I huffed as I bent over my knees for air. My aunt had ran me ragged. My training today was focused on battle magic. According to her, the High Priestess said that if I was going to use it, I should at least develop the stamina, strength, and speed required for it. While I was doubled over, my aunt stood away barely winded. We had been at it for three solid hours and she kicked my butt. I didn't know she was that strong. She had used magic that I'd never seen before. Due to us being in public, we had to cast an illusion to protect the park and any passersby. I swear she threw me from every wall of the barrier. “If you're all caught up Cionna, I would like to talk to you." I peek up at her and shake my head. I had nothing to say to her. She made her stance very clear the last time we saw each other. I didn't need another lecture. I wouldn't stand for another one when I had a great day and a date to look forward to this week. I stand upright and walk away from her. I headed toward my stuff to leave when she portaled herself to my side. “Cionna, please," she pleaded. I continue to ignore her and pack up my bag, but she snatches it from me. I turn my spiteful glare at her and spit venom at her action. “What?! Do you want to act like my mother again?!" I saw the hurt flash in her eyes at my words, but I didn't buckle. She stood firm and spoke regardless. “I am not your mother. I am very much aware of that. I know you don't like me right now, but I still need you to listen. Sister Gale told me you weren't feeling well and that your aura was off. I have been observing you today during training and it has gotten worse. The ritual that you are determined to do requires you to be in immaculate spiritual shape. Your energy, soul, aura, and body must be perfection." “I already know that, Gwen." “Just listen! If for any reason even one of the requirements aren't met, not only will your wish not be granted, but you will still be held to the contract with the Demon King. It will be his consolation for being summoned. Cionna, at this very moment, your aura is contaminated and your energy is not replenishing. Have you done anything different lately?" I roll my eyes at my aunt's futile attempt to discourage me. She just won't stop. “Nothing, aunty. I have a cold. I got caught in the rain twice in a row and haven't remedied it yet. That is what Sister Gale saw," I retorted. “Cionna, this is not an ordinary aliment. This is the work of interference. Something or someone is hurting you. What have you changed? Who have you met? There is something." She bombarded me with questions and I shook my head no until a quiet thought crept across my mind. I wish it never had because it would drastically change things for me. I didn't want to say the words out loud, but the chance that it would keep me from my parents outweighed my discomfort. “I met someone. A guy. His name's Julien." “Ok, did you read him? Is he a supernatural?" “No. Yes. I mean yes I read him, and no he's not." “Hmm. What happened? Did he hurt you? Or say something strange?" “No. He kissed me and asked me out to dinner." “Suddenly? How long ago did you meet him?" “Last week."
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