Chapter 7: Candy Coated Dreams

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Julien's POV Apartment 11 p.m. Fresh out of the shower, I sit down on my bed. My body had cooled off since I got home. Thoughts of Josey always threw me off. She hadn't crossed my mind in years, and it would still be too soon to remember her now. I glance at my phone and am disappointed that Cionna hasn't called or texted yet. Maybe I read her wrong and she isn't interested in me at all. I can't blame her. I wouldn't want to put anybody in my situation to be all riled up and get no satisfaction. Or it could be that her sweet baby doll self is too nervous to make the first move. A wicked voice whispered in my head to tease her before bed, but who would suffer more for lighting the match? Me or her? What the hell was I doing? I couldn't touch her again. I got lucky that she didn't drop like a fly after our first kiss. Do I really want to test that again? “f**k this. I'm going to bed," I gripe to myself. Unwrapping the towel from my hips, I slip under the warm blankets and pray that sleep finds me easily tonight. Eventually, the feeling of weightlessness greets me and I'm out for the night. *** Julien's POV Dream Plane I'm in a bar full of strangers laughing and drinking riotously. I see flappers and fellas in suits draped over the bottle girls barely standing. I wade through the mass until I find an empty hallway save for one door at the end of the hallway with a bouncer in front of it. He stares down at me and puts out his hand. I fish around my pockets and pull out fifty cents. Dropping the coins into his hand, I watch him slide out of the way and open the door for me. On the other side of the door is a small room with a single chair, a small side table with a bottle of whiskey next to it, and a little black window on the wall. I look over my shoulder to find the bouncer closing the door and without a thought, I seat myself in the soft velvet chair. A moment passes before the cereal box-sized window slides open to reveal a room with red curtains on every wall. In the center of the room is a woman dressed in a sheer baby blue two-piece and thigh highs that are attached to matching garters. To my appreciation, when the woman turns around, it is Cionna. Her hair falls in loose waves over her shoulders and the sheer costume showed hints of soft flesh underneath. My d*ck pulses angrily as my eyes feed on the view. She is gorgeous and that damn window is way too small. I hear sensual music click on and watch as she begins to sway and grind on the pole in the center of the red room without fear. My tongue swells and my heart jumps around my chest as I watch her every movement. Her eyes find mine and the innocence in them is replaced with raw lust. I adjust in my seat trying to relax the beast in me that demanded an exit. I lean closer to the small window and am hit with the scent of arousal and chocolate. I feel my body trying to betray me, but I hold tight to the reins controlling me. I won't let her see me that way. I watch in blissful agony as she presses her body against the pole and throws her head back. Her thighs slide up and down the prop slowly and seductively. When she'd face me, her hands would wander her body shyly as she teasingly pulls the thin material just enough to expose new skin, but nothing else. If this was hell I could stay here forever, but my fear became realized as she stepped away from the pole and looked straight through the window at me. “The least you could do is kiss me if all you're gonna do is watch." I leaped from my seat and glue my lips to hers in a fury of pent-up desire and passion. I held her face through the window and poured all of my need into our heated embrace. I nip her bottom lip until she squealed. She responded instinctively. My babydoll is heaven to me. I was ready to break down the wall when I was pulled from the steamy setting and woke to the harsh sound of the alarm on my nightstand. I rub my eyes annoyingly and grunt as my vision cleared to show I was alone in my bed. Cionna and our velvet room had been nothing more than a dream. I flop back down on my bed, now fully pissed off and horny. I feel a tug on the covers and I look down to find myself at a full salute. “F*ck me…I hate this day already." Throwing the covers off my body, I walk to the bathroom and prepare myself for a nice, long, cold shower. *** Cionna's POV Dorm Room I wake up to my body feeling light and relieved, but I feel a wetness between my thighs that makes me blush harshly. I feel motivated and more alive than I had in a while. I reminisce on my dream and a brave side buried deep inside me smiled. I could never imagine doing that in reality, but dreams were different. I could be bold in my dreams. I search around the room for Alexis and find her in bed dead asleep. I check the time and see that I've got a little over an hour before my first class. I decided to text Julien on impulse. My mood was too good to waste. I could stand a little recklessness. I pluck the piece of paper from my notebook and type away. [Hey. You disappeared from me yesterday. Do you usually leave mysteriously?] - C [Hmm. I don't know. I may have left a woman here and there wanting more.] -J I huff at his gall. He kisses me once and thinks I'm just gushing over him. I type out my reply and hit send with a smack. [Oh, so you are a notorious flirt that talks out his a*s?] - C After I read my text, I flinch at my bluntness. I really didn't know how to flirt did I? Yikes. I started to type out an apology when I saw his response first. [I've been called worst, but I regret leaving you in the library yesterday. I would like to make it up to you.] - J I c***k a cheeky smile as I read his words, but behind the spark of joy, I felt panic filter in. I stuff my phone in my pocket as I grab my bag to dash out the door to class. I didn't have time to reply to his offer. My mind is filled with other priorities and steadily my mood was beginning to come down from its earlier relaxed state. It felt as if my phone was burning a hole in my pocket as I walked across campus. It is chilly outside and the sky is filled with puffy storm clouds. The spring semester has never been my favorite. I had too many experiences running to classes in the rain. Julien is a bad idea. The direction my life is heading in didn't include a guy except one. This is too much to think about this early in the morning. I will deal with Julien's tempting self later when I can think clearly.
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