Chapter 6: Comics & Coffee

1853 Words
Julien's POV “I am so f*cked." I hiss under my breath. As I'm fighting the migraine threatening to kill me if I read one more word, a loud thump catches my attention. I look up instinctively and there she is. Cion. I had to have the worst luck in the universe to see her again, but I was also grateful. She looks so natural with her oversized hoodie and bare legs. Her brown hair is in a messy ponytail off to the side and she doesn't have on a drop of makeup, but I could see the light pink tint to her lips. They look slightly swollen from our kiss last night, and the thought built a new hunger in me. My thoughts must have read on my face as I watch her face burn bright red. We stared at each other for what felt like forever, and somehow I found myself waving at her to invite her over. She hesitantly nods a thank-you and makes her way to me. Her books and coffee balance dangerously short of a topple. Once she was in reach, I take the hot cup from the top of the stack and place it on the table. I pull out her chair and wait for her to sit. She leans into me and whispers next to my ear, “Thank you." The warmth of her breath burned my need even further. I was playing with fire just being this close to her, but I couldn't help it. I was curious about her, and somehow I hoped that by stating it, I would be able to leave her alone. I shift my mess of books to allow her some space and peek at what she set on the table. To my interest, she had a wide range of topics on her plate. Art, history, religion, and archeology. I'm impressed, but she is in college. It wasn't surprising that she enrolled in certain classes. The question was how she planned to use the knowledge. She stays quiet as she sits next to me with her focus zeroed in on her art-history book. It felt rude to bother her, but I didn't invite her over for us to sit silently next to each other. I gently nudge her with my shoulder to get her attention. She turns to me confused and somewhat shy when our eyes met. So she's as sweet as I thought she was. I am such a b*stard for eyeing her the way I am. I leave my own head and turn my attention back to her. “I don't know if I should be impressed or concerned that you're here today," I muse. She grins in response. “Honestly, so am I. I'm normally here around ten. I was in so much pain this morning there was no way I could get my corpse here two hours ago." “You're the most attractive corpse I've ever seen," I compliment her smoothly. She clears her throat and nods a thank you. “So, do all bartenders moonlight as college students?" “I'm not a student actually. I just like to read." She looks around the table and spots some of the titles. I instantly regret the 'loving to read' comment. “I take it you're not the horror-thriller, comic book kinda guy?" “I like Archie Comics, but no. I like to learn about the past. That knowledge is invaluable." Her wide smile shoots straight through me as she lets out a barely contained laugh. The way her face lights up tells me that she is relaxed and funny as well as beautiful. I'm in trouble. “OK. Points for Archie Comics, but which character is your favorite?" “Jughead, of course," I declare proudly. Her laugh continues until the sound caused people to turn and glare at us. We stop for a moment and apologize. “What about you, Cion? Who's your favorite character?" She bit her lip pensively and squinted at me. I watched her every move carefully and for a moment it seemed as if there was a blue light surrounding her. It disappeared just as quickly as it appeared, and she was still quiet. Freeing her bottom lip, she beams at me. “Betty." *** Cionna's POV I cast an honesty spell on him after he'd used my name. Nothing on my books of coffee listed my name. I always use a nickname at Starbucks, so how did he remember mine and I couldn't his? I can't sense any magic around him, so he isn't a warlock. He is sinfully charming though. I reply to a question before asking one of my own. If I cast my spell correctly, he won't be able to lie. “I'm surprised you remembered my name. I feel embarrassed that I forgot yours. I don't usually drink that much. What is your name and if you work at the club you've gotta be at least twenty-one, right?" “I forgive you. My name is Julien. Your name is hard to forget. It's interesting. Cion. I'm then older than twenty-one though." I jerk back at his words. I really hope he's not some forty-year-old creep who likes young girls. That would destroy my pride and some of my dignity. “It's short for Cionna. Full disclosure. You're not forty-something are you? Or married with a whole family right?" I quiz him. He lets out a deep belly laugh. The color of my cheeks rouge terribly. Noticing my embarrassment, he fixes his face and contained his laughter. “Nothing like that. Try closer to thirty. I'm not married. No kids." He leans toward me until his face is inches away from mine. My heart thrums wildly in my chest at his closeness. He is gonna kiss me again. Here. In front of everyone. I'm not ready. I was fearless because I was drunk off my a*s last night. To kiss him sober is out of my league. But somehow with all these excuses, I still close my eyes and brace for him. I want to feel the heat of his lips but feel nothing. Instead, I feel his breath on my ear as he mutters, “Your name is beautiful." When I open my eyes, he's gone and a small scrap of paper is sitting on top of my history book with his name and number on it. “Julien." I tuck the piece of paper in my pocket like a treasure and go back to studying with a huge smile on my face *** Julien's POV I wish I didn't leave Cion the way that I did, but the time and the vibe of the moment were against me. She was so ready for me. I could feel the heat rippling off her skin, and when she'd closed her eyes… I had wanted nothing more than to kiss her again. If it wasn't for my willpower, I would have. I climb into my Electric Blue Ford Mustang and head home. On the way, my mind drifts back to Cion. Cionna, with her big babydoll eyes, precious smile, and innocence. I wondered what kind of woman lay buried underneath that blush. I had impulsively left her my number, but the cruel reminder of what I was crashed down on me hard. The most painful part was that I had allowed a woman to toy with my heart. A woman so selfish that she wanted me to be no ones and hers at the time. I gripped the steering wheel until my knuckles ached as Josey came to mind. I still remember her as if we met just now. The blood-red hair that fell to her hips, the emerald green eyes, and the look of satisfaction she wore as my home went up in flames. The image of a white-hot angry blaze crawling over the shingles of my childhood home fills me with unbridled rage. Absentmindedly, I swerve into a different lane and the blare of someone's horn breaks me from the past. Heaving and sweating, I correct my car and try to stay calm the rest of the way home. *** Cionna's POV Botanica Shop “Celia?! Celia?! Are you here?" I flip my phone over in my hand to see the time read 8:11 p.m. I spent a while in the library before finishing and heading here. Celia's Botanica was a well-kept secret in the DC area and the Priestess that owned it was a bit of a character but in the best way. I had called Celia to ask if she would keep the shop open for me to swing by before heading home, but now I can't find her. With a shrug, I maneuver around the space filled with all sorts of crystals, cards, herbs, and the like. Celia kept a good stock if there was ever a witch in need. She had strict rules about bad energy in her shop though. She's had to ban a few of my coven sisters for it, but lucky for me, I usually come during off-hours and alone. I'm searching for Lilith Breath and Black Salt. I was starting to collect what I needed to bring my parents back. I had every intention of asking my aunt this week what her decision was. While I fumble around the shop, I feel a presence behind me. Keeping my breathing even, I exhale and create an electric field around my hands. I take two more steps toward the waist bead section before quickly turning around to shock the invader. I'm stopped just millimeters from Celia's face by her oak wood cane. “Your reaction time is usually better. You should practice your offensive magic more," she croaks. I c***k a sarcastic grin and power down the charge. Celia is an older witch, but she takes care of herself. If it weren't for the few streaks of gray in her hair and the cane, I would say she is in her mid-thirties. “Hey, Celia. Have you got any Lilith's Breath and Black Salt? I couldn't find any on the shelves." “I pulled some down for you when you called me. It's next to the register," she states. I roll my eyes at her clairvoyance. I still haven't gotten used to her visions yet. Every time I come by, she always has what I need. Sometimes it's even advice. I grab the brown paper bag next to the register and drop thirty dollars on the counter. It is getting late and I have a long walk back to the dorms, so I keep my goodbye to Celia short. However, at the door, she stops me with concern on her face. “Cion. Make sure you bundle up and take care of yourself. You can get sick if you get caught in the rain." I nod cautiously before saying a final goodbye. On my way home, I start sneezing and coughing. Almost instantly, it begins to rain. I run all the way back to the dorms and swore. Celia's vision strikes again.
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