Chapter 5: Aftershock Answers

1170 Words
Alexis' POV Dorm Room I can't believe I had to pull Cion off the bartender's face. One minute, I'm dancing with a delicious option for take-home, and the next he's trying to finger me on the dance floor. By the time I shoved him off me, Cion's gone. The last place I thought she'd be was sucking face with a random guy. As the best friend in the entire world, I grabbed her drunken a*s and hauled her out of harm's way. We spent the rest of the night partying and laughing. I have no idea how we made it back to the dorm, but at least she had fun. I woke up this morning with my whole body sore as hell from all the dancing. Cion's still asleep. At least it's Sunday. She doesn't have class, so she can sleep in and hopefully sober up soon. I however have a family function to attend with my mother. I give Cion a once-over as she's bundled up in her blankets and laugh to myself. Reaching in my trunk at the foot of my bed, I dig out the aspirin and cough drops. I quietly place them on the nightstand next to her bed and grab a Gatorade from the mini-fridge. She's gonna need it when she finally wakes up. With a smile at my slumbering turtle, I gently pull the door close and creep out for the day. *** Julien's POV 10 a.m. Public Library I have my earbuds in playing oldies as I adjust in the hard plastic library chair. I finally got a day off and after last night, I need to be as far away from the club as possible. The image of her hot lips stirred my d*ck into fury. I was pissed off that I let myself slip up after all this time. I knew better. She was just so good. She had a laid-back aura to her. The environment didn't match her personality at all. Although, I very much appreciated the teasing blue outfit she wore. It was sexy as hell. It showed just enough, but she was so damn good in it I could see myself f*cking her while she kept the stockings on. My mind ran with the thought and the stirring in my loins got tighter. I felt a tremble creep over my shoulders at the fantasy. I liked pushing my luck. I gotta shake this off. If there's any fairness in this small world, I will never see her again or even better she won't even remember who I am. I force myself to focus on the book in front of me. I had a large stack to get through, so I had no more time to daydream about her. I didn't even remember her name. As I scanned over the book, I took notes of anything that might help my situation. I've been alive for over a hundred years, and it had been a miserable existence. No one could tell from looking at me, but I was a Cambion, a Demon, an Incubus. I was the dark figure that snuck into your dreams at night and had my way with you. To most people, being Incubus can't be that bad. They think you get to live off of s*x - how terrible could it be. I thought that way in the beginning, but it's not just the s*x we feed off of. It's the life force fueled by the passion we create. No one told me that I could end someone's life by sleeping with them. If an incubus fulfills its true desire and unleashes it on a human, not only do we drain their life force, we change them. They become slaves to our whims. I'm one of the lucky few that became what I am directly from the source. A pure high-level succubus. I yawn and drift back to myself as the words on the page refocus. So far nothing I had read told me anything helpful. Giving up, I slammed the book shut and opened another one on top of it. Straightening my back, I dive into another book on my own mythology searching for any kind of answers. *** Cionna's POV Dorm Room The pounding in my head finally wakes me up and the slivers of light soak through my blanket to mercilessly greet my eyes. I had the hangover from hell ripping through my brain as a lesson to never drink that much again. Wrapping my blanket around my head, I pat around searching for my phone to check the time. My finger grazes my jelly case and slowly turn the screen toward my face. “12:30?! I slept way too long," I groan. Falling back onto my bed, I rub my head with a pained whine. I tilt my head to find a bottle of aspirin, a bottle of EnerG, and a handful of cough drops resting on my nightstand. I smile thankfully as I shake two pills into my hand. The cool feeling of the white Gatorade helped to soothe my dry throat. Dragging my body out of bed, I search for a change of clothes and try to ignore the throbbing pain assaulting my brain at the moment. I felt as if I had been run over by a train. I think trying to live my entire life in one night was not a good idea. Now covered with my grey hoodie dress, shorts, and slide-on sneakers, I grab my small backpack and head out the door. My first stop…coffee. *** Cionna POV Public Library I creep into the library, grateful for the actual silence inside. The ones on campus were always full of people and half the books were usually missing. Luckily, there was a public library not too far so I enjoyed a nice walk there after I hit up Starbucks. Although I didn't have class today, I really needed to study. My last exam was brutal, so I could use the help. As I walked into the open study area, I scanned the room hoping to find an empty table. Then I saw him. The physical embodiment of everything I couldn't have. The guy from the club last night was just sitting there with his face buried in a book. I felt my face flush as the image of his lips on mine flashed in front of me. 'What am I fussing for? He probably doesn't even remember me. There were hundreds of girls there last night. I was probably kiss number one thousand that night.' Rolling my eyes at my own immaturity, I decide to try and sneak by him before he sees me, but of course, I bump into a book cart on my way. I look up from the pain to see his eyes on me. The piercing gray brought back the chills from the night before. He smiles and waves at me, yet all I can think is … “I am so f*cked."
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