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Lohan stood in between his siblings, despite the fact that he knew Lohith won't hurt Lohana, he couldn't risk his brother's temper, because lohith's eyes had fire in them and he growled loudly when he rushed towards Lohana. Another thing Lohan considered was, if lohith actually wanted to hurt her, he won't be standing between them right now, hell, he wouldn't have reached her on time. The three sibling sense something and turned in unison towards Lohana's side of the castle. "You better go check on your espers, they might burn down your mansion." Lohith said and walked away like nothing happened. "What were you thinking provoking him in that manner?" Lohan asked as they walked towards her house. "I didn't mean it, my emotions betrayed me." "We should be grateful he didn't kick us out completely, he didn't want us to see him suffer." Lohana arrived the dining room to see the maids parking ash. "What happened?" she asked "I don't know princess, we were knocked out." a maid said "Seems your guests are new to their powers." "You can go now han." the princess said, Lohan raised an eyebrow. "I'll introduce you at dinner in the main castle." she added. "What are you planning now?" "What i should have done when they arrived. introduce them to the prime as courtesy demands." she smirked, her twin sighed, shook his head and vanished. She went ahead to check on her guest, she found out they were both asleep, smiling, she went to her room to get some rest too. Several hours later, She sent a message to the main castle and sent a maid to check on the ladies. A knock came few minutes later; "Come in Reagan." she answered "Princess hana, sorry about the mess. I and my sister got into an argument, i lost temper." "So that was you." Lohana smiled, she loved the way Reagan called her. "Hope she didn't get hurt by you." "No, not at all." "Years ago, i had a friend who was a witch, she wasn't so strong then, i always had to protect her." lohana chuckled. "What happened to her?" "She died during the war that led us here, i never saw her again." "Sorry about your friend." Lohana exhaled, "Go get dressed, we're having dinner at the main castle." she said Reagan's eyes enlarged, "With the prime?" "Yes, you wanted to meet with him right, tonight is your chance." "Thank you." Reagan said and hurried out. Lohana pondered on why Reagan kept insisting on seeing Lohith, she's even enthusiastic on meeting with him not nervous. Everyone gets nervous whenever they're about to meet with Lohith, even herself. No matter how many times she has seen him, whenever she's about to appear before him, she still gets a rumbling in her tummy. Reagan amazed her and she couldn't wait to see how the dinner turns out, she'll be there to interfere of course, in case Reagan triggered him. At six thirty pm, Reagan and Layla were dressed and ready to go, they awaited the princess who came out two minutes later. She smiled when she saw the ladies, "Ready?" "We are." they replied. They made their way to the main castle, the butler ushered them in, the main castle was larger than lohana's. The butler took them straight to the dining hall, the table was packed with food. Layla wondered why the make so much food and end up not eating them all, she on the other hand loved to eat, it was her strength. There was no one at the table except the three of them and the maid servants, they were unsure of where to sit, so they stood. "Reagan you can both sit at the right hand side, but skip a chair from the head table." the princess said, while she skipped two chairs on the left side and sat down. The dining doors opened and Lohan casually walked in, he nodded at the ladies as he smiled. He sat on one of the chairs Lohitha skip, leaving a vacant one from the head table; "Where is he? Did you talk to him?" she asked "Relax, he'll be joining us soon." her twin replied Two minutes later, Lohith walked into the dining hall, the atmosphere became tense and everyone was on edge except Reagan. Lohan noticed this and glanced at Lohana, she glanced back and a conversation passed between them. "Greetings prime." Reagan said, Layla seemed to be lost staring between the two men in the room. She found a familiar scent on both of them, now she's in a difficult dilemma trying to find out who was with her sister that night. "Is something wrong miss...." Lohith asked as she kept staring at him, forgetting to acknowledge the presence of the person sitting before her. "La...Layla, prime. Layla Hansen and th...this is my older sister, Reagan Hansen." she stuttered as she averted her gaze. However, Reagan's gaze remained fixed on Lohith, her face was void of any expression one could read. But Lohith sensed something dark and sinister with her, he sensed the shield blocking her thoughts, he couldn't see through her. The maid servants served their meals and left the room; "So you're both espers." Lohith said "Yes, and you're....what?" Reagan asked, chewing her meal softly. Lohan choked and coughed, Layla gasped, while Lohana smiled. Lohith stared at Reagan, he tried to intimidate her with his aura but she wasn't bulging because she was staring right back, as if she was trying to see through him. "I think i like your sister better, she's smart." Lohith said as he took a spoon into his mouth, it was layla's turn to choke and cough. "Are you trying to avoid the question prime." Reagan raised her brow and gave a small smile. "What are you?" "Your death wish, if you don't give it up." Lohith growled. 'Give it up Rea, don't provoke him or he'll throw us out, please.'
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