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Dinner proceeded in silence, Reagan continued to gaze at the prime every chance she got, the man behind her endless pain and suffering for years was right in front of her and she couldn't strike. But she decided to wait, she got all the time in the world to make him suffer now that she'd found him. However, something else bothered her, something strange and unusual and one thing about Reagan, she hated unusual. Lohan and Lohana enjoyed every bit of the show, Layla just continued to stuff food in her belly as a distraction from the tension in the room. Lohith found Reagan daring and confident, but yet annoying; "You keep staring miss hansen. Would you rather eat me than the meal in front of you." he said, everyone looked at him with shock, including Reagan. The side of his mouth twitched, he smirked, but it was gone the same instant it came. Lohith sipped his wine, he got her shocked and speechless finally, but it wasn't for long, the young lady found her tongue again. "Forgive me for wondering, we've only been taught in the academy about the legendary ruler of the kingdom of Ravaryn. Supreme to demons, shapeshifters and vampires inclusive, but no one knows which of these species you belong to." "Reagan." Lohana called softly, she was afraid this was going too far. "Everyone knows the prime is a demon." Lohan said "With all due respect my prince, i feel he's more than that." Reagan chuckled, her eyes returned to Lohith. Lohith gazed deep into her hazel eyes, he saw something flicker. His mouth twitched again, "I could say the same for you. You're not actually an esper, are you? You're something else." Reagan swallowed, her shot backfired. Layla knew it was time for her to jump in; "I think we've bothered the prime enough tonight. Thank you for your hospitality prime, my prince, my princess." "Yes, we need to get to bed. I'm sorry prime, i didn't mean to....." Reagan started but Lohith interrupted her. "Don't apologize if you don't mean it, miss hansen." Now the room suddenly became hot, everyone stood up to leave, then he called; " Miss Hansen...." here comes the eviction, so they thought and anticipated. "Have a very good night." Lohith said, then he stood up and vanished, leaving everyone shocked again. Lohana turned to Reagan, "Are you insane? Do you want to get yourself killed?" "On the contrary, she made an impression on him." Lohan chuckled. "This isn't funny han, he was clearly irritated." "Yet he wished her a 'very good night'." Lohan walked towards Reagan and stretched his hand, she gave him hers. "It's a pleasure to have you here." he said and kissed it, he did same to Layla before he vanished as well. "Demons and vanishing, why build houses with doors then." Layla mumbled, then she remembered Lohana. "Sorry, i didn't...." She smiled, "it's okay, let's go back to the mansion." Arriving at the mansion, Layla quickly said her good night to the princess and walked away, Reagan wanted to make sure she didn't cause any harm. "I'm sorry about tonight, i just got carried away seeing the legendary prime." Lohana looked at her for three seconds before asking, "Tell me the truth, did you have all these planned out from the beginning?" Reagan blinked, "I don't understand." "You could have easily joined a clan by seeing their leader or alpha, but you came all the way to the capital. Why?" "I...i meant it when i said we were looking for a place to hide from the humans. Once we got into Ravaryn, my instincts and curiosity drove me here." Reagan said, part of it were true. The humans were indeed still after some supernatural beings, and she had lost some of her kind to their barbaric experiments. But it wasn't her sole purpose for being here, they all were, the Olson's. Lohana thought about it, "I think you were led here, for a reason." she said "What do you mean?" "Get some sleep, we have the whole day tomorrow to talk." Lohana said "Sure, Have a good night princess." "Have a good night Reagan." And they both proceeded to their rooms. Lohith tossed and tossed about on his bed, he couldn't sleep, Reagan's voice taunted him, her eyes tormented his being. Who was she? he wondered, Why is she here? he asked himself, but obviously couldn't answer these questions. The moment they arrived, he sensed a strange power and energy in the castle. He asked, his commander told him two ladies arrived Lohana's mansion, at dinner, he discovered the power and energy was coming from Reagan, along with so much hatred in her eyes. Another mystery that bothered him was, she was about to unleash those powers on him, but she was holding back, why?.... Probably because she knew she would be setting herself up, only the curse could kill him, no one else can. All Lohith knew was, the hansen girls, if those were their real identity, were here for a purpose. And he would find out what that purpose was, and he better be wrong, he wasn't in the mood to kill anyone for the remaining two years he has left. A knock interrupted his thoughts, who dares interrupt him at this hour, he answered; "What is so important you had to risk your neck, commander noah?" "The great mage, prime. He's at the throne room. " the commander announced. Lohith knew this was important then, why would the mage visit him at this hour. He put on his clothes and walked out of his room, to meet him. "Apologies prime, i didn't mean to interrupt your beauty sleep." "What is the urgency?" Lohith asked "The prophecy, she's here." "Be more specific griffin." "Your mate is here, i'm sure you've felt her essence." he said Lohith's brows furrowed, then he released a short laugh. "Impossible, she can't be." "And why?" "She's with child."
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