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After five days wentby with reagan still encountering a fever, her condition was beginning to get worse, leaving lohith perturbed. He summoned the witch, sheila to do something about his mate's condition, but sheila was unable to identify the sole cause of the queen's illness. "Summon the wizard prime." lohan suggested "I already did, he's still consulting." lohith said as he paced about in his throne room with a glass of whiskey, "And where the hell is julian!" he barked. "I haven't seen him for days now." Lohan said Lohan looked at William, "I haven't seen or heard from him either." William replied "Ahhhhh!" Lohith yelled and smashed the glass, "Get me another!" he ordered a man servant and the man hurried out. "Don't you think you should slow down prime, you're of no use to her intoxicated." "I'm of no use to her either ways." Lohith answered, "Where is my liquorrrrr!" he growled. The man servant hurried in with the bottle of whiskey and his glass, lohith refused the glass, he grabbed the bottle and drank straight from it. Lohan and William could only watch, none of them dared to approach him, the only person that had the balls to do that was nowhere to be found. "You have to find a way to reach julian, Lohith isn't going to stop this anytime soon." "You would be in same state if it was sheila lying in there." William said Lohan sighed, "There's only one person who can force julian out." he said William looked at him and shook his head, "No." "Yes, look at him." They both looked at the fearless god sitting on his throne, wasted. "Cora is difficult to talk to, a spoilt and a sassy b***h. Why ain't you doing the talking though." "Boy, if i talk to her, i'll end up snapping the neck of that sister of yours. You have her tolerance, now go." Lohan ordered and hesitantly, william vanished. Right in the room, Layla sat close to her sister and cried helplessly, she was scared for her. Reagan was getting paler and paler, lohana helped wipe the sweats from her body, while sheila made a potion to help calm her. "What could be the cause of this? Was she poisoned? Did the prime....." Layla asked "He would never hurt her, he loves her." Lohana said "How would you know that?" "I know." sheila said "I'm sorry, i just don't know what to say anymore." Layla sobbed "She's going to be fine." Lohana said, but Layla needed more than words of assurance, she wanted to see her sister well again. At dusk, there was only reagan in the room, it got smoky and a woman appeared, she wore a red cloak and the hood covered her face. Reagan managed to open her eyes when she sensed someone in the room. The woman gradually approached her, she meant to harm reagan, she had a dagger. Reagan couldn't scream or talk, so she used her mind to communicate to the only person who could hear her thoughts. 'Prime help, there's someone in here...hurry.' The woman hovered on reagan and raised the dagger, but vanished immediately the door busted open. "Reagan, are you alright?" Lohith asked as he watched the smogs disperse, then reagan gasped and coughed. "Here, have some water." he lifted her head and let her have a few sips. "Sh..she.." "Shhh, conserve your energy, get some rest." 'I can't be here alone, i'm too weak to defend myself.' Reagan said Lohith sat beside her, "I'll be here, I'll be right here." he said as he stroke her hair, he did that until she slept off again. ●●● El Landia, majestic bloom. ●●● "You failed?!" the witch queen yelled at the lady in the red cloak. "I don't know how she did it, but somehow the prime knew she was in danger." the lady explained "Impossible! The only way their thoughts could be linked was through the marking." The same man said "You weren't in the marriage ceremony, so you wouldn't know if the sorcerer did a different rite, he's corny and smart." the witch queen said. "I couldn't attend, and you know why." the man said "I will try again." "No! The prime would be guiding her like a hawk now, we can't risk it. I have to go, await my instructions." the man said and disappeared. ○○○○○○ Julian showed up with the wizard at nine pm, there was a knock on the bedroom door, it woke lohith who fell asleep shortly after reagan. He opened the door and gripped his cousin by the neck; "The next time i call and you block me out again, consider it your last day on earth." lohith said and released him. Then he faced the wizard, "And you...." "I heard your call, but at the time, there was nothing i could do for the queen." the wizard said calmly. "And now?" The wizard looked at julian, "I already told him, he still dragged me here, i still cannot do anything for her. What she's going through is a phase i cannot talk about, but it will pass on it's own." "What are you talking about, she's dying." "She can't die, she is a lot stronger than you think." "And the other thing? I mean, my other thing, my blood is...." Lohith spoke cautiously, incase there was a chance reagan could hear him. He spoke of the curse, he feared the curse might be the reason for her illness. "That has no effect on her, it's not in your blood but in your fate. The Queen will be back to health in two days, have some rest prime." he said and walked out of the room, julian followed. "Julian." Lohith called after him. "Where were you?" "Doing your job, watching over the kingdom since you can't do it yourself." he answered, he looked at reagan briefly. "Mark her Lohith."
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