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Lohith never left Reagan's side, not even when he had to attend an important meeting with the clan leaders, julian helped him superintend all his affairs. Soon, news got out that the prime's mate was pregnant with another man's child and the clan leaders wanted answers. It was a despicable thing for a mate to bed another man, not to talk of birthing his child. The kingdom repulsed against the queen's act and demanded that she be dethroned and cast out, some refused and said she should be forgiven. With this, the kingdom was divided into two, and so were the clan leaders. "How is she now?" julian asked, just as lohith walked out of the room. "Better. A witch had the guts to attack her two nights ago." "Which brings me to the topic at hand, the kingdom is not happy with their new queen." "I hear the gossips julian, and i care less about what they say. This is my kingdom and she is my mate, they can all burn in hell." Lohith growled as his eyes turned reddish gold, canines grew long. A lady gasped and dropped the glass she was holding, Lohith's head snapped at her direction, she got scared and attempted to step back. In a quick flash julian had lifted her from the floor, wrapping her hands around his neck and his holding her, their eyes locked. Julian walked few steps away from where he picked her, still gazing into the green eyes of the girl in his arms. He tried to put her down, but she held on; "You can let go now." julian said, Layla released him and stepped back. She looked at where the glass had broken and noticed he carried her away from the debris, also the prime was nowhere in sight. "Thank you." Layla said Julian chuckled, "My pleasure beautiful." he said as he tapped her nose. A maid arrived to clean up the mess, before he walked away leaving layla in dreamy land. She shook her head when she remembered the prime's eyes and fangs, demons had little fangs yes, and red eyes.... But his had fire in them and his fangs were longer. "What are you thinking about?" Lohana asked as she approached Layla. "The prime is not like any demon i've seen." Lohana smiled, "That's because he's not like any demon you know, he's different." "Different how?" Layla asked Lohana narrowed her eyes and pulled Layla, "Let's go check on reagan." They entered the room and saw reagan sitting, she took little sips from the bowl of soup on her lap, she raised her head and saw the two women staring. "Don't just stand there, sit down." she chuckled softly. Layla went to hug her sister, relieved that she was feeling better. "How are you feeling? I heard you were attacked." "Did you get to see who it was?" Lohana asked "No, the prime rushed in right on time." reagan said "Oh my goodness, you still call him 'prime'? You're both married now." hana said Reagan and Layla glanced at each other, reagan winced a little as she tried to stand up. "What are you doing?" Layla asked "I've been cooped up in this room for a week, i need a bit of fresh air." reagan said, "Can we please go to the garden?" "Your mate isn't going to like that." "Please princess, can you not call him that. And if i don't get some air, i'm gonna be sick again." reagan slowly walked towards the door, Layla followed and so did Lohana after careful deliberation. They talked as they strolled out of the castle and towards the garden; "Do you know that the prime's fangs are longer than a normal demon? And when his eyes turn red, they had fire in them." Layla said to her sister. "I do, i saw the same features the night of our argument." Lohana felt reagan needed to know a little about her mate. "Lohith wasn't born, he was created by his father, lucifer." she said, the sisters paused and looked at her for a second before walking again. "Mila was an angel who was casted out from heaven, because she fell in love with the devil. She tried to birth a child but couldn't achieve that, she was devastated and was plugged into misery. The devil hated to see her sad, so he created a demon baby with his and mila's blood...." "So that's why he's different from the rest." Layla said "He's the devil's first creation, he's the king of demons." Lohana said "How did he get to become supreme over shapeshifters and vampires?" reagan asked as they sat on the swing. "He uh...he..lohith was a very powerful warrior as well, he was sent on battles to different realms, he acquired powers during those times and used them to subdue other ethnicity." "What a power hungry god." Layla muttered. Reagan was still convinced there was something else the princess wasn't telling, she was about to ask when her 'mate' appeared. "And what are you doing out here" he asked "I'm not a prisoner here, am i?" reagan replied Lohith closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, he said, "Come in with me." "No." 'Rea, stop being so stubborn.' "Reagan, please." Lohana whispered "I will not say it again wife," "And i said No!" reagan yelled. Lohith grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to himself. He disappeared with her and appeared in their room, pinning her on the bed. "What are you doing?" "I perceive you've learnt a few things about me, you do not want to provoke me." Lohith warned "You don't scare me." Reagan replied. Lohith gripped her by the neck but didn't apply pressure, he stroked the side of her neck with his fingers, the soft flesh called to him. He wanted to mark her so badly, she knew who he was and yet she still wasn't scared, it aroused him.
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