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Reagan stirred, her eyes fluttered open and she tried to adjust her vision. Lohith stood by the side of the bed with his arms folded, he watched her carefully until she turned to his side. "Did you....." Reagan started but stopped, her voice was croaky. Lohith moved to pour her a glass of water, he helped her up and handed her the glass, then she drank. "Yes, i brought you in." Lohith said, knowing that's what she wanted to ask. "Thank you." Lohith scoffed, "Does being ill bring out your submissive side?" "If you're not always harsh and mean, you would get to see it often." Reagan rolled her eyes. Lohith gave a quick and short chuckle, he carried the tray of fruits the maids served minutes ago and dropped it on her laps. "The doctor said you need a lot of these, food and rest." "I'm fine, it was just a little dizziness, that's all." "You have a fever, and 'Your Babies' are weak too." Reagan turned slowly at his direction, "What?" "Your lover planted two babies in you." Lohith said, he clenched his fist and jaw. He leaned down, reagan impulsively jerked back and nearly slammed her head on the headrest. Lohith placed his hand at the back of her head, "I'm not going to be saddled with the responsibility of caring for you and this babies, so eat when i tell you to and get enough rest so you can take care of yourself and those urchins in there." he said. He moved his hand, but hesitated when he felt her soft silky hair on his fingers, he was tempted to inhale it but resisted. "Why are you still so close?" Reagan asked, she inhaled and found his scent spicey sweet and pleasant, it eased her nauseous feeling. Reagan wanted to lean forward and inhale some more, but then lohith pulled away and walked out of the room. "Whew, that was close." She rubbed her tummy, still trying to digest the news about the twin babies. ●●● At El Landia, in the forest of the majestic bloom. ●●● "Queen Fay, you must help us achieve this." a man standing in the shadow said. "Are you sure about this information?" the witch queen asked "Yes, she's currently with child and news has it that it doesn't belong to the prime. We can use this to our advantage, but we need to collaborate together." The man said "What do you expect of me?" "He must not mark her, you can make history repeat itself and manipulate him somehow to kill her." "Are you insane, no one manipulates him. He's the devil's first creation, he does the manipulation!" The witch queen said "Even the devil himself was bewitched by his mistress...." "That was love." "It can be done, the curse weakens his powers, you have a witch overseeing his rituals. Use her...." "It's not as easy as you think it is." "I don't care, i am desperate to be prime, make it happen. The witches also benefits from this, you all will be free to live without fear." The man vanished. The witch queen summoned sheila, she thought of a better way to convince her to do what she was about to say. "My Queen, you summoned." "You need to stop his rituals and begin the manipulation spell, you have to stop him from marking his mate." "What? But stopping the ritual will endanger the life of the prime and his mate." "You should care less about them and care more about your kind. Lifting the curse will mean the end for us, he will come after us. The curse is the only thing stopping him from making his move." "My Queen but....." "No further questions sheila, it's an order and you must carry it out!" the witch queen said and sent her away. ○○○○○ Lohith angrily walked out of the castle, he went to the garden and paced around until he was calm. "Living without finding her would have been better." "You mean dying?" sheila appeared. "Can't i have a moment of privacy in my castle." Lohith pinched the bridge of his nose. "Not when your life and that of your mate is in danger." sheila said Lohith stopped pacing and slowly turning to look at her, "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked, his eyes flashed in anger. "I might also be in danger after i reveal this to you, but you must promise to leave my kind out of your wrath." "I'm in no mood to make promises witches, spill!" he yelled "My source at the majestic bloom said the witch Queen has been having secret meetings with a strange man. He never shows his face but all she knows is that he's a demon, i've told her to keep digging." sheila shifted nervously, she was risking her life for a man who hated her and her kind, a man who has separated her from her mate for seven years. But sheila preferred to die in the hands of her own kind than that of the prime. "I was asked to stop your rituals and begin a manipulation spell. They don't want you to mark your mate, they want the curse to drive you into..ki...killing her." Lohith growled, the thought of hurting his mate repulsed him. He only just found her, and they want her dead, not just her, but him as well. So some delusional bastard is out for his position, lohith scoffed and then gave an evil smirk. "Stop the rituals and begin the manipulation spell." "What?! That could ruin....." "Do as i say witch, leave the rest...to me." "I don't think manipulations would work." "They believe it will, let's not disappoint them." lohithsaid, sheila nodded and disappeared. The prime changed, his skin turned green with black spots, his claws emerged and his golden eyes glowed even brighter, he growled and sped into the forest.
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