Scaring her

785 Words
Bella's POV I waved goodbye to my mother and left the sitting room. Getting outside the mansion, I saw the twins already in the car, but I hesitated, unsure if I should get in or not. The twins didn't seem happy, and I was having double thoughts in joining them. One of the twins rolled down the window. “Get in; we're running late,” he yelled at me. I took a deep breath, composed myself, but still didn't move as I was contemplating whether I should join them or not. “Hello? Are you coming in or not?” he snapped at me. This time, I moved closer to the car, opened the back seat door, and got in. After I was settled in, I saw him pull up the window, lock the doors, and start the engine. As they drove out of the mansion, panic gripped me, but I braced myself and kept a calm composure. I couldn't let them see any fear in me. The drive was oddly silent as no one said a word. It seemed okay, but I wasn't comfortable; something felt wrong, and I could sense it. As I glanced at the twins in the front seat, my eyes caught a mischievous look in the eyes of the twin seated in the driver's seat. I raised an eyebrow, becoming suspicious; something didn't feel right. Just as I was pondering what they were up to, I noticed he stepped on the accelerator, sending the car zooming down the road. “Goddess!” I blurted out in shock, and his grin deepened. Again, he stepped on the accelerator and increased the speed, such that the car was zooming at a scary pace. “Please slow down,” I pleaded in a terrified voice, my breath hitching. But he smirked and increased the speed of the car. The sudden burst of speed made me gasp in surprise, and I noticed the twin in the driver’s seat glance at me through the rearview mirror and smirk victoriously. My eyes widened with fear as I clutched onto the seat. If there was one thing I feared, it was a fast-moving car. Four years ago, I almost got involved in a car accident thanks to Dad drunk driving, and that trauma has never left me. “Stop,” I demanded with fear, memories of that day flooding my head. He ignored my pleas, smirked, and continued speeding. With every twist and turn off the road, he pushed the car faster, relishing the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. “Please stop!” I pleaded in panic, but he ignored me. My heart pounded in my chest, and sudden fear gripped me. I had to scream while I shut my eyes. My panicked cries echoed in the confined space of the car, but they paid no attention and continued speeding down the road. The twin behind the wheel seemed to take some sick pleasure in my fear, his laughter filling the car as he increased the speed. I felt trapped, a prisoner in a vehicle hurtling recklessly down the highway, with no control over my fate. The landscape outside the windows blurred into a chaotic smear of colors and shapes. Each swerve and jolt made me feel like the car could spin out of control at any moment. My nails dug into the leather seat, and I could barely breathe through the rising tide of panic. “Please,” I begged, my voice breaking. “You're going to get us killed!” The twin behind the wheel glanced at me in the rearview mirror, his grin widening. “What's the matter, Bella? Scared?” His tone was mocking, dripping with cruelty. The other twin turned in his seat, looking back at me with an unreadable expression on his face before turning around. My mind raced with desperate thoughts. Should I try to grab the wheel? Could I open the door and jump out? But the speed we were going made both options seem like suicide. Suddenly, the driver took a sharp turn, sending the car skidding dangerously close to the edge of the road. I screamed, clutching the seatbelt so hard my knuckles turned white. “Stop the car! Please, just stop!” “Maybe we should listen to her,” the twin in the passenger seat said, though his voice held no real concern. The driver laughed. “Nah, this is fun. Let's see how much she can take.” Tears streamed down my face as the car rocketed forward. My heart pounded so violently I thought it might burst. I closed my eyes, praying for it to end, for someone to save me.
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