Against his action

1170 Words
Darwin’s POV Ignoring her cries and shouts, Darin sped off and continued driving at high speed until we finally drove into the school gate and stopped at our parking space. The moment he stopped, I noticed the frightened look of the students who had seen him drive in at such speed; some had fear in their eyes as they stared at our car, wondering why we were driving so fast. Ignoring the students' stares, I turned to the back seat and saw the frightened prey shivering in fear as she closed her eyes and clutched at each side of her dress. I looked at Darin, who looked back at me, and then I looked back at her. She was panting heavily, and I couldn’t stop myself from staring. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and they met mine. Holding her gaze, I realized her sea-blue, innocent eyes were filled with tears, and the sight of that brought an uncomfortable feeling to my chest, forcing me to look away. “Are you not satisfied with the ride, or do you want more?” Darin threatened, and immediately she went for the door, but it was locked. Darin chuckled and glared at her. “Make sure you don’t cross our path,” he warned. “Open this f*****g door!” She yelled in outburst causing Darin to furrowed his brow. “And if I don’t?” He challenged, and I saw her glared at him as she clenched her both fists. She wanted to yell at him, but she held herself back. “Good.” I watched Darin unlock the doors, and as soon as he did, she went to the door, opened it, and dashed out of the car. Darin chuckled as he watched her run away like a headless chicken, but I didn’t laugh because somehow I didn’t find it funny. When Darin realized that I didn’t join him in laughing, he looked my way with a confused look. “Are you okay?” Without giving a response, I went for my backpack and tried leaving the car, but he locked the car, forcing me to look his way. “What?” “What, dude? You are acting strange.” Releasing a soft sigh, I relaxed back into the car seat and closed my eyes briefly before opening them and looking in Darin’s direction. “Maybe you went too far. You risked our lives, and…” “Come on, man, I can’t believe you are saying this. We race in sports cars, and what I just drove cannot be compared to what we drive.” “That’s different, Darin. Racing is different from this, and you know that,” I snapped at him, and Darin’s brow furrowed. “Yes, racing is on an empty road, but you drove at such speed on a busy road, and that’s not right,” I said to him, and I saw a big frown on his face. “Don’t tell me you are worried because our prey looks frightened?” I sighed. “Please open the door; we are already late for class,” I grumbled and looked away. An uncomfortable silence filled the air, but after a moment, I heard a click and realized he had unlocked the car. “Thank you!” I grumbled and got out of the car. Without waiting for him, I began to approach the class. Reaching the class, I realized Mr. Martins was already there, so I went to my usual seat and got settled. I could see the eyes of my classmates on me; they were probably wondering where Darin was because we’ve always walked into the class together, and today was the first time I was walking in alone. A few minutes later, Darin walked into the class and took his usual seat, which was beside me. The class began, and no matter how hard I tried to concentrate, I couldn’t. I hated that I was fighting with my brother, but then I think he went too far in driving so recklessly. What if something had happened? Especially to the girl; what are we going to say to Father? The first class came to an end, and we had two more classes before it was lunchtime. “What’s up, dude? Is something wrong? You two are acting weird,” Mark questioned as he pulled a seat closer to us. “You should ask Darwin here,” Darin grumbled, and I rolled my eyes. “Did something happen?” Mark asked, but neither Darin nor I responded. “Guys…” “That question is for Darwin…” Darin was interrupted when loud laughter gasped from the hallway. “What is that?” Mark asked. “We should check it out,” Mark urged as he got up, and Darin and I followed him, curious to know what had happened. Leaving the classroom, we saw a crowd of students gathering around someone, and curious to know who it was, Darin and I made our way through the crowd. When the students saw us coming through, they stepped aside, allowing us to walk through and make our way to the front. Reaching the front, I was confused and shocked to see our Bella looking annoyed as she stood before Richard, the famous school bully and cousin to Mark. “How dare you!” he yelled at Bella, who rolled her eyes at him, which angered Richard even more. He has always been having the little ones under his feet, and he thought Bella would be that way, but he was mistaken. Bella was tougher than she looked. “You had the guts to stain my shoes,” he yelled, making me move my eyes towards his feet. I noticed drink stains on his shoes, probably from her accidentally spilling her drink on him. “I’m sorry; it was a mistake. I have apologized a hundred times.” Bella apologized, her voice also laced with anger. “Nonsense!” he yelled at her, and I glared at him. “The only way I will let you go is by you licking off this stain with your tongue, and you will do that now,” he ordered, and I frowned. Murmurs erupted as they all waited to see what Bella would do. “Are you deaf? I said, lick it off!” Richard demanded, but Bella didn’t move; she obviously wouldn’t do it. “What are you waiting for?” Richard sounded impatient and enraged, but Bella still didn’t move. Grunting in anger, Richard moved over to Bella and grabbed her by the arms, and the sight of that angered me. But before I could react, Darin quickly moved forward and pulled Bella away from Richard’s grip. Darin's sudden intervention surprised me as much as it did to the rest of the crowd. He stood there, tall and intimidating, his expression unreadable as he positioned himself protectively in front of Bella. “Back off, Richard," Darin’s voice was low but firm.
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