Perfect opportunity

1216 Words

Bella’s POV “Cindi,” I called out to my colleague. “Was the file properly checked before it was sent to Mr. Chin?” I inquired, and Cindi confirmed by nodding her head. “Thank you,” I smiled before turning back to my system. Just then, I noticed my cell phone ringing, and when I checked who the caller was, it was Zach, my boyfriend. With a smile spreading across my face, I picked up the call and placed it on my ear. “Hey, babe.” “Hey, sunshine, how are you doing today?” He asked in his usual cozy voice. “I'm fine, just attending to the pile of work stacked up for me,” I murmured with a sigh as I massaged my forehead. Working at my place of work was exhausting, but the pay was good, and that was all that mattered. “It's just been a year since you started working there, and it's already

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