Go away

1146 Words
Bella’s POV Seeing them in my room made me furrow my brow. Just by the angry look in their eyes, I knew whatever reasons they were here weren’t good. “Why are you two here?” I demanded, already getting irritated by their presence. One of the twins scowled in anger as they both got up and approached me. As they approached me, I decided it was best to leave the room, so I tried to open the door, but one twin was quick to press me against it. Swiftly, he took hold of both my hands and pinned them above my head. “Let go of me,” I spat, but one of the twins quickly covered my mouth, my words muffling in his hand. The other twin chuckled and shook his head. “There is no need for you to shout, dear stepsister. We want to have a little talk with you.” An evil smile appeared on the left corner of his cheek, and I frowned, trying to struggle out of his grip, but it was surprisingly strong. I tried to speak, to yell, but my words came out muffled in the twin’s hand. I was so close to him that I glared into his eyes with anger but couldn’t stop myself from staring into his fascinating set of piercing green eyes. His eyes held my gaze like they wanted to pierce through my soul, making me so uncomfortable that I had to look away. “Darin,” one of the twins called, and the one who stood very close to me cleared his throat. “Tell your mother to take herself, and you back to where you two came from, or else we will kill you both and send your dead bodies back,” he threatened. I was forced to look at him. Holding his gaze, I realized his eyes were darkened with anger that would have scared most girls, but not me. I wouldn’t be intimidated by them. “And we are not joking about it,” the other twin added. My frown deepened as I looked at both of them and then back to the one who stood before me. He stared at me with different emotions in his eyes, but the one that was most evident was anger. Suddenly, the other twin signaled him to let go of me, and they both did and took a step away. “You and your mother have two days to leave, or else…” “Or else what?” I challenged, causing the two twins to exchange glances. It seemed they must have mistakenly taken my small figure for someone who would easily get frightened, but I had proven them wrong. “If you want us to leave, then go tell your father to send us away,” I spat, causing rage to bubble inside them as they both clenched their fists. One of the twins moved closer to me, our faces just an inch apart, but I didn’t step back, nor did I look away. “You think you are brave, huh?” he growled, while I rolled my eyes to annoy him even more. I heard them groan. “If you and your mother don’t leave, then be sure that you will leave with her dead body.” His threats hung in the air, and just as I was about to respond, they ignored me, moved me away from the door, and left the room. After they left, I released a heavy sigh and sat on my bed. I thought of telling this to my mother, but I decided against it and decided to just go to bed. Suddenly, I became thirsty and decided to go downstairs to get a bottle of water since there was none in my room. Getting downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and noticed the maids had retired for the night. As I approached the fridge, I saw a can of juice on the table and a glass. “Someone might have left it and gone to bed,” I murmured to myself as I picked it up. I wanted to return it to the fridge but decided to have a taste, so I poured it into the glass and took a sip. A frown spread across my face as I realized it had a confusing taste, so I decided to have another taste and frowned again at the juice's taste. “What do you think you are doing?” I turned and saw one of the twins at the entrance of the door. He rushed to me and snatched the juice from me. “Why did you drink it?” he yelled furiously, and I frowned. Why was he acting so repulsively just because of a can of juice? “Why did you drink this? s**t!” he cursed under his breath, and my frown deepened. “Why are you acting…” my words were cut short when the room suddenly spun around, and I almost fell to the ground, but he was quick to catch me by wrapping his strong arms around my waist. My vision blurred, and the world around me became a hazy swirl. My legs gave out, and I barely managed to stay conscious as I leaned into his arms. He held me tighter, pulling me closer. “Darin!” the other twin asked from the doorway, sounding urgent and angry. “What happened?” Darin, the one holding me, looked at him angrily. “She drank the juice.” The other twin looked panicked. “We need to get her to her room. Now.” Before I could protest, Darin lifted me effortlessly and carried me through the house, the other twin following closely. They moved quickly until we reached my room. Darin opened the door with his shoulder and gently laid me on the bed. I tried to sit up, but my body felt heavy and unresponsive. The twins looked concerned, their earlier hostility gone. “What’s happening to me?” I mumbled, barely able to speak. The other twin stood beside the bed. “You don’t go around drinking people’s drinks!” he grumbled. “Drinking that juice was a mistake!” “A mistake?” I echoed, confused. “What was in the juice?” Darin’s jaw tightened. “Something that wasn’t meant for you.” I felt frustrated and drowsy. “You threatened me, and now this. What are you hiding?” The twins exchanged looks. The other twin stood up and moved toward the door. “We’ll explain everything in the morning. Right now, you need to sleep.” I wanted to argue, but I was too tired, and as my eyes gave way to unconsciousness, I noticed the twins staring at me with worry in their eyes—or maybe I was mistaken.
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