At the dining

1658 Words
Bella's POV “I hope you like it,” Alpha Peterson said to me, and all I could do was force a nod as I moved my eyes around the well-furnished room, which would be mine starting from that moment. Everything in the room seemed new and spoke of luxury. “If you want anything to be changed, you can tell me to change it. Your mother says your best color is blue, so I asked the designer to make use of the color. I hope you like it.” Alpha Peterson asked again, and I frowned and turned away. I didn’t want all of this, but then I had to do it for my mother; if she is happy here, then I have to be happy for her. “Everything is perfect, thank you.” I forced a half-smile at him, to which he responded. “Make yourself comfortable, and when you are done, you can come join us downstairs for dinner.” He offered, and I hummed before watching him and Mother walked away. After they left, I settled on the bed, still looking at the room's beauty. A heavy sigh left my lips as I realized I would stay here until I was eighteen, and then I could leave if I wanted to. I wish I had a say in all this; if I did, then I wouldn’t be here in a strange home with a strange family. I knew Mother was happy; in fact, this was a dream come true for her. She would finally have all the love she wanted that my father couldn’t give her, and despite not wanting this, I had to play along all because of my mother. Alpha Peterson seemed like a nice man, and he also seemed to love my mother. I was happy for Mother, but what about me? How do I adjust to the life of being the stepdaughter of someone like Alpha Peterson? To make matters worse, he has two sons who disapprove of his marriage to my mother. The ringing of my phone got my attention, and when I went for it, I realized it was my father calling, so I picked it up and placed it on my ear. “Hi, Dad.” “Hello, my angel,” he responded. By the tone of his voice, it seemed he was in a sober state, which was something rare because my father was always drunk; that was one of the reasons Mother decided to leave him. “How are you, father?” I asked to be sure he was okay. “I’m fine; how are you?” he asked. “I’m okay, Father. I just got settled in my room.” He was silent for a moment before he responded. “I believe you are already loving your new life there,” Father grumbled, and it got me annoyed. “I wouldn’t be here if not for you, father. You drove Mother into the arms of another man because of your drinking habit, so don’t blame it on Mother or me." I said harshly and noticed the other end if the line was silent for a moment before he responded. “It’s Fine; I’m happy for you and your mother. I wish you two the best.” “Stop it, father. You know I would have stayed back with you, but I'm just fourteen, and Mother won’t let me stay with you because of your drinking habit. Stop making it sound like I deliberately left you when you know it’s not so,” I snapped at Father, and he went silent again. The line remained silent, but I knew he was still on the phone. As we stayed on the line, I wished I could comfort him and tell him all would be well, but I couldn’t; I was also having a hard time. My parents are getting separated, and now I have to adjust to a new way of living; everything was too much for me. “Have a good day, Bel. I will talk to you later,” Father ended the call, and I dropped the phone. Sighing tiredly, I got up and decided to take a shower. Entering the bathroom, I scanned the area with awe; my private bathroom had a bathtub, a shower, and many other things. Slowly, I undressed, stood in the shower, and took a cold bath. After bathing, I tied a towel around my chest and returned to my room. I got dressed in a simple black tracksuit. After getting dressed, I left the room and made my way downstairs. Meeting with a maid, I asked her where the dining table was, and she walked me to the dining area. Reaching the big dining area, I met Mother and Alpha Peterson, already seated, having a cheerful conversation with each other. I have never seen mother so happy; in fact, she was glowing. “Darling,” Mother called out when she noticed me standing. "Come, have a seat,” she gestured, and I walked over to the table and took an empty seat. “Are you okay? Is there anything you would want to change in the room?” Alpha Peterson asked, but I shook my head. “Everything is perfect, sir, Thank you.” He hummed and signalled for the maids to serve us our food. I watched the maids place three plates before us, and then a maid asked me what I wanted so she could dish it onto my plate. “Um, thank you. I can do it myself,” I responded. Being served by someone was strange and new to me. “Let them serve you; it’s their duty,” Alpha Peterson urged, and I nodded and allowed the maid to serve me. After the maid served me, I thanked her and began eating. I noticed the empty seats and wondered if Alpha Peterson’s sons wouldn’t join us. I wanted to ask Alpha Peterson about it, but I decided to mind my business. Soon, I heard footsteps, and curious to know who it was, I turned around. Turning in the direction of the footsteps, I saw the two twins coming to the dining table. My eyes interlocked with one, and I could see anger and hate glowing in his eyes, and they were directed at me. Feeling irritated by his gaze, I looked away and returned to my food. I felt one twin pull out the seat beside me, and another stood beside me. “Get up; that’s my seat,” the one standing muttered, and I swallowed hard. “Get another seat; as you can see, it’s already occupied,” Alpha Peterson demanded. “No, father, this is where Darwin sits, and she won’t take his seat; she has to get up and take another seat,” the one seated beside me responded to Alpha Peterson. Alpha Peterson groaned. “Stop this madness and look for another seat,” Alpha Peterson demanded, and this time, he was already sounding angry. “She has to be the one to leave the seat, father; this seat has always been mine,” the one who, I assume, is Darwin responded stubbornly to Alpha Peterson. “Darwin!” Alpha Peterson hit the table, and I frowned. It could have made any girl scared, but not me. Father had done worse when he was drunk. “I will not leave this seat,” I said, returning to my plate of food. Here might be their home, but I won’t let them bully me. “You heard her. Take another seat.” Alpha Peterson said, and the twin scoffed bitterly. “Just a day of her arrival, and you are already taking her side.” His tone was laced with bitterness, and somehow I felt uncomfortable by it, but I won’t leave the seat; if he had asked nicely, then maybe I would have given up the seat for him, but since he didn’t, I would remain in my spot. I heard him grunt and move to an empty seat, which was far away from me. My eyes met with Alpha Peterson's, and I could see he was happy that I stood up for myself and didn’t leave the seat. After everyone had settled down, a maid served them their food. Soon, we all began eating, but the atmosphere was tense. Constantly, my eyes would meet with those of Mother’s, and she would give me an assuring smile, but I would frown and look away. After forcing a few spoons of food into their mouths, I noticed the twins got up and, without saying a word to anyone, they walked out of the dining room. I watched them leave, and the moment they left, I released a breath I never knew I was holding. Just being in a closed space with them was choking me, and I wondered how long I would be able to survive it. “Don’t be bothered by their behavior. My sons are sweet young men; they are just trying to wrap their heads around all these new changes. But believe me, they will come around soon,” Alpha Peterson assured Mother and me. Mother nodded, but I ignored his words and returned to the food. After taking a few spoonfuls, I decided to take my leave. “Thank you for the meal. I will be in my room.” “Alright, I’ll come see you before I go to bed,” Mother said, and I nodded. “Goodnight, Bella,” Alpha Peterson muttered. “Good night, sir," I responded before leaving the table. It was a bit difficult to locate my room due to how big the mansion was, but with the help of a servant, I found it. Stepping into my room, I closed the door and turned to see the twins seated on my bed, their eyes like daggers staring at me.
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