
1940 Words
Darin’s POV We couldn’t tear our eyes off her as we stared at her. She has drifted to sleep as we had assumed, and we knew when she would wake up in the morning, she might be feeling panicked, but it was nothing to panic about. What I put in the juice was just a strong sleeping pill. I have been having trouble sleeping. “Dude, you could have been more careful,” Darwin grunted. “I didn’t know she would come downstairs. I just went to the restroom, and when I returned, she had already drank from it.” I murmured. It was just a few hours she had been here, and she was already causing havoc. “We should leave,” Darwin grunted before going for the door. Darwin opened the door, and we both left her room. I entered my room, and Darwin followed me. Going straight to the mini-bar, I took a bottle of whiskey from the bar and carried two glasses. I placed the glasses on the mini-side table, and then I sat on the couch. I filled up our glasses, and after doing that, I handed one to Darwin, and then I took a sip of mine. “What were you doing?” Darwin questioned, and I raised a brow at him. “You know what I'm saying.” “I don’t…” I responded, and he eyed me. “You were lost, staring at her,” he accused, and I sighed and took a sip of my drink. There was no need to deny it; Darwin knew me just like I knew myself, and I couldn’t lie. “I was just lost. Man, she is beautiful.” “I don't care if she looks like a demigoddess; all we should be concerned about is getting her and her w***e of a mother out of this mansion,” Darwin grunted. Suddenly, the door of my room opened, and I looked toward the door to see Father walking in. His eyes went straight to the glass of whiskey in my hand, and I didn’t bother to drop or hide it; instead, I challengingly took a long sip of it. I heard him groan, and then he came to where Darwin and I were seated. He took a seat, and Darwin and I looked at each other; we knew he was here for a long talk, and we already knew our response. “We need to talk,” Father started, and we looked his way. A tense silence filled the air for a moment before Dad spoke again. “What exactly is the problem?” “The problem is that you are taking a new wife just three years after the death of your wife, your mate!” Darwin responded with an outburst. Father sighed and shook his head. “So you feel three years isn’t enough?” “No, it isn’t,” I answered. “Really? So how long is enough?” Father questioned, and Darwin and I remained silent. No matter the years, no years were enough. We couldn’t accept that father would have another wife; she would be his Luna, a position our mother loved and cherished. We couldn’t accept the fact that she would take away the memories of our mother and change everything to her ways; we just couldn’t accept it. “I need answers from you two,” Father urged, but Darwin and I didn’t give a response; instead, we looked at each other and then looked away. “Do you prefer your old man stay alone forever?” He questioned, and I scoffed in anger. “Stop it, Father; don’t act like you are old. You are just forty, and besides, you can have mistresses and s*x mates but not a wife,” I stated firmly. “Stop it, you two,” Father hit the table, and neither I nor Darwin flinched; we were already used to his outburst. “Soon, you two will turn eighteen, and if you two are lucky like me, you will meet your mate. Then what will happen to me when you marry and start your family? What will happen when I retire as the Alpha and decide to live alone? Then what will happen to me? Do you want me to be lonely for the rest of my life?” Father questioned in anger and pain, and somehow, I felt it. “You are not going anywhere, Dad; even if you retire, and we take up the position of Alphas and have our family, you are staying here with us, and you should know that,” Darwin responded to what I had in mind. It's magical how Darwin and I think alike. “You two…” Father groaned and got up. “It is obvious that no matter how much we talk about it, you two will never accept it, so I'm going to drop this matter. “I won't talk about this or care about what you two think. Two days from now, I will be getting married to my fiancée, and you two are welcome to attend, but if you can't see me being happy, you two can stay back. But let me clarify one thing: stay away from my fiancée and her daughter. I will not tolerate any disrespect from you two. I hope I'm clear on this,” he muttered firmly, while Darwin and I remained silent. We all stayed silent, but Father groaned and left our room, slamming the door against us. After he left, I took a long sip of my drink, and then I locked gazes with Darwin, who seemed furious. “I'm going to bed.” He groaned and left my room, leaving me pondering in my thought. The next day I met Darwin in the living room, waiting for me. The moment he saw me, he got up, ready for us to leave for school. “Sons,” I heard father's voice from the stairs, turning towards the direction. I saw him climbing down the stairs with his fiancée beside him. A groan left my lips, and I looked away, ready to leave. “Are you two not staying for breakfast?” Father asked, and Darwin and I both shook our heads. “Why?” He questioned. “Because we don’t feel like eating. Goodbye, Dad,” I murmured, walking out on him while Darwin did the same. I started the car and drove out of the mansion. The drive was silent, as neither I nor Darwin said a word to each other. We were both fuming and needed to calm our nerves. After a long minute of silence, I decided to speak. “We should go talk to Godfather; maybe he can talk some sense into father,” I suggested, and Darwin nodded. We didn’t talk much all through the drive to the school, and when we arrived, I parked in our private space. Being the son of the alpha comes with so many privileges. We both got out of the car and began walking towards the school. As usual, eyes settled on us, eyes of drooling and admiration, which we were already used to. Getting to the hallway, we spotted our best friend, Mark, the son of my father’s beta. Mark was getting something from his locker, and we met with him. “Hey, man,” Darwin and I greeted. “Double D,” he responded and looked our way. He stared at us awhile before asking, “What's wrong?” Darwin and I sighed and took out books from our different lockers. “Did something happen?” He asked, concerned. “Let’s talk about it during lunchtime,” I suggested, and Mark nodded. The bell rang, announcing it was time for our first class. Getting to class, we took our seats, and waited for the teacher to arrive. Someone hug me from behind, and without turning around, I knew it was my girlfriend, or rather my s*x mate, Casey. “Good morning, baby,” she greeted cheerfully, and I rolled my eyes. “How was your night?” “I am not in the mood for this, please,” I told her. She moved away from behind me and stood before me with crossed arms. “What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?” Casey asked, bothered, but I only sighed and relaxed in my seat. I looked at Darwin’s way and saw his s*x mate, Benita, talking to him, but just like me, he wasn't in the mood for talk. “Darin,” Casey called. She was among the few people who could differentiate us, and that was because I told her how to. “I think you ladies should let them be; they are not in a good mood,” Mark spoke on our behalf. The two ladies obeyed and left. “Thank you, man,” I sighed. Our math teacher arrived and solved some problems on the board, which Darwin and I ignored. We had two more classes, and then it was lunchtime. We three went to the school canteen, used our card to take our food, and then went to our usual spot. We got settled and began eating. “So what's up?” Mark asked. “Our father is planning to take a new wife; in fact, she is in our home with her daughter,” Darwin explained, and a frown appeared on Mark's face. “Is she from this pack?” “No,” I responded. “Whoa, I never saw this coming. So what will you two do? You can't stop your father from getting married,” Mark asked. Darwin and I remained silent as we pondered our thoughts. “We will follow you home; we must speak with your father,” I announced. Mark sighed and shook his head. “My father will not help you. Remember, he is best friends with your father, and I believe the two of them must have talked about it, and my father must have supported him, and that’s why he is going on with the marriage,” Mark explained, and I came to realize that he was telling the truth. “Damn it,” I grunted and slammed my fist on the table, drawing the attention of a few people to us. “Calm down,” Mark urged, and I sighed. “We have to do something; we can't let our father marry that woman,” Darwin grumbled. “Are you scared she would turn your father against you two?” Mark asked, and I shook my head. “That is not our main concern. What we are concerned about is who this woman is. She is not even from this pack; she was once married and even has a daughter, who should be between the ages of thirteen and fourteen. Unlike father, she isn’t a widow; her husband is alive. Then why would she leave him and decide to be with our father unless she has a plan and an ulterior motive? She came into our family for a mission, and we won’t watch and let that happen,” I declared those words as a promise. “So, what are you two going to do?” Mark asked, interested in our plan. I looked at Darwin and then at Mark. “We will make the mansion a living hell for her and her daughter that no one will ask them to leave, but they will run for their lives,” I declared those words as a vow I would fulfil even to my last breath.
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