The problem

1482 Words
Bella's POV “You…” I stuttered when I realized I had bumped into one of the twins. Our gaze interlocked, and he glared at me with anger and hate. Gulping uncomfortably, I looked away and stepped aside so he could go in while I went out, but he didn’t. Instead, he just remained at the spot, blocking me from leaving. “Excuse me, I have to pass,” I said and heard him chuckle. “You want to pass?” He asked with amusement in his voice, and I frowned. “Can I please pass?” I pleaded, anger already bubbling inside me, but he chuckled. “And if I don’t?” He challenged me, and I got pissed. I looked up at him, and our eyes interlocked. “Is there a problem?” I was fed up with the attitude the brothers were giving me. "Really? Are you asking me that?” He stepped closer to me, and I took a step away. “Your mother came into our home to destroy it, and here you are asking me if there is a problem? You are the problem! Your mother is the problem! And if you and the b***h of your mother don’t leave this home, I will make sure I send your dead bodies back,” he vowed and walked past me. Clenching both fists, I walked out of the kitchen. I took the stairs back to my room, and when I got in, I sat on my bed and thought of his words. Mother told me their threats were mere talks, but I couldn’t wipe it off. Every minute of the day, their words kept repeating, and I couldn’t ignore them. I wanted to speak to someone about it, maybe my best friend Lola, but it was already late, and she should be asleep now. Feeling exhausted, I lay on my bed and drifted to sleep. The next day, after showering, I went downstairs for breakfast and reaching the table, I realized the twins were also seated at the table. “Good morning, sir, good morning, mother,” I greeted as I pulled out a seat. Alpha Peterson smiled at me. “How was your night?” “It was fine, thank you,” I said and looked in Mother’s way. She smiled at me, but I ignored her and looked away. I glanced in the twin's direction and saw that their eyes were fixed on the plate of food before them. I noticed they were playing with the fork in their hand, which meant they didn’t want to be seated at the table. “We are going on our honeymoon, and it will last only four days,” Alpha Peterson announced. And I overheard the twins grunting, but Alpha Peterson ignored them and continued. “We will be leaving tomorrow. We are going to the Philippines. If there is anything you want, you can write it down, and we will get it for you guys,” Alpha Peterson offered, and no one said a word. He turned to me. “Is there anything you would need?” He asked, but I shook my head. “Thank you, but I don’t need anything,” I said politely, and one of the twins scoffed, forcing me to look his way. “Stop pretending. We all know you want something, so say it. I know you are so happy to have a stepfather like Alpha Peterson. You can have whatever you want, unlike your poor father,” he spoke under his breath, his eyes on the plate of food as if he was talking to himself when obviously he was referring to me. I wanted to speak back at him but decided to stay cool and composed. “Excuse me, Darin?” Alpha peterson raised a brow. “You are already excused, Father,” Darin rudely responded and got up. “Darin, sit down!” Alpha Peterson demanded. “And if I don’t, Father? What will you do? Will you disown me?” Darin challenged, and Alpha Peterson grunted. “You might as well do that.” With those words, he left the table, and Darwin also got up, and without saying a word, he left. The dining table was silent, as neither of us said a word. I looked at Mother, who gave me an assuring smile before looking away. “Don’t worry, they will come around,” Alpha Peterson assured me, and all I could do was nod before returning to my meal. The breakfast was silent until we were all done, and I decided to go back to my room. Getting to my room, I picked up my phone and realized I had a few missed calls from Father, so curious to know why he was calling, I decided to call him back. After a few beeps, he picked up. “Good morning, Dad,” I greeted. “Bella, why are you and your mother not answering my calls?” Father yelled drunkenly, and I sighed. “You are drunk again, Father.” “No, I am not. I am not drunk, Bella. I am perfectly fine. And now you tell me, why are you and your mother not answering my calls? Or has she told you not to speak to me anymore?” “Stop it, Father. Stop all this.” “Oh, you are now supporting your mother? You two are in this together!” He yelled drunkenly from over the phone, and I got fed up, so I ended the call on him. I also went further to switch off my phone so he wouldn’t bombard my phone with his calls. Sighing tiredly, I lay on my bed; I thought of Mother’s new marriage and Alpha Peterson’s sons, who didn’t like Mother and me. I wished I had a say in all this; I wouldn’t have lived here. I’m still not used to such a life, a life of wealth and influence. Perhaps it would have been easier if Alpha Peterson’s sons had accepted Mother, but their rejection made things difficult for us. A knock landed on my door, and I asked the person in. The door opened, revealing Alpha Peterson. “Are you ready? I have to register you in your new school. I could have sent one of my men or your mother to do it, but I want to speak with the principal, so I decided to take you myself.” I nodded and got up. “Shall we?” “Yes.” I nodded, and he led the way out of my room. We met Mother downstairs, giving instructions to a maid, and when she saw us, she smiled. “Have a nice day, Bella.” She waved at me, and I forced a smile before leaving with Alpha Peterson. I was so uncomfortable going alone with him; I thought Mother would join us, but it seemed she had no plan to. Getting outside the mansion, a car was already waiting for us. And Alpha Peterson and I sat in the back seat of the car while the driver sat in the driver's seat and drove out of the mansion. The drive was silent as no one said a word; my eyes were fixed outside the window as I glanced at the beauty of the pack. I was a bit uncomfortable staying in a closed space with Alpha Peterson, but I chose to ignore his presence and fix my eyes on the road. “Bella.” He called my attention, and I was forced to look his way. He flashed me a comforting smile before speaking. “You seem tense,” he said, sounding sure of it. “And you shouldn’t be,” he added, and I swallowed hard. “Listen, I may not be your biological father, but I promise to care for you. Since I married your mother, I have taken it upon myself that you are my daughter, and I will never do anything to hurt you. I see you as a daughter, and I'm not asking you to see me as your father, but all I ask is that you should be comfortable around me. Don’t just see me as Alpha Peterson, but see me as someone else, okay?” he pleaded, and I nodded. “I know it will take some time for you to adjust to this new way of life, but don’t worry, no one is forcing you. With time, everything will become used to you. And as for the attitude of my sons, don't worry about that; I will handle them, okay?” he assured me, and I nodded. “Good,” he smiled warmly at me before looking away. I returned my gaze to the window and smiled. Now I see the reasons why Mother fell head over heels for him.
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