
1701 Words
Bella’s POV Waking up, I recalled what had happened last night, and without being told, I realized some sleeping pills were put in the drink. With panic, I checked myself, and a sigh of relief left my lips when I realized I was untouched. I sighed and decided to keep it away from my mother; I didn’t want her getting worried about me. After taking my bath, I had breakfast and returned to my room. Seated on my bed, I glanced around the room, which looked like a room designed for a princess. Everything in the room speaks luxury, and I was trying to get used to it. It was just a day being here, and I already felt suffocating. The brothers' threats rang in my head; the seriousness and the anger in their eyes couldn’t be ignored. I knew they might carry out their threat, and I needed to tell Mom about it, but Alpha Peterson hadn’t left her side since we arrived. A knock on the door took me out of my thoughts, forcing my attention to the door. “Come in.” The door opened, revealing Mother. She had a bright smile, and I had to smile back at her; she seemed so happy, and I was happy for her. “Alpha Peterson got you something for the wedding.” She said as she handed a box to me. “What is in there?” I asked curiously as I took the box from Mother. “Open it and see.” She smiled at me, and I nodded. Curious about what was inside the box, I opened it and realized it was an outfit. With a smile, I took the blue beaded dress from the box and looked at it properly. Gosh, it was so stunning. “Do you like it?” Mother asked, and I nodded. “Yes.” I forced a smile and picked up the jewels. “Are these gold?” I asked, not believing my eyes. “Yeah.” Mother responded with a chuckle. “Woah!” I glanced at the jewelry with admiration. “They were so fine that I couldn’t take my eyes off them. “Check if the shows fit you.” Mother urged, and I went for the shoes. I took it out of the box and smiled at them; they looked so beautiful. Smiling happily, I tried on the shoes, which fit perfectly. “Beautiful.” Mother praised, and I smiled before taking off the shoes. “Thank you, mom.” “I wasn’t the one who got them from you; Alpha Peterson did.” “I will have to go meet him then,” I said, and my mother nodded. “But before that can, we have a word,” I suggested to Mother, who nodded and sat on the bed. “What is wrong?” “Is alpha Peterson sons,” I sighed. “What about them?” Mother asked. “Last night, I met them in my room, and they threatened to do something bad to us if we didn’t leave,” I told Mother, who sighed and shook her head. “What if they carry out their threats?” I added, worried and scared for my mother’s life. “They won't.” Mother seems so sure of her response. I frowned. “Why do you think so?” “Because I know so. They are just acting this way because all this is new to them, and they are trying to adjust to this, but soon they will come around.” Mother tried assuring me, but I frowned. “I doubt that,” I murmured, but Mother smiled and gently stroked my hair. “Don't worry about anything, my dear. Alpha Peterson will take care of it.” She assured me, sounding so confident about it, and I had to believe her. “If you say so.” Mother got up from the bed and placed a kiss on my cheek. “See you tomorrow darling.” She flashed me her usual charming smile before leaving my room. The Next day! I could hear soft chuckles and laughter coming from the guests downstairs; they were probably congratulating Alpha Peterson and Mother on their newlywed life. I wished I could stay in my room all day and just sleep, but I knew that couldn’t be the case. Mother said I have to be present, so Alpha Peterson could introduce me as his stepdaughter, a position I haven’t come to terms with. The laughter and merriment didn’t stop; rather, it seemed like the guests kept increasing because their voices became louder. “I have to leave,” I murmured to my seat as I got up and left my room. Getting out of my room, I took the stairs to the living room, and that’s when I realized the sitting room was crowded with guests who had come to celebrate with the newly married couple. I felt a bit nervous at the caliber of people present, but I braced up, put on a composed face, and made my way towards Mother, who was smiling and talking to a guest. “Congratulations, Mother.” She looked my way and smiled. “Come here.” She pulled me into a tight hug. “I have been looking for you. Where were you?” “I went to ease myself,” I responded, and she nodded and began introducing me to the guest as her daughter. The guest seemed friendly and respectful to Mother, despite just knowing her a few moments ago; perhaps that was the advantage of being the wife of an alpha. My eyes went to the stairs, and I saw the twins descending the stairs, big frowns on their faces. Mother and I glanced at each other for a moment before she gave me a comforting smile, assuring me that the twins wouldn’t make a scene because the look on their faces seemed like ones who had a plot to accomplish. Just as I thought, their presence was quickly noticed, and the guests who saw them smiled at them, but the twins frowned. Ignoring their smiles, they walked past the guests and made their way to the door, but Alpha Peterson grabbed their hands, prompting them to stop in their tracks. I watched them turn around and glare at Alpha Peterson. “What is it, Father?” one of the twins asked rudely, not minding that eyes were on them. “Where are you two going?” Alpha Peterson asked, not minding the tone the twin used on him. “None of your business, Father, and why do you care? You now have a new family, so leave my brother and me alone,” the other twin yelled, gaining the attention of everyone around them. Alpha Peterson seemed hurt by his words; it was very obvious in his eyes. “Have fun, Father, but I promise it won’t last,” one of the twins declared and freed himself from Alpha Peterson’s grip and stormed out of the living room. Murmurs arose in the room as the guests whispered among themselves, clearly shocked by the twins' attitude. Alpha Peterson let out a sigh, his face a mask of frustration and sadness. My mother’s grip on my arm tightened slightly, a silent plea for me to stay calm and composed despite the unfolding drama. The remaining twin jerked his arm free from Alpha Peterson's grasp and followed his brother out, slamming the door behind them. The room fell into an awkward silence, the earlier joyful atmosphere replaced by an uncomfortable tension. Alpha Peterson cleared his throat, attempting to regain the guests' attention. “I apologize for the disturbance,” he said, his voice steady but strained. “Please, continue to enjoy the evening.” Gradually, the conversations resumed, though the atmosphere was palpably changed. My mother turned to me, her eyes filled with concern. "Bella, are you okay?” “No, Mother, I think I should go back to my room.” I pleaded, desperately wanting some quietness. Mother nodded, fully understanding, before she kissed my cheek. “I will see you tomorrow morning.” I flashed a half smile at her before making my way up the stairs. Getting back into my room, I slumped on the bed, the events of the day taking a toll on me. I lay there, staring at the ceiling as I thought of the twins and their anger towards this marriage. I knew they had every right to be angry, but I felt they were taking it a bit too far, especially with the threat they had issued to my Mother. Mother had told me not to take their threats to heart, but there was this gut feeling of fear forming in my chest. I felt something was going to go wrong, and no matter how hard I tried to ignore it, I just couldn’t. Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep, at least to clear my head and stress. Waking up, I realized it was night, and my room was dark. I went for the light, switched it on, and then my eyes fell on the wall clock. That was when I realized I had slept for a long time. I sat on my bed and took off the shoes I had slept in. I looked around for water since I was thirsty, but there was none. I got up, made my way out of the room and descended the stairs. Arriving in the living room, I was relieved to see that all the guests had left, and only the maids were in the living room, tidying the place. Releasing a relief sigh, I made my way to the kitchen, took out a bottle of water from the fridge, and just as I was about to walk out of the kitchen, I bumped into someone at the door. I frowned and lifted my head to see who it was, only to realize that it was one of the twins. Our eyes interlocked, and I could see anger flickering in his eyes as he glared at me.
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