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To prove herself right, Aurelia recalled how she was mesmerised by that face for the entire day. Victor was uncomfortable saying it but that's what Alexander said, so he simply repeated it. "He saw him one day and fell in love at first sight. You shouldn't go into details about someone else's love life. You can't question a successful person's taste. Aurelia is beautiful. It's natural to fall in love." He did not even ask for any details from Alexander. "He mentioned admiring her for a long time! How long was it?" "Well, he can't go around announcing when and where he fell in love!" Zara heard that and scoffed. Sure enough, Aurelia must have said the truth. They met for the first time and Aurelia managed to bag such a big benefit. What stinking good luck! Zara refused to believe that a billionaire like Alexander was in love with Aurelia. It was impossible! Rachel also had the same idea but she thought more than that. She was already placing an expiry date on their so-called love. "Love at first sight. What a joke. Isn't it just a momentary infatuation? What if he gets over it in a few months? I predict that it won't last more than a year." "What does that have to do with anything? Once our company gets a deal with the Weston group, we will find a way to make it over the long term. As for Aurelia -" Victor gave Aurelia a quick glance and continued to talk in front of her, "- she has a good face. She should be able to earn her stay with Alexander. If not, we will make sure it doesn't affect our business negatively." "I still don't get it!" Zara whined. "Be quiet Zara!" Rachel gave her a look. "It is nothing but a superficial attraction that will fade away in a couple of months or a year at most. It's our chance to reap as many benefits as possible. This is a rare opportunity, we cannot waste it." The topic went on for a long time. Aurelia's presence was not important anymore. Their priority was to come up with a plan to maximize their profits within the short time frame that Aurelia could stay with Alexander. They seemed sure that she wouldn't be able to stay with him for more than that. Aurelia personally had no opinion on that. She did not mind not being able to be his wife for long. She had a pretty stable life and a job of her own. She could always come back to her family after divorce and resume their daily routine. Slowly fading back into her bedroom, Aurelia decided not to think about it anymore. After all, no one took her engagement seriously. It was a deal, not a relationship. She shouldn't have dived deeper into it. It was almost dawn when Aurelia retired to bed. The phone was plugged in to be charged. When the screen came back to life, a notification jumped onto the screen. It was an unknown number. She was unable to receive spam messages, so it had to be someone who had her number. Aurelia unhurriedly checked the message. 'Reached home? - Alexander Weston.' Aurelia stared at the message for a few seconds before slowly replying. She leaned back on the headboard and typed letter by letter until a meaningful sentence was formed. "I have arrived." Then, she saved the number on her contact list for convenience. For now, she was still clueless about what to do with this deal. Suddenly she felt it would be easier to deal with Cooper. He was not on the same level as Alexander and Aurelia did not have to care too much about it. However, now the circumstances have changed. She clearly saw how much her family valued Alexander and wanted his help to lift their business to new heights. She had to behave like a proper fianceè, even if it was for a short period of time. Since morning was about to greet the world, Aurelia decided to shut her eyes for a couple of hours. She asked for leave yesterday due to the engagement party and today she had to go back to work. At a sharp six am, her alarm rang and her emerald eyes opened with a snap. Sleep seemed to be an old enemy with a distance of oceans in between them. They rarely ever came together willingly. Aurelia performed her morning rituals and got ready for the day. The housekeeper was nowhere to be seen, which was already an indication that no one else had woken up. Aurelia made breakfast and left for school. The long tunic covered every piece of skin on her body under the neck. A pair of black leggins stuck tightly to her legs in fear that her skin would be shown. She walked in the soft morning sun all the way to school. Summer was approaching at an unimaginable speed and soon classes would end for the year. Aurelia had too many papers to grade and fewer classes to teach. She was so busy that she did not have the time to check her phone until lunch time rolled around. In the morning, Aurelia simply pulled the phone out of it's charging plug and dropped it into her bag. That was the reason why she was only just seeing the message sent by Alexander. It was sent at nine in the morning. It was currently two pm. Aurelia calmly chewed on the food, put down her spoon and checked the message. It was already rare for anyone to text her. Aurelia was not used to texting or talking on the phone much. Simply because she had too few people who wanted to contact her and vice versa. Zara even texted her when it was absolutely needed and did not expect a reply back from Aurelia. Now Aurelia found it novel to be texting during work hours and that, too, with her new fiance. She peeked at his profile picture for a few seconds, decided to check it out properly later and paid attention to his words first.
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