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Episode 2 Jimmie's pov: It was a 30-minute drive and I got to his place of work after trekking to some extent. I walked into the big building and roved my eyes around the place. How did he get to this level? He is an assistant director here in this company and I remember that he studied commercial accounting back then in school and he now has a degree and up to five ph.ds... ...like are you kidding me? Art wouldn't require all this stress, would it? I got to the reception and I met a different lady who I guess was newly employed. What happened to Alissa? "Good morning" I greeted and she marvelled when she stared at me. I know that look... She's definitely drooling! "Oh hello sir how may I help you she replied with a seductive smile that I was not really comfortable but I just ignored it. "I'm here to see my friend Leo is he around" I asked avoiding her gaze "Oh yes Mr Leo is in his office" she replied "Okay thank you" I replied and was about to leave to his office when her voice stopped me. "Sorry sir but is that all? Don't need anything else?" she asked and twisted a strand of her hair with her index finger and I frowned. "No I don't" I replied strictly and left. Ladies could be hoodlums sometimes. I walked into Leo's office without knocking and I was surprised to find He and Tessy - his girlfriend having some kind of love play, laughing and repeating it over again. I smiled and cleared my throat because I'm sure they didn't notice my presence, they both turned to look at me immediately. "Oh" "you could simply write a notice in front of your door so that you could have enough time together with no one disturbing" I said to them rolling my eyes dramatically and they laughed. "And why do I have to do that?... Well of course I should because some people don't have a girlfriend" Leo said to me with a teasing smile and I knew he was referring to me. I threw a pen at him which he dodge and laughed afterwards. "How are you doing Jim?" Tessy asked with a smile as she packed her bags "I'm fine and I guess the both of you are fine as well" I replied "Of course we are" He jibed in and sneaked his arms around Tessy's waist before kissing her neck making me roll my eyes. "Come on babe just kiss me back to make Jimmy jealous so that he will have his own girlfriend as well" He winked at me and I chuckled "You are a crazy man" I mumbled and he laughed. "Thank God you are here Jimmie. Leo has refused to release me" Tessy groaned and I smiled "Don't mind him" I replied with a smirk "Shut up" Leo said to me and I laughed then she grabbed her bag. "Bye babe" she said and pecked his cheek "Bye Jim" she waved at me before leaving. I picked a doughnut on Leo's desk and munched on it. One wasn't enough so I picked another one. I was so hungry "Are you hungry? do you want more of it?" he asked and I nodded simply. "You won't believe that that you won't believe that woman didn't give me breakfast this morning" I reported my mum to him and he chuckled. "She really loves you" He replied and I scoffed. "Just because I don't have a job" I added with crumpled face and he chuckled. "She just seem to be into it this time around. 'We've got bills, my friend's son is inviting me for their housewarming, someone of your age and yet you don't have a job drop that God damn course but you never listened, now look." "Those are her words every morning it's not my fault. I'm still looking for a good place to work" I muttered with a sigh of frustration. "You don't have to worry you would get it soon. Remember I tried getting an admin post for you but you refused because it wasn't inline with your field of study. Well I considered that too and... Oh that reminds me" "I have gotten a place for you" he said and my face lited up immediately. "Really? where?" I asked curiously "Do you know Bea and me Production?" he asked and I made an 'I don't know' face. He stood up and walked to the small fridge in his office then continued talking. "Come on is a famous place, very popular, you've got to know it. They deal with movie making, cartoon and something related to art work I guess." He explained with a shrug and brought out an orange juice from the fridge then closed it back. He turned to look at me waiting for my response but I just stared at him in awe seriously I don't know the place. We don't even have a television at home to see anything concerning that company. "Jesus Christ! You still don't know? God! Where are you in this world?" he rolled his eyes and placed the juice on the table in front of me then got a glass cup "I don't know the place, I'm serious. I don't even have a phone to research on the name" I said "Well that shouldn't be a problem you can have mine don't worry before the end of today I should get another one" he said and I hesitated before staring at him, hoping he was joking. "Come on man. I'm serious you are my bro and I have to take care of you even more than we did for each other back then in high school" he added with a warm smile and I stood up to hug him. "Thanks man! I don't know where I would be without you. thank you so much" I said and he chuckled before stretching forth the phone to me. I collected it and stared at it. Wow, It looks so expensive! He brought out more doughnuts and served me. "Finish up! I want you to go to that company today because I feel there would be a job opportunity related to your course. Beatrice Conner the owner of that company will be visiting the company for the first time today maybe towards evening or so. "You have to be there before she comes because by the time she arrives everyone there will be busy and no one would have time for interview. I know they deal with acting but you can still show them your comics and Art Ideas. They might like it and also hire you, I wouldn't want you to lose this opportunity. Convince them Jimmie" As he was explaining I was eating as fast as I could, nodding my head to every word he said with my eyes still fixed on him. "They would need my CV right?" I asked with a muffled voice due to the stuffed doughnut in my mouth. "Definitely! Don't choke yourself bro. Saying you should eat quick doesn't mean you should kill yourself" he said trying to calm me down but I still ate in a hurry. I don't want to miss this opportunity. I gulped down the whole cup of juice and stood up immediately. I collected the address from him, he gave me T fare and I thanked him before grabbing my bag. I ran out of his office ignoring the looks of the receptionist then I remembered that I forgot to ask about Alissa. Like flash I quickly got a cab to the company. It was a 25-minute drive from Leo's office then I paid the cabby man and walked casually to the gate. I rubbed my mouth to wipe off the doughnut crumbs on my lips before clearing my throat. I walked into the company and my mouth agape. Jeez they must have spent a thousand fortune on this place because the beauty was alluring. I chuckled at my thoughts and took in a deep breath, waiting for confidence to overwhelm me. Oh Christ help me! I walked into the entrance of the beautiful building then went to the receptionist and thank God it was a male this time. I smiled broadly and placed my hand on the shiny glass desk that formed the receptionist office. "Excuse me good morning I greeted with the help of an electrified wall. Although it's a few minutes to noon. "Yes good morning how may I help you?" he asked with his baritone voice, still keeping an expressionless face. One couldn't even tell if he was happy, sad or angry but he looks like the serious type actually. "I came for an interview" I replied "Move to the second floor and enter the first door on your right, the elevator is over there" he said pointing to the direction then I looked at it and nodded. "Thank you" I replied and walked to the elevator. I went to the second floor as directed and placed a knock on the door. "Come in" I heard a man's voice and I walked into the office. I found a man on his desk opening and closing some files then he finally looked up to me then I cleared my throat lightly good afternoon I guess it should be, by now. "Yes young man how may I help you?" "I came for interview sir" I replied "Oh you are searching for a job?" "yes sir" I replied nodding at the same time. "Alright have a seat" "Thank you sir" I mumbled and sat opposite him. "Your CV?" he requested and I quickly gave it to him then he adjusted his glasses to have a good look at it. I tapped the tip of my fingers on my thigh nervously as I prayed silently. "So, you studied Art?" He asked and I nodded rubbing my sweaty palms together. "I see" he mumbled and continued to look at it. The silence was already suffocating me as butterflies danced in my tommy. Raising his eyes to look at me... "Jimmie Rodgers?" he asked "Yes sir" I replied and was obviously sweating because I could feel the beads of sweat on my forehead and a stylishly wiped them off with my handkie my gaze still on him, who was just focused on my CV. "For you to have come here that means you have an ideology of acting right?" he asked Acting? Not that much. "Actually not really acting in the aspect of animation cartoon drawings..." I try to elaborate more on my point but I myself became confused on what I was saying. "Still acting!" he said "What?" forced out of my mouth but underneath my breath "You still don't know what we do on this company, do you?" he asked with his face a little bit serious this time. "No, I mean yes I do. I was thinking I could use my ideas of using pictures, drawings, comics for kids not only kids but even for adults as well. I was thinking it could add to the company's pattern a little bit and help make more sales. In fact I even came with some of the comic books I made. I could show you so you could understand what I'm talking about" I said opening my bag about to bring out the books and painting but he stopped me. "Mr Rogers. do you realise that we are in a digitalized world now and even kids use phones. Who would waste their time on comic books? when there are already online" He said, rolling eyes in a sarcastic way. "But sir my drawings, my designs are unique. You really need to check it out" I said still trying to get my comic books but... "Mr Rogers I don't think it's necessary for you to change the strategy of this company and you are not even the owner of the company. Miss Beatrice would not even accept this idea of yours. we are already making cool money from our movies and your idea might suck. Maybe next time boy... you could try another company or get a better job at a bookstore they could accept your comic idea but sorry not here. You may take your leave now" he said with no conscience and I gasped. Are you kidding me? I stared at him, hoping he was joking but he didn't look like it. There wasn't even a curved smile on his lips at all "But sir you haven't even seen it yet I said trying to make him understand me "I know but what you explain still doesn't make sense or even go in line with the company's strategy" he said with a shrug. "But I really need this job sir. Please you've got to give me a chance" I pleaded and he sighed. "Fine. I'm not giving the job but I'll do you a favour. let me have just have just one comic book of yours. I will show it to Miss Beatrice, who's coming today and I would explain your idea to her. If she buys it, she would give you a call or rather I would give you a call so drop your phone number, your name and signature" he said and my face brightened up "Really thanks a lot sir" I appreciated him and quickly brought out one of my best comics and I hope this one impresses Miss Beatrice. I gave it to him and he nodded simply then I quickly placed down my phone number and my name with my signature then smiled "I'm done" I said "Alright" he replied "We might get back to you" he added Might? Come on. Can't he just give me hope? I nodded anyway before standing up "Thank you very much sir I replied and then as I was about to leave the janitor was also coming in as well. I walked out of his office and I stood outside thinking of what next to do then I saw that same janitor in that man's office passing by with a waste bin but my eye caught something. Isn't that my comic book in the waste bin? . . .
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