
Love Triangle: The Secret Billionaire

office/work place

Jimmie is an ordinary guy and also an orphan, he gets a job in film industry. He meets Samantha, a simple young girl who is so kind and make Jimmie likes her. Suddenly, Beatrice, her boss, offers her a contract as a hired boyfriend so she doesn't marry a man who is cheating on her. Jimmie accepts and his feelings grow for Samantha. Meanwhile, Beatrice has a crush on him. Can Samantha get the man of her dreams?

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Episode 1 Jimmie's pov: I smiled in my sleep and rolled to the other end of the bed and just immediately, cold water splashed on my body and I sprang up in fear. "Urgh!" I groaned when I realized that it was my Mum. "You better get your lazy ass off that bed and go out to find something tangible to do with your life. Your mates have gone to their workplaces already but you are still here under your mother's roof" "Who would even be asleep at this hour of the day if not your lazy ass. This is past 10 on the morning Jim, past 10!!!" She yelled at me and I just rolled my eyes at her. Here she goes again with her morning sermon. "You better get up and go look for something, a profitable job out there rather than that nonsense you spend your time doing... If only you had listened to me and dropped that God forsaken course but instead your blockhead still refused" she blabbered and left the room. "Your mates are out there looking for what to do to feed their family. You better look for something to blah blah blah" I mimicked her with that annoying face she normally makes when she says that. I hissed and just rubbed me face with my palm. She has been on my neck ever since her friend's son bought for himself and his family a mansion. He's f****** Rich and Mum like him so much just because he studied medicine. I studied art and I'm still struggling to get a good job. At least I work on my own as a photographer so that we won't starve but would she tell me that people take pictures everyday? Definitely not! ..but she won't let me be. I'm in love with art and that joy alone could last me forever and I've made comics, lots of artwork, designs, sculptures even with earthly materials... on my own but I haven't found someone with great quality to hire me yet I've even tried seeking a job at the museum but it was just fruitless but I'm still working hard anyway and as long as I'm passionate with my dream... I'm sure I'll get there someday. I frowned at the bed that was already socked with water then I took off the bedsheets before taking the mattress outside to dry up quickly. I went back to my room ignoring the gaze of my mum, who was busy arranging the dinning table. I took my bath, brushed my teeth and while doing that, I thought of going to Leo - My best friend, at his office. I came out shortly, wore a blue t-shirt and a black jean trouser with the pair of blue snickers Leo got for me on my birthday. I combed my hair neatly, creamed my arm, my face and thought of haunting for a job today again but when I remembered what happened last time, I felt discouraged. Maybe I should just give it another try today. I fixed some of my comic books into my bag with some of my drawings and paintings before zipping up the bag. I glanced at the mirror, hung my bag on my left shoulder and stared at myself on the mirror. I look responsible, don't I? A small smile crept my lips when I stared at my face and posture. I know, I'm very handsome, yeah a handsome guy with no job. I frowned at my last thought...that woman has succeeded in ruining my morning mood. I walked down the wooden stairs and my eyes caught a white sheet of paper resting on the centre table. I picked it up and read through...shit! Quick Notice?! Is our rent due already? Why now? I raised my eyes to stare at mum who was also staring back at me as she munched on her bread. "I'm very sure you have an idea of what that is. You went to school right? and I'm sure they taught you how to read and at least I thank God for that. You should better know that you will assist me in funding that bill." She huffed. "Does it look like I'm not helping in assistance?" I fired back "You better shut up your mouth because you know yourself...I even expected you to say oh mum you don't have to worry, I'll handle it myself or even take us to a better place, a very big mansion where we wouldn't have to pay rent but No! You will never think of that because you're jobless. I will so much bless that day you'll take away shame from me." She said and I shot her a deadly stare. She hissed and just focused on her food. She's always not helping matters. I still don't know when she turned into this because she wasn't like this before. It was as if a lack of contentment spirit possessed her. I ignored her and went to the kitchen to see if I could have something for breakfast but there was nothing for me. Wait a minute... wasn't Mum eating something? "Mum? What do I have for breakfast?" I asked and she bursted into a sarcastic laughter then continued eating. "Why are you acting like this now?" I asked already pissed off "Well since you don't want to get a job at least there is a saying that there is no food for lazy man and I'm sure the person who made that statement was referring to you, don't you think?" She mocked me and I frowned. "Really now? Do you have to do this? So you would starve me to death just because I don't have a job?... I know that you aren't upset about that but it is because I'm unable to get you a mansion or a car like Richard did for his mum. Ever since you heard about that you have been so restless, you changed!" "What happened to that Mum who's supposed to encourage me not mocking me for some stupid reason?...and it's not as if I'm not trying so hard to get a good job but you're just too angry because I read Art, something that may not get me a lifetime job like you've always wanted. Well just so you know I love it and nothing can change that if you want me to leave the house for you, Fine! You can have it all to yourself. You should be happy that you have a son who still remembers he's mother unlike some sons who just forget theirs." I half yelled at her and stormed out of the house. Having walked some few steps away, I heard the door open "I'm not saying you should leave me just get a job before you come back to this house" she raised her voice and slammed the door. "Like you care!" I yelled back and I'm sure she heard me. Curse her new attitude. I walked angrily to the bus stop because it would be cheaper to get to Leo's office with the little change I had at hand. . . . . .

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