Chapter 8

1171 Words
Hope's pov Today is my 18th birthday and I woke up feeling a little roughness on my back, I was going to check it out but first I went to the bathroom did my business then showered. I did not look at the mirror as I brushed my teeth, my mind was preoccupied with plans for my birthday after school, I remembered as I was passing the full length mirror in my closet, I pulled down my towel and immediately a scream left my throat, just above my waist on the right side of my back I saw dragon scales, it wasn't a big area but it was big enough and just bellow my neck there was another portion with scales. A little part of me was happy my dragon side was waking up but a big part of me was freaking out. I heard the door of my room opening and people rushing in, I could smell them and I instinctively knew it was my parents, that was a first usually if I'm in the bathroom or in my closet I couldn't hear anyone come in but just now I heard and smelled my parents that only fueled my panicking and I let out another piercing scream as they made their way to the closet I shouted “only mom can come in " the people in this pack are not exactly shy, nakedness is part of their nature but I was not going to let my dad come in the closet where I was naked. My mom found a little ball of me besides the mirror “ honey are you okay" before I could even answer her she started sniffing the closet, specifically me “you smell different, like supernatural different " she moved forward “I look different too" as I was saying this her eyes where on my back and I could see shock, I dicided to get it over and done with so I stood and showed her my back “ Hope honey your scales are beautiful " she said in awe “how can you say that all my life I lived as a human then all of a sudden I'm a dragon now, I could smell you when you came in, I mean how is this even possible" my voice was getting high pitched by the second “Hope are you okay? I know this is something that no one expected to happen but I'm sure we can figure this out " she was using her mom voice the one she used when she was worried about us and wanted to reassure us that everything was going to be okay “honey you sure I can't come in" my dad's worried voice shouted “put your clothes on and come out as you can hear your dad is worried about you " and just as she was by the door she smiled “ for the record I think the scales on your front look sexier" I dropped my clothes and looked at the mirror and sure enough on the top part of my left breast I saw scales, I had missed them due to the panic of the back scales. I stood at the mirror and really looked at myself without the panic, the scales where a firery red like my hair. I had to admit they did look kind of sexy and as I looked at them more I could see that even though there were gaps between them they looked like they kind of connected. I picked up my clothes and wore them, I knew that even though my dad didn't come in the closet he heard everything and he would definitely want to see the scales so I wore a white t-shirt with a ripped back, blue tight jeans and sneakers and I also took a jacket so I could wear it after there was no way I was going to let anyone at school see my back, as I came into the room, my parents where sitting on the couch by the window immediately my dad pulled me into a long hug and kissed my hair “ some way to start your birthday huh" he tried to make a joke out of it but I could hear the worry in his voice “it just caught me by surprise " I smiled “I know honey, I think you should skip school today and we could try and figure out what's going on." my dad said . Since Hope came her parents had been researching a lot about dragons and over the years they knew more now than they did before but it was clearly not enough as they had missed this part because all the research said a dragon whelp is born with scales on parts of their bodies that can be seen in their human form and if a dragon is mated to a human they know the if their whelp is either human or dragon by being born with scales or not. A whelp born with scales would shift to their dragon for the first time when they turn 18 which is the age they could find their mates as well whilst a whelp that was more human than dragon could get some of the dragon powers a little earlier I guess to compensate for not having a dragon but it was not a guarantee as some of them would just remain human and reaching the age of 18 without gaining any power meant you were human . Dragons in their human form would be more powerful than witches as they controlled magic without the need for spells, dragon magic was instinctive and a half blood who could not shift but had dragon powers would be more powerful than a witch which meant they would still be a powerful being but since Hope had shown no signs of any magical abilities they had concluded that her human side was dominant, for her to wake up with scales was something they never expected. “I'm going to school we can figure this out after I get back " I needed breathing space before I could deal with this and my parents understood “just be careful okay we don't know what's happening to you or what this means and try to control your feelings just in case this is a new territory even for us" mom said as we made way to the dining hall for breakfast. Blue was not there because he had gone to stay with the elite worriors for a few days, they stayed in the old pack house but that was not the only reason he was not there Blue had not sat to eat with us for the past two years at first I felt guilty because I knew I was the reason he was not eating with his parents but then I realized it was not my fault he was a jerk
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