Chapter 9

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Hope's pov When I got to school there were a few people arriving as well, I parked my car and went straight inside. No one really bothered me these days except for Beth but now since it was mostly her and Harley I could stand up for myself, her other minions had found their mates and concentrated more on them but I was sure it was also because they were scared they would be kicked out of the pack. Two years ago when I got home with a marked car and my parents got to learn I was bullied, all hell had broke loose an emergency meeting was called and the issue was addressed, some of the older pack members where shocked to learn what their kids had been doing not only to their fellow pack member but to the alpha's daughter but you could see some of them didn't care either way. My parents had told them that if anyone bullied anyone regardless of who they are would be punishment or even worse banished as they didn't care to be connected with pack members who felt ill towards their own, no one was forced to be my friend as they had said they would never command anyone's feelings it's either you wanted to be friends with someone or you don't and if you don't leave the person alone they should not suffer just because you didn't like them. Me being bullied as I've come to learn had a domino effect on some of the the Lower pack members, I didn't know this as I was wrapped up in my own pain to notice, some of the omegas at school were being bullied as well by some of the warrior kids as they said omegas were pathetic weaklings that served as nothing but their slaves. I only go to know about this since after the meeting a few omegas came to thank the Alpha and Luna and it also turned out that not all adults were as ignorant to my abuse as I thought but since they were omegas they thought there wasn't much they could do and I'm sure since nothing was said about Blue they kept quiet also, since he was the future alpha they felt helpless but I think they were even more scared of their future with Blue as their Alpha. After that except for Beth bullying was non existant. Orion, Faith and I where going to cut school today to go to our favorite diner to celebrate my birthday, this was faith and I's last year of school and Orion had decided come for a second last year to be closer to Faith since he knew he wasn't going to college. Blue had officially became the alpha of our pack earlier this year which meant he had also became the delta of the pack, the ceremony was done and everything , they still needed help from our parents but the decision making was left to them. My birthday today was going to be a big event, with the whole pack invited, it was not my decision as I didn't like crowds neither was it my parents', the surprising part was it was Blue's idea and since we barely see each other I never got the chance to tell him I didn't want a big birthday celebration . Since everyone knew I didn't like big crowds they had dicided we would have our own little celebration by everyone I mean Vicky, Zeke, Olive, Orion, Faith and I, in the beginning Zeke and Vicky were angry that we didn't tell them Blue used to bully me until I told them that he would force Faith and Olive to submit whenever they wanted to help me out and I didn't want to be the reason they would be humiliated that way and as the futer leaders they would have lost the respect of their pack members, a fact not even Orion knew it made them angry even more and it led to their falling out with Blue , it wasn't my intention but I didn't want to lie to them and they told us we should have told them sooner because in the end Vicky was faith's brother while Orion was Olive's twin and bother and Faith is Orion's mate and Zeke is Olive's mate in the end it affected everybody, Orion had always been nice to me actually, we never met in school if it was not because I knew he went there I would have sworn he didn't go to our school . The lunch bell rang and we left for the diner, others where already there waiting for us, it was a beautiful afternoon and I fully enjoyed myself, I was kind of bummed out as we left to go home to a party I didn't want and Blue was coming to the pack house today which meant he was going to be forced to be in the same room as me, well I was going to avoid him as much as possible I thought to myself as I got home. Even though I didn't want this party it hadn't stopped Olive and Faith to force me to dress up for it so we had gone shopping two days before, I had just picked a random dress the only thing I made sure was to check the size on the label and I had bought it I wasn't sure what it would look like on me but I didn't want to shop for the party but that didn't stop Faith and Olive they fully intended to enjoy their shopping and they did with me following them around with a dress I was sure would fit wrong and would make me look stupid. They bought me shoes and jewelery saying if I was going to look stupid I might as well do it in great shoes and expensive jewelery. I just took and shoved them in the car after we were done shopping and they found their way in closet without as much as a second look and now I was preparing to wear them and I felt dumb for not taking the shopping seriously, today was my birthday and I was going to face the whole pack in a dress I was sure was going to look wonky. Faith and Olive came to prepare in my room, Olive had moved in with Zeke last year while Faith had moved in with Orion this year they said preparing in their room was a lost cause so they came into mine, I was kind of self conscious as I hadn't said anything about the scales but I guess now was a good time as any, first we did faith, Olive did her make up while I did her hair and it was Olive's turn they both looked beautiful then it came to me, with a dress I was sure was going to look wonky and newly acquired scales I was nervous. Olive did my make-up while faith did my hair and waited for me to put my dress on as we all wanted to see what it would look like. I removed my clothes and just as I suspected they were on my scales, I explained to them that I woke up with them today and wasn't sure what it meant but we were going to figure it out, I took my dress and put it on, It was a dress with different shades of red, it was very red on top which was tight with a design that showed how full my breast were, the material went from high up my neck and sat on my waist the arms were made of a Bedazzled net, it had a lacey design at the Back that looked like a deep cut, the little of my scales that where visible looked like part of the dress, from the waist down the red went lighter until it was almost white, it went wider and wider until it reached my feet. I had to be honest I looked good, I couldn't believe I was looking at my reflection, we left to go to the party immediately everyone's eyes where on me “ honey you look so beautiful " mom said with tears in her eyes “ thanks mom" I smiled
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