Chapter 7

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After school Olive, faith and I talked as we headed to the parking Olive was going to run home, I don't know why but Olive loved running and she didn't even need to shift to her wolf to run fast, I guess it's one of the pecks of being half vimpire, her mother aunt Hera is a vimpire mated to our delta uncle Jack. Faith was waiting to go home with Orion, since they mated they go to and from school together. When we reached my car someone had keyed the words bi**c on the side of my car in big letters, I mean the whole side of my car, I couldn't help it tears started welling up. Faith ended up linking Orion telling him she was going home with me, Olive climed in the car also as Faith drove us and Olive tried to comfort me “I'm telling your parents the truth "Olive said angrily “please don't" I pleaded “and how are you going to explain the giant mark on the side of the car" she snapped “please if you say anything don't say anything about Blue" I pleaded again “ why not he is the reason why people bully you even if it wasn't, if he was a good brother to you he would have stopped it but instead he incouraged it " she spat “please I can't put my parents in that position" I begged “your parents love you, you know that right " Olive asked softly all the anger gone “ please just promise you won't say anything about Blue" “I promise" I could tell she hated making that promise When we reached home I was still crying I couldn't stop myself how could someone do that to my car. My mom saw me first and she took me and the girls to the alpha floor and took us to her private sitting “honey what's wrong "my mum asked but I couldn't reply as I was a hiccuping mess “someone keyed her car" Faith replied “is that all honey maybe it was a mistake it can't be that bad" she smiled “ someone keyed the words b**ch on the side of her car, big letters that covered the whole side " olive supplied Before my mum could reply she ran out the room and I'm guessing she took the elevator as we heard it's sound and a few moments later she came back red and fuming if I wasn't sad it could've been funny “ who did that to her car" she fumed “I'm not sure but if I could take a guess I would say Beth " Faith answered “why would she do that" she looked confused “she's been bullying Hope for years, actually a lot of people bully her" supplied Olive “ and I'm getting to know about this now! " she shouted her Luna aura filling the room forcing us to bare our necks in submission “I'm sorry Luna but she told us not to tell or help her" sniffed Faith, she looked at us then and she immediately felt bad “ sorry kids I didn't mean to do that I'm just angry, thank you for telling now, can you please leave us alone now I need to talk with my daughter and apparently my son too" Blue's pov Lately my wolf Zander gets angry if I try to do anything against Hope. Before he used to growl in annoyance every time I tried to do something against her but lately he's been getting angry like super raging angry and he even threatened me a few times, I asked him why but he refused to answer but I have kept my distance, he's became protective of her up to a point of wanting to murder anyone who bullies her, so I've gone back to ignoring her like I used to when she first came and I've also been avoiding going places where I know she would be, I might not torment her but there was absolutely no way I was going to help her. I've been avoiding Beth as well Zander hates her and I guess she's noticed I'm pulling away from her and because of that I heard she been a little extra when it comes to Hope, I'm beginning not to like her myself. I've been avoiding her and I stopped going to school with her as well and she's becoming clingy, I hate clingy girls the most as if that's not enough Orion has been ignoring me since Hope's party because of the snide remark I made to my mum about him and Faith having a weird pup and our friendship has been a little strained since then, I tried apologizing and he accepted but I could tell he didn't mean it, I think he told zeke and Vicky because they have been avoiding me as well, the only thing I have left is the girls, I've been changing girls everyday I don't even remember their faces and my dad is going on and on about respecting myself or I was going to regret it when I find my mate, how do I tell him I don't want a mate, I was wallowing in self pity when my Mum linked me to meet her in her private sitting and she sounded angry I hope it's not about the mate nonsense as I'm sure she must have discussed with dad about the number of girls I've brought home as they think it's not a good idea for me to sleep with as many girls from our pack as I've done. I went to her room and found her with a puffy red eyed Hope, I've never seen her cry before or signs that she'd crying before, before I could analyze more mum asked angrily “why didn't you tell me Hope was being bullied " mum asked and I froze, did she tell her I was bullying her “I'm talking to you and you're quiet . I don't know what's worse the fact that she is being bullied or that you knew and didn't do anything about it" I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, she had told her she was being bullied but didn't tell her I was the bully or the reason others bully her, I don't know why she did it but she wasn't getting in my good books because of it “what are you talking about " I answered bored “ Don't act like you don't know someone had the audacity of keying the whole side of her car with the words b**ch on it" I couldn't help it I let out a loud menacing growl that shook the floor or can I say Zander did as he took over, he had never done it before taking control without my consent “who did it" he growled "Zander can you give control back to Blue I'm sorry if you genuinely didn't know but you go to the same school how can you not know" she asked I took control back from Zander and took his anger to my advantage “ I didn't know mum " I scratched the back of my head and got out of there as I saw Hope's pain as she looked at me
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