Chapter 10 - Following His Voice

1759 Words

Chapter Ten Following His Voice ***Lorana*** A knock on the door echoed through the small hospital room. My heart raced as I hurried to open it, hoping to see Onyx standing there in all his human glory, his golden skin shimmering, his multicoloured eyes twinkling. The door opened, and Doctor Applesteine stood there in all his strangeness. My heart sank. Not the person I was hoping for! “Applesteine…” Dad said, stepping up behind me. “Are you ready?” Applesteine asked flatly. “The patient is waiting to see you.” I dusted the wrinkles out of my clothes, then nodded. “I’m ready as I’ll ever be... But tell me something, doc…” “Tak? Yes…?” Anticipating my question, he folded his arms across his chest. His eyes seemed to mist. “What would you like to know, Miss Shade? I am happy to answe

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