Chapter 11 -Beautiful Beasts

1464 Words

Chapter Eleven Beautiful Beasts ***Lorana*** Before I could reply, the metallic wall whirled upwards, revealing an open hospital room lit by a dirty, burnt orange-yellow glow. This room was different from the room I had woken in. It was triple the size and spacious enough for all the advanced machinery I had never seen before. They buzzed and hissed all around, a cacophony of unnerving medical melodies. A collection of large square monitors to my left displayed a map of someone’s vitals across their collective screens. I heard a rattle of chains, then peered through a medical-scented mist to see the outline of a human before me. I stepped through it. And against a far metallic wall, I saw him. I knew it was him. Even in evident pain, he was as alluring and enticing as he had been in my

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