Chapter 18 - Pyro Power

1879 Words

Chapter Eighteen Pyro Power ***Lorana*** I coughed as I steadied my winded breath. My heart trembled, and my stomach churned. The shackles sizzled against my wrist, biting into my skin as I attempted to wriggle free. “It’s silver laced with wolfsbane…” Julia whispered in my ear, her breath warm and bitter against my face. “No magic… You can’t call your rejected mate.” Her feral eyes were bright with excitement and brimming with maliciousness. “You’ll be Jack’s mate!” “You can destroy my body,” I hissed between clenched teeth as I attempted to push her off. “But you will never have my soul!” Julia laughed a high-pitched tingle. “We don’t need your stupid soul. We need your power!” “Oww,” I whimpered as she knelt on my hair to position my arms above my head. “Naw, don’t look so sad.”

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