Chapter 17 - Rotting Bark Rogues

1543 Words

Chapter Seventeen Rotting Bark Rogues  ***Lorana*** The air grew thick, clinging to the back of my throat, suffocating me with the rotting bark scent. Two masked figures stepped forward, breaking out of the nighttime shadows. Every muscle in my body turned to ice. “No, it can’t be…” “Looky, looky… What do we have here…?” The feminine figure of the two lifted a black-gloved hand, brandishing a knife toward us. “We’ve been waiting a very long time for this!” My back tensed, I couldn’t think straight, and my mouth grew dry. These two people before us were not human. They were animagi—shapeshifter wolves. And I knew, by their revolting scent, that they had been the wolves who had attacked Damon and me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Vannah trembling. She had no knowledge of her

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