Chapter 5 - Onyx The Hero

1720 Words

Chapter Five Onyx The Hero ***Lorana*** In one swift motion, he was before me, gnashing his canines, ushering me further into a corner until my back was against a pile of housing planks. “O-Onyx, what are you doing?” I gasped as he turned his back to me. He growled in the direction of the trees again. Strings of saliva hung from his muzzle. Was he protecting me from something? It seems like it. And this fear I was battling, I realised, wasn’t from him. Something else had caused it. But what? “Maybe we should head back,” I insisted, reaching with trembling hands for the risen fur on his back. Before I could touch him, Onyx grew in size, squaring his shoulders and contorting into a protective stance. His snarls rippled through the air. Then he took off, charging after something he cou

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