Chapter 4 -The Songs of Birds

1500 Words

Chapter Four The Songs of Birds  ***Lorana*** The ick of sweat trailed uncomfortably down my back as Onyx and I strolled down the footpath. It had been such a strange day, and my mind was still reeling from what had happened at Cole’s house. I couldn’t shake the images of the mystery dream man and how he had made me feel. I had more questions than answers about what had happened and why it felt like I was being pulled headfirst through a pit of lava, the heat and pressure too much to bear. Panic attack, maybe? I wondered, massaging the bridge of my nose. Early midlife crisis? I’m too young for that! All my muscles and joints ached, and I could feel my energy was empty. I was suddenly craving something fatty and unhealthy for brunch. A low grumble vibrated from my stomach. Yep, I’m h

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