Fear and anguish

1169 Words
Raelynn When I pushed the door, I noticed it hung slightly ajar, an anomaly considering my habit of double-checking the lock. I stepped into my room which was previously arranged and organized. Instead, the room resembled a battlefield. Clothes, ripped from drawers, lay scattered across the floor like fallen soldiers. Books were ripped from spines, their pages forming a confetti blizzard. Even my precious family photo, perched on its stand above my dresser that morning, lay face-down, the glass shattered around the frame. A strangled gasp escaped my lips. My gaze darted around the room, searching for any sign of an intruder. But the only presence besides mine was the eerie stillness, broken only by the mournful wail of the wind outside. A cold draft licked at my bare arms, sending goosebumps erupting on my skin. Panic bloomed in my chest, a suffocating tightness that made it hard to breathe. I noticed the picture frame of my family I hung on my dresser was lying broken on the floor. My heart bled, my mind was racing with fear and anguish. I fell on my knees clutching the photo to my chest as tears pricked my eyes and a choked sob escaped my lips. I barely registered the glass shards lodged into my skin as I clutched the photo. I let out a pained scream, shaking the walls of the room and shattering the glass window. I keep screaming till I feel myself losing consciousness. 6:30 pm I was woken up by a constant beeping sound. I just wanted to throw the goddamn alarm clock away. I reached for the clock with my arm but I couldn’t because my arm was restricted. I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids were too heavy to open. When I finally opened my eyes, I groaned in pain loudly. My head was hurting like a crazy b***h. I blinked trying to adjust my eyes to the environment. “Hey… hey… Rae…”, I heard Alison’s voice which was filled with worry. I glanced around the room, “Wha… what’s going on?” I called out in a hoarse voice. My throat was hurting so badly. I was so thirsty. “Here… drink some water,” she put a cup to my lips and I drank greedily. I felt like a dry well begging for water. “Easy… tiger… you’d choke,” she tried to warn me but I ignored her warning. I wanted the whole sea for me. After finishing the glass of water, I finally looked down at my body. I realized that I was in the hospital dressed in the usual hospital gown. I let out a groan, “How long have I been out?” I prodded. “You’ve been out for a couple of hours,” she scanned my face as she gently patted my hair. “Ugh…” I let out a groan, “What happened?” I asked as I held my head to stop the migraine, “I found you lying on the floor amid your shattered room clutching a family photo. You were rushed here immediately. The doctor said you were dehydrated so you were kept on an IV drip to get your fluids back up.” “Speaking of which, I already paged the nurse so she should be here any second,” Ally smiled at me. Just then, the door creaked open, and a young nurse entered the room. "Good evening, Raelynn! I’m Nurse Reyes, are you feeling a little better now?" I managed a small nod. “My head hurts a bit, but I’m good." Nurse Reyes bustled around the room, checking the IV drip and taking my blood pressure. Her movements were efficient yet gentle, her touch light. "Excellent," she said, her voice warm and reassuring. "Your vitals are stable, and the doctor reviewed your test results. You're clear to go home!" Relief washed over me, a wave that threatened to drown the lingering aches and pains. Freedom. Home. These words echoed in my mind, a symphony compared to the monotonous hum of the machines. "Just a few formalities," Nurse Reyes continued, handing me a clipboard. "Here are some discharge instructions. Please read through them carefully and ask any questions you might have." I quickly filled the form, signing were necessary, and handed it back to the nurse. “You’re free to go Raelynn, take it easy for the next couple of days,” Nurse Reyes smiled as she walked out the door. “Thank the Goddess I’m free to leave, do you know where my clothes are?” I prodded Alison as I scanned the room. She threw me a bag of clothes, “I grabbed this about an hour ago.” Flashing her a grateful smile I walked to the bathroom, and quickly changed into the new clothes. “About my room…” I turned to Alison, “Has the person responsible been found yet?” She shook her head, “The investigation is still ongoing but your room is as good as new, so you’d be fine I think.” We slowly walked in silence till we got to the dorms, my mind was rattling with the events of today; first the blackout in the library, then my trashed room. Someone was targeting me, I knew it but what I didn’t know was why and that unnerved me the most. I couldn’t stop thinking about the whys until we stopped at my door. I could see Alison watching me through my peripheral vision but I couldn’t bring myself to open the door. I felt a soft hand rest on my shoulder squeezing it gently, “It’s okay Rae… it’s okay to be scared but that’s why you have me,” Alison smiled at me reassuringly, “I got you.” I didn’t know I was crying until I felt a stray teardrop on my hands. Quickly, I wiped my eyes, nodding my head at her words. I was about to push open the door when I was engulfed in a big hug. Somehow that triggered the dam to burst open, the tears kept falling till the dam was dry. We broke the hug, “Girl, I was so worried about you,” Ashley said as she scanned me from head to toe, “You gave me a big scare.” I chuckled, shaking my head, “I apologize for scaring you, it was never my intention,” I smiled at her. I realized I hadn’t introduced them to each other. I gestured between them, “Uhm, Alison this is…” They let out a chuckle stopping me, “We’ve already met in the hospital when you fainted,” Ashley clarified. “I guess that settles that.” We stood in front of my door for some time before we went into the room. I don’t think I would have gone in if they weren’t here. We just met today and boy was I glad that happened.
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