New friend

1682 Words
Raelynn The sudden feeling of panic hit like a wave, crashing over me and stealing my breath away. My heart pounded in my chest like a drum, and my hands trembled uncontrollably. I felt dizzy and disoriented as if the world was spinning around me. My mind raced, thoughts darting in all directions like frightened mice. I couldn't focus, couldn't think straight. All I could feel was a sense of overwhelming dread, a fear that something terrible was about to happen. I tried to calm myself down, take deep breaths, and slow my heart rate. But the panic was too strong, too consuming. It felt like I was trapped in a nightmare, unable to wake up. I closed my eyes and squeezed them shut, trying to block out the world around me. But the panic was inside me, growing stronger with every passing moment. I felt like I was going to lose control like I was going to fall apart. I was terrified, and I didn't know what to do. I slid to the floor, my back to the wall, eyes frantically scanning the pitch-black room for a source of light. My wolf was screaming and yelling in my head but I couldn’t focus, I couldn’t think. My fear of the dark getting a better hold over me. I know what you are thinking: why would a vampire-werewolf hybrid be scared of the dark?It is a result of hybridity. It is ironic that, as a vampire, I am blind in the dark. I closed my eyes, steeling myself as I heard various voices cascading about the dark room. I recited the song my mother used to sing to me every night when I awoke terrified in the dark. The lights suddenly came back on, and when I looked around, I saw that I was by myself. I picked up my bag and hurried out of the room, forgetting why I had come. I didn’t even respond to the librarian’s call to me. Once I was outside the room, my hands rested on my knees as I tried to calm myself down. Just then the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. I walked slowly to my next class, Fundamentals of Genetics 101. I barely paid attention in class because I was still reeling from what happened at lunch. I could not help but wonder what caused the blackout and whether it affected the entire school or just the library. Judging by how calm everything is now, I would say it affected only the library. I can not help but think the lights were deliberately turned off because I was in the room. I know it is foolish to think that, but I can not stop myself. When the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I dashed out of the classroom and into the changing rooms. Every student has a locker, and I am aware that the gym equipment is waiting for me in mine. The last class for today wasn’t my favorite but it signaled the end of the day which I wanted to get over with quickly. After carefully entering my locker combination, I removed the gym bag that had my name embroidered on it. After looking through the contents, I found that they were exactly to my liking. I decided on a black jogger, matched sports bras, and a hoodie to complete the look. I quickly tied a band around my hair and rolled it into a bun that I secured with a scrunchie. The entire arena was alive with excitement when I walked in. Every species was separated and conversing with each other. As a hybrid, I guess I stood out because I was different. I looked around, trying to find the other hybrid. I came across her conversing with the fairies. That must be her dominant side. The door opened, revealing our Professor. He was not what I expected. His thin lips, long hair tied in a band, hard eyes, chiseled jaw, thick muscles, and a scar directly beneath his left eyebrow. He was jaggedly handsome, but I couldn't help but think of a certain man with raven hair when I looked at him. A smile played on my lips as I thought about my mate Alpha Lorenzo. Just then the Professor blew his whistle, “Gather around everyone let’s get to work,” his voice boomed which had everyone moving quickly. I scrambled to the front to get a good look at him and hear what he had to say. “I am Professor Xander Knight and I’ll be taking this year's gym class. Be prepared to put in the work, because failure to do so would result in detention. ” He said with a smirk on his lips. I guess he wasn’t called the black knight for no reason. “Why don’t we start our day with 10 laps around the field,” he grins darkly. “But that’s…” Someone tries to say but stops in time. “Oh,” Professor Xander raised his brow, “Is that not enough? Should we make it 20?” “No Professor,” my classmates say in unison right before we start our run. I took off immediately, in my old pack I was called Swifty because I could outrun anyone including the alpha. But I’ve never run ten miles in a stretch and one lap is approximately one mile so that’s 10 miles. It was going to be a long day. After 1 hour of running, I can safely say that I was the first person to finish the race. I dropped to the ground, lying with my eyes closed as I tried to catch my breath. I hear a few grunts and see some more people lying on the floor like me. The race goes on until almost everyone is done, I watch as Alison finally crosses the finish line. Professor Xander blows his whistle drawing us to him. He calmly walks in front of us with his hands behind his back, he points at me and 5 other people; 4 are males and there’s just one female. “The five of you should see me at the end of class,” he said, “The rest of you repeat the ten laps, and let’s see if you can do it in record time,” he said with narrowed eyes. There were a few grunts of complaint but everyone filed to the start of the line. I felt bad for Alison who struggled to finish the previous lap. “You would be demonstrating some defense moves right after I see what you can do,” he said as he gestured towards us. “Choose your partners and show me what you've got.” I walked toward the only possible choice, a tall beautiful brunette. I extended my hand towards her, “Hi, I’m Raelynn,” I said with a smile, she took my hand in the usual greeting before combat, “I’m Ashley.” We got into our fighting stance, soon we were both fighting. She managed to dodge most of my attacks, I dodged hers with ease; she couldn’t even come close to me. I used my height to my advantage. I did a front flip, kicking my legs out missing Ashley by a hair. She stumbled and lost her footing. I did a somersault and a noose move, she dodged the first attack thinking I was aiming for her head when I was aiming for her feet. She tried to dodge but instead tripped, failing to the ground again. She pulled me towards her, trying to go for a submission hold but I roundhoused her. We rolled on the ground for some time until I gained leverage. I had her left arm firmly clasped in between my legs in a firm hold, my hands supporting my knees. I let go of my grip on her arm as she quickly tapped the ground in surrender. She stared at me in awe while flexing her arm. “That was incredible!” She breathed, staring at me with wide eyes. “It was nothing,” I shrugged. We turned to see Professor Xander smirking, “Now that’s how it’s done. Nice work ladies,” just then the bell rang signaling the end of the day. I heard a couple of sighs of relief and chuckled. I miss working out. “You’re all dismissed. I’ll see you at the same time, same place during our next class,” Professor Xander said dismissing us. I joined the horde of students rushing out of the arena. I made my way towards the changing, grabbing my change of clothes. I proceeded toward the bathroom stalls because I reeked of sweat. For a moment I even forgot what happened during lunch. As I made my way out of the school gates, I heard my name being called. “What you did out there today was so cool, in my pack, I’m one of the best warriors,” Ashley said with stars in her eyes, “I’ve been combat training my whole life,” I replied with a cheeky smile. “Nice. You’re gonna have to teach me some of your moves, they’re awesome,” she said, “Sure, why not,” I said as the corner of my lips twitched upwards. After walking together for some time we entered the dorms, she stopped in front of a door with a name tag Brie and Ashley, “So this is me,” Ashley said as she opened the door, “We should probably get dinner later. ” “Sure why not,” I gave her a full grin, “I’ll see you soon,” I said as I bounced up the stairs to my room. The way the day ended was not what I had anticipated. I just so happened to make two new friends in one day. I concluded that today was a good — great day. As soon as I opened my room door, my heart stopped. WHAT THE HECK!!!
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