
The Supreme Alpha’s Hybrid Mate


Born on the wrong side of the divide,18-year-old Raelynn Forester, a hybrid scorned by the council, faces a life carved by hardship. Orphaned by tragedy, hunted for her heritage, and used as a lab rat by the one who swore to protect her, she navigates a world where trust is a luxury she can't afford.Betrayal stings deeper than any claw. Her adoptive sister, blinded by jealousy, makes her life a misery. Seeking solace, She would turn to her Alpha Lorenzo. Her mate, a flicker of hope in the darkness, stumbles when the storm rages, leaving Raelynn to face the fury alone.But Raelynn is no fragile flower. With thorns sharper than any blade and a spirit forged in fire, she rises from the ashes. Her journey is a tapestry woven with blood and resilience, love and loss, as she fights for her survival, her identity, and the right to live in a world that fears what it doesn't understand.When it seems all is lost, will she find solace in the embrace of her mate, or succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume her?Dive into Raelynn's story, where every choice bleeds consequences and every love bite leaves a scar.

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The Academy
Raelynn Walking through the streets of Oakville, I could not help but feel nostalgic, and it brought tears to my eyes. I can not believe I made it here, studying my dream course at my dream school. I sniffed the crisp autumn air, a knot of nervous excitement twisting in my stomach. As I walked down the street, I came to a stop in front of my father's favorite restaurant, La Belle Vie bistro and bar. I wiped a stray tear from my eye and took a deep breath to steel myself. I eagerly stepped into the restaurant. I pushed open the door, stepping into a cozy embrace of savory aromas and friendly conversation. The bell above the door chimed, signaling my arrival. Heads turned, and several pairs of surprised eyes met mine. Most students present were werewolves, their stares a mix of curiosity and apprehension. My ears flattened instinctively, but then a warm voice cut through the silence. "Well, hello there! Welcome to La Belle Vie bistro and bar?" A young vampire server about my age approached me, and as with everyone I see, I had to crane my neck up to look at him, thanks to my 5ft 4 inch frame. I chose a seat in the far corner to people-watch and observe. Some might call me a creep but I don’t care. Picking up the menu, I understood why Dad always mentioned this place; the food is as posh and French as you would expect.With a chuckle, I settled on my dad’s favorite dish côtelettes d'agneau sauce moutarde et thym which is French for lamb chops with mustard thyme sauce. As the waiter approached to take my order, I smiled and said, "I would like a côtelettes d'agneau sauce moutarde et thym with your virgin margarita.” I expected him to scribble my order on a pad, but he simply asked, "Would that be all?” I gave a firm nod, saying, "Yes, thank you.” While I waited for my order, I looked around the room; if what I see here is any indication, everyone in this school is very attractive; instinctively, I pushed my hair forward to cover my face. My order arrived at that precise moment. As soon as I tasted the first bite, I moaned—this food is truly delicious.I did not know that my eating habits attracted attention until I heard someone exclaim, "Damn! She’s eating like she hasn’t had any food in forever,” his friend laughed, “What a weirdo.” I quickly rose to my feet, lowering my head.I guess I should have paid more attention to my surroundings because the next moment, I collided with a brick wall that I am sure was not there a few seconds before. I laid on the ground in an awkward position as usual, and I heard the wall say, "Watch where you are going, freak.” I stood up brushing myself just as the wall moved past me, leave it to me to piss someone off on my first day here. As I stumbled out of the diner, I realized I recognized the voice. I let out a gasp, thanking the Goddess that he did not recognize me; I doubt I could have dealt with my douchebag ex-boyfriend Xavier Woods. Xavier and I dated for 2 years until he rejected me after the death of my parents. We grew up together, the daughter of the Alpha and son of a common pack warrior. Clearly, we were not the ideal couple, but I loved him unconditionally and even promised him the position of Alpha after my parents. That was until he rejected me and trampled on my heart a month after my parents died. Still reeling from the shock of seeing my ex, I stumbled down the street, tracing my way back to campus, when I spotted a jewelry store. Since I needed new jewelry and did not care about money—my parents were among the wealthiest supernaturals, if not the richest—and since I was eighteen, I had finally claimed my inheritance, I made the decision to walk in. I obviously was not dressed to impress; I was wearing my favorite pair of boots—which have seen better days—with jeans and a black T-shirt, so I felt a little out of place when I walked in. I scanned the shelves and noticed the store attendant staring at me strangely as I passed. Rolling my eyes, I came to a halt in front of a ring case. I guess I will be adding another one to my collection. My eyes were drawn to a stunning sapphire diamond tree-shaped ring. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, the branches reaching out to hold tiny sapphire stones. The attendant approached me as I reached out to touch the ring. "Which one would you be getting today, ma'am?" she asked as she opened the case.I reached for the sapphire ring with my fingers.She took it out and scanned it, "That would be 1500 dollars, ma'am.” I reached over to give her my card and made the purchase. At that moment, the door opened, and as I held the ring box, a shiver went down my spine—not from the air-conditioned shop.The air crackled. The world seemed to hold its breath. And then, a scent. Earthy, caramel, with a hint of sun-scorched pine. It slammed into me like a rogue wave, carrying an undeniable, primal pull. Turning, I locked eyes with him. He stood across the room, tall and broad-shouldered, dressed in a pristine navy suit which gave him an edge of danger. His gaze, the color of a storm cloud, held mine captive. A jolt of recognition ripped through me - this wasn't just any man. This was him. My fated mate. I stood frozen. I could see my wolf Lynn sniffing the air through my mind's eye; she was loving this scent, basking in it and ravishing every detail of it. His eyes seemed to have gotten darker as he walked towards me. His breathing was rash, and I could see his wolf’s fangs threatening his lips. A low growl escaped through the depths of his throat. The store faded, replaced by a primal awareness, a connection deeper than words. His wolf mirrored mine, the wildness banked by the same underlying strength. Time warped. He moved towards me, each step echoing in the sudden silence. As he neared, my heartbeat flared up, I bet you could hear its rhythm from miles away. My eyes trailed over his form, I have never seen anyone so beautiful. He looked every bit like a Greek God and I was entranced. Standing before me he looked even better, long manly fingers reached out towards me, and then, our hands met. The touch was an inferno. Sparks danced on our fingertips, heat radiating up our arms. I felt so alive and on top of the world, and I never wanted to come down from this high. I couldn’t help but think, so this is why I almost always saw Dad and Mom locked in each other's embrace. If this was a dream, I never want to wake up. Our lips met in a kiss that shattered the silence. It was raw, urgent, a storm of emotions unleashed. The taste of pine and rain mingled with the sweet heat of desire. I felt whole, complete, as if a missing piece had finally clicked into place. But the moment was shattered by a shrill voice. "Cough! Sir, Ma’am I’m going to have to ask you to refrain from public display of affection as it’s against our code of conduct," the store attendant stood there, eyes wide with alarm. The spell broke, the world snapping back into focus. My fingers absently traced my lips. I can’t believe I just had my first kiss. Underneath my fingers, I could feel my lips shuddering. Just the thought of what we did earlier made my cheeks burn bright red. I felt a thug on my fingers, which made me look up at him. “Wanna get out of here?” I knew I was a gunner, that voice so velvety and deep completely entranced me, I was so lost in thought I didn’t realize he was speaking to me until he cleared his throat loudly. Embarrassingly I asked, “Could you repeat what you said?” “Little wolf, we should get out of here,” he said with a hint of amusement, “Sure, let’s go,” I smiled at him, jerking forward to hide my embarrassed face. Stepping out, I couldn’t believe the time had gone so much, it was already late, the moon hung low in the twilight sky. Silently I wondered; how long did we spend there? Hand in hand, we walked down the street. I was completely unaware of my surroundings.I think he must have noticed this but said nothing. We came to a stop in front of a mahogany door, which surprised me. "Where are we?" I asked, turning to face him. "My house," he smirked in response. “You suggested we come here,” I let out a surprised gasp. I do not remember mentioning that at all. My eyes narrowed to slits just as he opened the door. The sight that greeted me was none like I expected from him, I gasped at how huge and homely it was. The living room had a sofa alongside a loveseat, a huge television, and so many decorations. The floor was made of white marble with a Navy blue rug, which matched the navy blue curtains and the navy cushions on the cream couches and loveseats. I just wanted to sink my toes into the rug and recline on the sofa. I did just that, the rug was just like I thought it would be; soft like feathers, and I felt like I was seated on a cloud instead of a sofa. I sighed with satisfaction. I turned to my mate who already had his hooded eyes on me, the look he gave me churned my insides, and my body felt hot all over. Then he said, “Come here.”

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