Chaos Began

1838 Words
Alpha Lorenzo The door opened to reveal the last person I wanted to see at this point. I let out a frustrated groan, today was going to be a long day. I watched as she sauntered into the office swaying her hips seductively towards me. Two days ago this would definitely have worked but this just made me think about my mate, I wondered what she was doing currently. In an attempt to turn me on, Alexis swung her legs over mine and straddled me, her butt dangling precariously over my crotch. She ran a finger down my biceps. I have never felt more bored in my life. Her touch did absolutely nothing to me, my mind and body only responded to one woman and unfortunately, she’s not here. "Come on, Enzo, get rid of her; she is starting to irritate me," Max grumbled. Did I forget to mention that my wolf dislikes Alexis even more now than before? He despises her existence; if not for the blocker I use, he would have killed her during our intimate moments. The only reason I put up with her was that she was the only person who could satisfy me. “What do you want Lexi?” I asked to speed this up. "You have been ignoring me, Lorenzo," Alexis pouted. "I have been busy Lex, you know I have a pack to run; things do not just work themselves.” She stood up, facing me with eyes narrowing to icy blue slits, “I can’t listen to her whining anymore. Get rid of her or I will," Max said with a clenched jaw betraying his simmering irritation. I stood up, approaching her gently, " I will call you later okay,” I said patronizingly, “It’s another woman isn’t it? Perhaps, it is your mate?” I narrowed my eyes at her, the last thing I needed was for her to suspect I had a mate; I did not want a repeat of what happened with Tanya.“If she hurts mate, I would never forgive you,” Max butted in, “Nobody is going to hurt our mate,” I rolled my eyes at him. "Why would you even think that Lexi? I have a council meeting to prepare for," I replied to her. "At least let me relieve some of your tension," she smiled seductively, "Not tonight Lex, I am busy.” When I turned to face her, the look in my eyes seemed to emphasize my unwillingness, and she took the hint and left my office. The door opened, “I said I was busy Lex,” a curt reply came, “Not Lex. How come she was here?” Conan's brows furrowed in frustration. "How did she even manage to enter the pack?” I knitted my brows and mind linked with my head of security, saying, "Clint, I believe I issued a specific directive preventing entry and exit of pack members from the pack in my absence,” i said between grated teeth “When Miss Alexis came here, I mindlinked you and you gave the go ahead,” he replied, “When was this, I don’t recall,” I replied furrowing my brows. “Ugh… you told me not to disturb you again as you were busy.”He replied timidly “I have important things to do right now but we’d talk about this later,” his curt reply came soon after ending the mindlink, “Yes Alpha.” I turned to my beta Conan, “What the f**k happened?” He sank into the chair, “I was in the lounge relaxing one minute and the next I got a mind link from the border about intruders circling the border. I rushed to check it and all hell broke loose, I immediately called you and luckily you picked up and came down.” “How did they know I was away?” ******* It was the next morning and I was still pissed about the rogue battle that happened yesterday. I instantly dressed up in a brown leather brogue, a black double-breasted suit, and my all-time favorite watch, a Cosmograph Daytona Rolex.Taking my briefcase, I left the room and made my way to my garage.I got a notification from Alpha Henry’s assistant saying the meeting venue was now the council headquarters. Those bastards. I got into my black Maybach and I zoomed off. The drive to the Black Stone pack took me thirty minutes, the moment I alighted from the car, surprise overwhelmed me when I saw the number of people gathered around, looking at me with wide eyes and smiles. I notice a few women glancing at me dreamily.They all offer me a chorus “Good morning Alpha,” as I step into the hall where I’m greeted by my childhood and long-time friend Alpha Romeo Black. We do the usual greeting as we step out towards my car, we get in and I begin the long drive to the council headquarters. At the headquarters everywhere is quiet, we’re approached by a young secretary, “Good morning Alpha’s,” she said while bowing her head, “The meeting is this way,” she ushered us to a room at the end of the hall. The room fell silent as soon as we entered.I scanned all their faces; Alpha Peters from the Mystic Blue pack, Alpha Henry from the Baywinter pack, Alpha Maddox from the Crimson Hollow pack and Alpha Bailey from the Red Moon pack were all present. The council head Alpha Henry looked at us with condescension, “Nice of you to join us, take a seat,” I rolled my eyes at the bastard as we took our usual seats. "Good morning, Alphas. Since we are all here, let us get started with the meeting," Alpha Henry said. The meeting started and I was already annoyed, “So we were brought here to discuss land dispute,” Max grunted in my head. Soon it was time for recess, I planned on bringing up the rogue issue at the next half of the meeting. “Now that we’re back, the next issue is hybrid…” I interrupted Alpha Henry’s boring speech, “I believe the next issue to be addressed is the rogues’ disturbing packs,” I threw Henry a deathly look daring him to even try to disrupt me. “The rogues have not been a problem,” he replied, “For you it hasn’t, yesterday I was out for official duty and got called later on about the mayhem in my pack,” I said with a stern face. “I got to my pack house to meet carnage.” As he surveyed the room, Alpha Henry remarked, "Well, no one else has had a complaint." Alpha Peters concurred, saying, "No one has had issues in months, Alpha Sinclair.” “I’m pretty sure no one would have issues again because I killed the rogue leader.” As soon as I said this, there was a massive uproar amongst the alpha’s. I watched as Alpha Henry tried to stop the commotion to no avail. “To think these people are responsible for the lives of their pack members,” Max shook head in disgust in my minds eye. Done with their ramblings, “ENOUGH!!! EVERYONE QUIET DOWN NOW!” I yelled out with my nostrils flaring. “Is there any objections to me killing the rogue leader?” I said with a tense jaw as my lips tightened. “Any?” I waited a beat for a reply as I scanned their solemn faces. “Good, now it seems we’ve all forgotten our priorities as Alphas’ and I’m going to give us a refresher.” I turned to Romeo who gave me a curt nod. “Your duty as an Alpha is to protect your pack no matter what,” I walked round the room till I stopped in front of Alpha Henry and with my gaze on him I continued, “You fight to keep your pack safe and prosperous which is what I did yesterday while you lackiess were dining and enjoying yourself.” “Now what do you have to say for yourselves? Hmmm,” I prodded with my arms crossed, “You can’t just walk in here thinking you can speak to other Alphas the way you please Sinclair that’s not how these meetings work,” I heard the pest Alpha Peter speak. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose to curtail some of the rage I was feeling, “This i***t must have a death wish,” I heard Max chuckle in my head, “I would be glad to send him to the goddess,” I replied with a smirk. When I opened my eyes, I felt some of the raw power I experienced after killing the rogue leader and boy did it feel good. With an eyebrow raised I gestured at him,”Why don’t you enIighten me about the inner workings of these meetings.” He must have seen something in my face because his mouth slacked open and I watched him take a gulp of air, the fear was apparent on his face, “Such a wuss,” Max shook his head in disapproval. I grabbed him in a choke hold, pushing till I got to the wall. I raised him up on the wall till we were at eye level, “Alpha Peter not only did you have nothing important to say, you dared to disrespect me,” I said as I applied more pressure to his neck. “You seem to forget your place,” I said with a smirk as exerting more pressure, he tried to claw my hands but that only made me tighten my hold. I let out a chuckle, “You are weak.” “Alpha Sinclair, that’s enough,” I heard Alpha Bailey who had been quiet throughout the meeting say. Bailey was a man I respected so much. He was a man of few words so anything thing he said was important. Clenching my fist, I released my grip and Henry dropped like a sack of potatoes. I turned to them “Does anyone have any further complaints?” I asked pushing the alpha command on them, suprisingly I watched as they all bowed their heads in submission as a chorus, “No Alpha,” was said. Confused about what just happened, I returned to my seat immediately, “That went well,” Romeo smirked at me. Just then, Alpha Henry’s assistant walked into the hall with a book, “What do you think that’s about?” I begrudgingly asked Romeo. “No! No! It can’t be!” Alpha Henry exclaimed while looking at the book. “What can’t be Alpha Henry?” Alpha Maddox questioned. Henry pointed at the book. “Alpha Lorenzo Sinclair has just been made Supreme Alpha.” And the real chaos began.
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