Chapter 2 Hubby Sleep with Anny

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Ann frowned, not sure how to answer this question. If she told Roy she was Ann and not Eva, who was supposed to be here right now, the Lewis family would definitely kick her out without hesitation. And then, her own family would blame this on her, and she would have to go back to the mental hospital. Seeing her silence, Roy tightened his grip on her wrist. Ann had no choice but to prick him with the needle again. It was a skill she learned from a master of Chinese acupuncture. A prick in one acupoint could save a life, and in another acupoint could just as easily cause coma. But before Ann could prick him with the needle, he fainted again into her arms. She sighed with relief. "Take him to his room!" Someone shouted. A bunch of people carried him to their wedding room, and Ann followed them there. A woman in her fifties gave Ann a cold look: "Mrs Lewis, now that you're married with Mr Roy, taking care of him is your duty now. Be careful though. You won't like what's next if you dare make a blunder. We'll arrange your intercourse when he's well." Intercourse? That's a rather...unabashed expression for someone so rich. Ann nodded, her eyes dull as usual. The woman furrowed her brows: "I assume you're quite exhausted now. That would explain why your behavior isn't as they say. I'm Judy, the housekeeper. Call me if you need anything. Now I'll leave you to rest. Take care of Mr Roy. If anything should happen to him, your whole family will pay dearly." Ann didn't let it show, but she was shocked inside. Was this Judy serious?! It wasn't like she was a goddess or a doctor or something, how could Judy blame it on her if anything happened to Roy? Looked like being Mrs Lewis wasn't as easy as she originally thought. She didn't care if the Lewis family wanted to wipe out her whole family; there wasn't anyone left that she cared about. But she had to live, and that meant Roy had to live. Judy left after saying a few dos and don'ts. Ann looked around, and after making sure they were alone, she got on bed and straddled Roy. She was observing his face closely when the door was pushed open. "Ms Lewis, there's something else you..." Judy stopped dead after seeing Ann's awkward posture. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Judy growled out. Um...Ann quickly slid herself under the sheets and covered her head. She was so dead...Judy must be thinking she was a horny slut... "Ms Lewis, your entire family's future is at your hands. I hope you can keep that in mind before you do anything you'd regret. Tomorrow, seven o'clock, that's when you'll need to feed Mr Roy breakfast." With that, Judy slammed the door shut and left angrily. Ann listened to the footsteps dying away before got out of sheets. She carefully sat up and straddled Roy again. Lifting an arm to feel his pulse, she bent over to observe his breathing. She pricked a few needles into him, before producing a pill from her pocket and stuffed it down his throat. After making sure he took the pill, Ann pressed her ear against his chest. With no medical equipment at hand, she had to observe his heartbeat old-fashionedly. She made sure he was okay, before allowing herself to slump down in bed. There was another storm waiting for her tomorrow, and she needed to get prepared. Exhausted, she drifted into sleep. The next morning. While she was having a sweet dream, someone pulled her up. Her eyes fluttered open and she found herself looking into the sharp and piercing eyes of Roy Lewis. "Who are you? Where is Eva Reed?" Roy thought yesterday was just a dream, but now he was sure his bride wasn't Eva. Where was Eva Reed? And what was this woman doing in his bed? He couldn't allow himself to be fooled, not by anyone! Ann's sleepiness was driven away, but it was alright. She was prepared. "Anny's sleepy." She pouted, rubbing her eyes, and stomping her foot as protest. Before Roy could say or doing anything, Ann suddenly went wide-eyed, as if she was the one who should be surprised. The next minute, he saw Ann throwing herself at him, causing him to fall down on the bed. least one thing was certain. This woman was quite strong, despite her form being small. "You're Anny's hubby! And hubby is a doctor. Anny don't need to take pills and Anny can talk! Thank you hubby!" Ann threw her arms around Roy's neck, and looked like a child who just got her favorite toy. Come again? "Why is my bride you? Where is Eva Reed?" Roy pushed her away and asked again. Ann fell back and her head hit against the bed frame. She burst into sobs: "Bad hubby! Hubby is bad to Anny! Bad hubby! Monster will help Anny take you away..." Tears, and...mucus flowed down her cheeks. A painful sight to watch. Roy jumped to his feet and stormed out, slamming the door shut. Ann smiled after wiping her face clean. Being magically cured of dumbness was only step one in her plan. She'd get what she wanted, little by little. In the study. "Get everything on that woman. You have three minutes." Roy said to his PA, Tom. His voice was cold when he said this, and his eyes dark. Tom took out his laptop and began to search. A minute later, he already got everything on Ann. "Ann Reed, the first daughter of Jeff Reed. Three years ago, her mother died of an accident. She couldn't take it and was sent to a mental hospital because of mental illness. A year ago, she lost her ability to talk due to a vocal cord injury. She was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and..." Tom trailed off. A dumb psychotic was now the wife of his master! The Reed family must be insane! Tom didn't know what to think. Roy, however, was thinking about something else. Dumb? No wonder that woman was going on about him being a doctor and curing her of dumbness. But was this just an accident, or was this a scheme of that woman's? "Mr Roy, I'll kick that woman out of the house!" Tom got up. "Not now." Roy stopped him. "But..." Tom trailed off seeing the cold look Roy gave him. He'd set things straight, and deal with the Reeds himself... "Mr Roy, if your family finds out that your wife is...special..." "You think you can keep something like that from them?" Tom was silent. That was just not something you could keep secret. Roy didn't say anything about getting a divorce. His eyes were deep and unfathomable. The afternoon sunshine poured unto the big bed. Judy went into the room and said loudly: "Mrs Lewis, time to get up." "No no no! Anny wants to sleep." Ann rolled over in the bed, throwing a tantrum like a child. Judy sensed something was off. This woman was acting dull yesterday, and childish today...that didn't look alright. "Mrs Lewis!" Judy growled out. "No! Anny needs sleep. Anny wants to sleep." Ann sat up before starting to cry. Judy: "..." What should she do now? "Let her sleep." Roy's deep voice sounded from behind her.
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