Chapter 3 A Few Touches

1016 Words
Ann kept up the childish appearance, but she heard Roy's words, and knew that her plan was off to a good start. She could stay here. "Hubby sleep with Anny." Ann did that thing a child did when it wanted to be hugged. Psychotic? Or just retarded? Roy slowly walked over and sat down on the bed: "OK, I'll sleep with you." Come again? Ann couldn't believe what she just heard. Why would he say yes to such an unreasonable ask?! But what could she do now except to play along? Ann clapped her hands. Roy pulled her into his arms and lied down with her. Judy frowned at this, but she didn't say anything. She left after closing the door for them. They were alone now. What should she do?! And Roy dared to put his arm around her waist. This jerk of a man... Ann just wanted to get rid of her family; she had no intention to sacrifice her first time because of this. But how could she say no to him and at the same time not raise any suspicion? "I thought you're dumb." Roy held her chin and made her look back at him. Ann giggled: "They all call me dumb. And no one plays with me. And daddy picks me up, and daddy says I can talk if I marry hubby, because hubby is the best doctor in the world." Ann cupped Roy's cheeks and giggled some more. Retarded? Yes. But that didn't keep her from being unworldly and beautiful. "Am I that good?" This woman called him "hubby", and "hubby" was the best. That was not bad to hear once in a while. "Yes. Hubby is the best." Ann insisted. Well, it wouldn't hurt to say some nice things if he could let her stay. "Since I'm the best hubby, do I get any rewards? Did daddy tell you how to serve your 'hubby?'" Roy teased. He had some doubts about whether she was really deranged or just pretending to be. Or was the Reeds plotting something bigger? Thinking about this, Roy laid on top of her, and tightened his grip on her waist. Ann just blinked and looked at him. But she was screaming inside. She had never been so intimate with a man. She could feel his hot breath on her cheeks, and feel his body heat. Her heart started pounding and hammering. "Ann?" He brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear and whispered. Ann never dreamed her name could sound so hot from someone's mouth. Her fingertips worked their way down to her collarbone, and moved further down. This strange feeling alarmed her. Bastard! He just wanted a few good touches, and it didn't even matter whether she was retarded or not, right? What should she do? If she said no, he would figure out she wasn't retarded; but if she didn't stop him, she would probably lose her first time... After making up her mind, Ann said with a silly look: "But daddy says I should be on top. Hubby is weak. And Anny should be on top. Anny is good." With this, she pushed Roy off and straddled him, placing her whole body weight on him as much as she could. Again, Roy felt how strong this woman was. His face darkened, and he gripped her waist: "Stop moving back and forth." Ann looked confused: "Hubby, is Anny doing it wrong?" "No, I just..." Hearing Roy say that she wasn't doing it wrong, she gave him another two hard thrusts. He asked for it, didn't he? Then he shall have it, bastard! Roy was literally dying from her strikes. Knowing well his status and the health condition he was in, she still did what she did. If she wasn't retarded, Roy didn't know what this was. Maybe her being cured of dumbness was really an accident. "Hubby." Ann tilted her head, as if confused why he wasn't excited as she was. "Get down. Now. Time for bed." He said curtly. "Are you sure, hubby? Anny can make you happy." Saything this, Ann made a gesture of thrusting. "No. Get down." Roy said defeated. Ann was grinning inside. Her plan worked. She got down and lied next to him. This still felt weird. "Where's your sister?" Roy asked. Excuse me? He'd rather have that bad girl than her? Ann patted him on the shoulder: "Hubby don't be sad. Eva doesn't want hubby. Anny want hubby." And that was supposed to be a comfort for him? Um...thanks. Hearing no response from him, Ann touched his arm and said again: "There there hubby. Hubby can cry. Anny wipe your tears. Anny won't tell." "Close your eyes and sleep!" Roy scowled, frustrated. Ann lied next to him, and watched him carefully. If you looked at him, you wouldn't be able to tell he was ill. He used to be the only heir of the Lewis family, and a renowned business talent. No one could compete with him back then, the most eligible bachelor in the country. But three years ago, he got into a car accident. The accident left him in bed for half a year. A fire was what followed next. It left him weak and dying. He was deprived of his inheritance, and his legend died out in the business world. He used to be a prince, but now... Ann shifted a little, and gave a few coughs. There was no response from Roy. Was he asleep? Ann frowned. It just struck her that Roy could be faking his illness just like she faked hers. She slipped her hand on his wrist, feeling his pulse, but he suddenly gripped her hand. Sh*t! He was pretending to be asleep. Ann didn't panic though. She patted her belly and said: "Hungry. Hubby, Anny is hungry." Roy didn't speak. She snuggled up against him, and said in her kitten voice: "Hubby, hungry. Anny wants to eat." Roy felt her soft and think form pressing against his, nuzzling and shifting. His brows shot up and his eyes darkened.
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