
My Clingy CEO Husband

love after marriage

Everyone knows that the wealthy Roy Lewis is going to get married, but no one knows that his loving wife Ann is a neurotic mute.

All the ridicule from the crowd didn't stop Roy from spoiling his wife

“Ann, I will sleep with you if you are sleepy”

“Ann, I will massage you if you are tired”

“Ann, let's make a baby if you are bored”

What he didn't expect is that his silly wife is....................

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Chapter 1 His Psychotic Surrogate Bride
At the gate of York's mental hospital! "Madam, she's here." A man in his forties said respectfully. Rachel Stock looked up and down the girl. This b***h of a girl had grown a lot for the past three years. She looked pretty now. The sunlight shone on her cheeks, making some baby hairs visible. She looked just like that old b***h! Jealousy surged through Rachel, causing her face to contort viciously. She pinched the girl's arm hard. The girl opened her mouth and uttered some indistinguishable sounds. Her eyes were dull; they didn't look like eyes that should belong to people of sanity. "Madam, we should take this to the car. We're running late." The man said. Rachel grabbed Ann Reed's hand and shoved her into the car. She warned: "Ann Reed, from now on, you'll do exactly as I say. I can get you out of here, but I can also kick you back inside. Is that clear?" Ann seemed excited to get out of the hospital. She grabbed Rachel's hand eagerly, saying some stuff no one could make out. Rachel slapped her hand away. She scowled at Ann: "Keep quiet, and stop making that annoying sound! I'll have you leg chopped off if you dare touch me again. Nod if you undertsand." Ann nodded, though she didn't look like she understood. She just stared out the window. Soon the car arrived at Reed Residence. "Surrogate bride? Are you crazy? She's retarded, and dumb!" Jeff Reed scowleded at Rachel. Not that he was worried about her; no, he hated Ann. She was a disgrace to his name. Eva, the supposed bride, was also a little nervous of the idea. "Mom, if the Lewis family should find out...they'll kill us." "What else do you suggest? Do you want to marry that man? He's dying." Rachel rolled her eyes. "I don't. But it's grandpa's order...he wants me to marry that man and remain a widow after he dies for ten years just in memory of him. What does he think he is, a king?" Eva complained. Although Roy Lewis was a rich and handsome guy, he was ill. Very ill. He might die any minute now. If grandpa didn't ask her to be a widow for ten years, she might actually consider marrying him; she could use his money to find all kinds of pretty boys to play with. "If the Lewis family finds out..." Jeff was still a little hesitant. The Lewis family was not someone you wanted to mess with. "It's not cheating. They want your daughter, right? Ann is also your daughter. It's either Ann, or your beloved Eva. So choose!" Rachel said impatiently. Eva grabbed her father's hand, and pouted: "Dad, I know you love me. You wouldn't let that happen to me, right? And I'm sure my sister is happy to marry in my place, as long as she's out of that hospital." Saying this, Eva went over to Ann: "Ann, you'll be happy to marry, as long as you don't need to go back, right? Clap your hands if you like it." The minute Ann heard she didn't need to go back, she beamed and clapped her hands. But soon her eyes went back to their original dullness. "See, she's willing to do it." Rachel shrugged. Finally Jeff gave his approval: "OK, that's it then. Get her ready!" Rachel said to the maids: "Take her to change and put on some make up. It's running late." The maids grabbed Ann by the hand and took her upstairs. Jeff began to talk and laugh with the two beloved women in his life. While upstairs, Ann's lips pulled up in a heart-felt joy. Her eyes recovered from their dullness and shone with excitement. It had been three years! And she finally made it out of there. She sat in front of the mirror. The maids had put the wedding dress on her. She looked beautiful. The maid sighed: "Mrs. Reed is so vicious. She sent Miss Ann to the mental hospital three years ago. Now she's pushing her off another cliff. Only god knows if it wasn't her who murdered Mr Jeff's ex-wife..." "Hush! Miss Ann is still here. Poor thing. She doesn't even understand what she's getting into." "Yeah. Even the doctors couldn't say for sure if Mr Roy could live past tomorrow." Thinking that Ann was retarded, the maids didn't keep their voices down. Ann heard everything. She clenched her fists. Three years ago, her mother died. In the same month, Jeff married Rachel. Another month later, she was sent to a mental hospital. For three whole years, Jeff didn't come visit her once. Instead, Eva often came "visit" her. She suspected Rachel had something to do with her mother's death. The question was, was her father aware of any of this? Ann was never the dumb psychotic everyone thought her to be. She only pretended to be like this so that she could protect herself from further harm. It didn't matter who they were making her marry. The only thing that mattered to her was to get away, and make revenge. Ann was put into the car. There was no wedding, no companion, just her in a car. The car pulled over in front of the Lewis residence half an hour later. The veil was too thick for Ann to see her surroundings. She felt a strong but cold hand grabbing her wrist, and heard a man's heavy breathing. Was that her supposed husband? The man started coughing fiercely. "Hurry! Let them take their vows." Someone said. Then gasps of surprise and panic broke out everywhere. "Mr Roy! Mr Roy!" Someone screamed. Ann lifted her veil. The minute she threw it aside, Ann saw the man toppling over in her direction! With a thud, she fell to the ground, with him on top. Ann took out a needle and pricked his wrist. No one saw what she did because of the chaos of the crowd. Roy Lewis's breathing became evener. She sighed with relief and helped him up. His eyes suddenly shot open. Ann found herself looking into his deep and piercing eyes. She was a little nervous...this man... But before she could do or say anything, the man gripped her wrist and pulled her against his chest, and asked in a weak but deep voice: "Who are you?"

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