Chapter 8 : Entrance Prohibited

1259 Words
Seeing the sad expression on Laurel's face, the receptionist thought for a moment before leaving again. Laurel was left alone by herself. She didn't want to be an inconvenience either, so she quietly got up and left the building. It was not possible to meet Alpha Darius right now, so there was no point in staying at the building and making things difficult for those who worked there. Laurel hated being a burden. That one single quality of hers had her slaving away most of her life until this point, and yet she couldn't change. Walking on the unfamiliar streets, Laurel felt lonely and sad. She didn't know anyone, nor did she have a phone to contact anyone. There was a moment she regretted leaving the office building. Her stomach growled in hunger. She quickly checked the duffle bag to find the little money she had with her. It was barely enough to eat one cheap meal at a stall in Silver Moon. She didn't know what or where to go so that she could afford to eat. Fortunately, Laurel found a public park to spend some time. It looked like an old park with low maintenance. She sat on a bench under the shade of a large tree. She just needed to wait here for a while. In the evening, she would once again go to the office building to look for the Alpha. As for the hunger, Laurel fisted the bank notes and put them back into the duffle bag. That was emergency money. She had to save it for later. She could go another few hours without food. On the other side of the park was another entrance that Laurel didn't know of. At the entrance was a rusted board with words painted red. ENTRANCE PROHIBITED. POTENTIAL DANGER AHEAD. --------------- "Kit!" Kit slid to a stop and pushed the frame up the bridge of his nose when his name was called. The receptionist, with whom he was well acquainted, came rushing towards him. "What is it, Usha?" Kit had a hint of urgency in his tone, but his expression remained calm as day. The receptionist, named Usha, came to a halt before Kit. She had been working here for well over three years and knew how to go about the day. Most of all, she knew what and what not to say in front of elites like the Alpha and the Beta. In the absence of the Alpha, all she could do was communicate with his Beta. It happened ninety-nine percent of the time that all they could communicate with was the beta. Hence, even if the Alpha didn't know the people who worked for him and vice versa, Kit knew everyone, and everyone knew Kit. Usha didn't beat around the bush and got straight to the point. "There was this girl named Laurel who came to meet Alpha earlier. She didn't have an appointment. Alpha Denis from the Silver Moon Pack sent her to meet him. I couldn't get through the office phone and had her wait. What should I do?" "Silver moon?" Kit confirmed. "Yes." "Where is she?" Kit asked. Usha led him towards the lounge area while speaking, "She fell asleep in the waiting lounge. Just five minutes ago, I told her that Alpha was not available, but I thought I'd ask you about it once. She's been waiting the entire afternoon. Her voice came to an abrupt halt at the sight of an empty waiting lounge. Behind her, Kit tilted his head to check. There was no one waiting. It was understandable. The waiting hours were fixed, and it was about time that everyone vacated the area. "She's gone?" Kit raised a single eyebrow and said, "She is not as dedicated as others." Before Usha could say anything, Kit turned on his heel and left. Usha went back to the reception as well. Laurel was gone, so there was no use in convincing the Alpha to meet her. She thought so, but Kit didn't. He knocked on the Alpha's office door. The sharp knocks got an equally sharp response. "Get in." Kit was met with a dark and gloomy office. The curtains were drawn, and Alpha Darius was resting on the couch with his head tilted on the backrest. Kit quietly placed the documents on the desk. "These are the portfolios of the new recruits. Once the numbers are confirmed, training can be started by the end of the month." Darius remained silent, and his body barely moved. Kit gulped down the growing nervousness in his body. "Um, Alpha, actually," Kit started, not sure whether he should be saying it or not. His hesitation caught Alpha Darius's attention, and he looked up at Kit. "Spit it out. What are you humming for?" His gruff tone makes him regret even opening his mouth. Something must have possessed him before he spoke up. Now he had to bear the anger of his Alpha again. "Actually, the girl sent by Crimson Moon has arrived." Darius frowned, displeased. Kit rushed with his explanation: "I rejected Alpha Denis's proposal in time. I don't understand why she was still sent back. We didn't inform the border guards either. I don't know how they got in or even found the office. "Whatever. I don't want her to cause unnecessary trouble here. Have her sent back as soon as possible." Kit nodded heavily. "Yes, Alpha!" In the dark office room, the crimson ring around his pupils grew darker until it started to consume the darkness of his eyes. Kit couldn't suppress his concern. "Alpha, do you need -" "Leave." Kit shivered. That tone... not again. "Alpha, why don't you try?" "Leave!" Darius growled. "But Alpha!" Kit took a step forward fearlessly. However, his brave action was met with the fierce gaze of his Alpha. The raw killing intent burst out and pierced Kit like an arrow. Darius's arms were forcefully pinned to the sofa by himself. He was already having a hard time controlling himself in such a state, and having Kit or anyone around was simply too much for him to bear. The Alpha's command couldn't be ignored. His teeth gritted together as Kit turned to leave the office. He closed the door behind himself and stayed outside, guarding the door. Once the sound of heavy breathing disappeared from the office, he cautiously opened the door again and sighed at the empty office. It was the third time this happened. As much as Kit hated to admit it, the truth was that their Alpha was slowly losing himself to his beast. He wished nothing more than to find a way that could help Alpha Darius, but he was helpless. He stood by the window, watching the moon covered in clouds. Was she also ashamed of what their Alpha was slowly becoming and that she didn't dare to meet his eyes? Kit shook his head, hoping some kind of miracle would meet their Alpha and help him. Closing the window, he placed all the documents and other important things into the locker and locked it up. He locked the office door as well before dismissing the staff for the night. Even the ones doing an overnight shift were told to leave. Kit didn't want to take any chances in case the Alpha was back in a bad state. The horrors of a particular night were still engraved in his mind like a nightmare. Shuddering, he grabbed his own things, left a message for the Alpha, and left the office building.
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