Chapter 9 : Wolves

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Laurel didn't realize it when her body shut down on her. It had the tendency to betray her in the most unexpected ways possible. But Laurel had nothing to complain about, as it was this body that kept her alive despite having a hard time. The day had ended long ago, leaving behind a shadow of night in its tail. There were no lights in the park, and no one was in sight. It was strangely quiet. Laurel didn't have a watch on her to determine the time, but it was obvious due to the chill and quiet that it was pretty late. Looking around, she contemplated what to do. Whether staying in the park was better than looking for another abode, preferably with a roof, But that required money. Which she didn't have. Sighing at her own helpless situation, Laurel leaned back on the dirty bench. She didn't notice the strangeness of the park when she decided to enter it. For some reason, it gave off the feeling of not being used for years. After having enough sleep and nowhere else to go, Laurel started to take in the small details around her. The weeds grew almost up to her calf. The trees were not as trimmed as parks usually have. The swings in the distance were rusted and unused; some were even broken and unmanaged. Even the bench she sat on had a layer of dust. With a swipe of her finger, a bunch of dust settled on her skin. "Is this a good idea?" Laurel asked herself. What if it rains at night? Laurel looked up at the tree above her head, wondering if it was thick enough to block heavy rain. After all, she didn't know the climatic conditions of the place she was in. She was a bit cold... When another chilled breeze passed, Laurel opened the duffle bag and took out a hoodie. Max's hoodie was soft and thick, which was perfect to keep her warm. Cold was a problem for Laurel because she was thin and rarely got the nutrition that she required for her age. At least the weather in Silver Moon was not as extreme. As long as she was inside the house, she didn't have to worry too much about being plagued by the cold. It was a different story out in the open at night. Pulling up the hood, Laurel pulled her knees up and crossed her arms together to form a tight ball. It was as comfortable as she could get. Just when Laurel thought it was not too bad to stay here for the night, she heard a suspicious rustling. It was too vague, and it was hard to tell where it came from. Still, no matter how low the sound was, it was surely there, and it scared the soul out of Laurel. Her body went stiff with fear, and her eyes went wide, looking around, trying to find the source. It was an open place, and there could be rogues anywhere in the world. It was not too farfetched to think she might get attacked anytime. After a while of looking around, Laurel didn't hear the sound again. Just when Laurel was about to relax, the rustling came again, and a shiver ran down her back. "Who is there?" Laurel's quivering voice was not loud. Her eyes grew hot from thinking of the possibility that she might die here. Without anyone knowing or caring. She might end here, and no one will know. "Rrrrrrr..." Laurel screamed and jumped on the bench. The low growl came right behind her! Turning around to face the back, she failed to balance her footing and fell down from the bench on her back. The tiny stones and whatnot dug into her body. She did not have the time to even register the pain that ripped through her body when an oversized black wolf with the most unique little white stripes pounced over the bench. Laurel screamed in fright, knowing well that it was now her last day in the world for sure. She reacted immediately and pulled her body into a ball, putting her face into her arms and facing the ground. Her back was taunt, waiting for the impact of the wolf's claws on her flesh. It was over. She was done. Not even an entire day in the Crimson Moon Pack, and she was already going to die. It was a bad idea to stay at the abandoned park. But her circumstances didn't allow her the luxury of a hotel, and the Alpha she was supposed to meet was nowhere to be seen. In the end, it was her fate that brought her to this point. Maybe it wanted to end her in a foreign land, in a place where no one would care to even collect her corpse and let her be food for the hungry wolf. Laurel's tightly closed eyes trembled when she heard the sound of heavy paws hitting the ground. The mud was dug up with the impact, but the flesh-tearing pain still didn't come. It was followed by a squeaking sound and some more roars. Confused, she pulled her arms down a little and looked up. The scene she saw was something like this: The oversized wolf with little white stripes was not too far from her, facing away. In front of him was another wolf that was much smaller but fierce-looking, with scars over its body. They were both wolves with strong auras, but it was clear that the oversized black wolf was majestic and had the upper hand, while the smaller one was having a hard time coping with the gaze of the oversized black wolf. The two were facing off with each other with their auras. It was a duel between two wolves in their shifted states. Laurel saw the chance and decided to flee. After all, survival was the most natural instinct. Although her body kept trembling in fright, she still had to make the gamble. No matter how bad life gets, it only has a chance to get better if she lives. There was always a way to live. Laurel picked up her duffle bag and stood up, trembling. The moment she took one step, her foot chose the wrong place, and the twig under her made a snapping sound under her weight. The sound was like the shotgun trigger going off. The two wolves moved at the same time. Laurel reflexively turned around to see the scarred wolf jumping towards her. The scream couldn't be contained in her throat. The loud sound broke through the peace of the night. Laurel was so scared that her body decided to shut down. There was no way she could run away anymore. She was going to become prey to two wolves, and nothing could save her. There would have been a better chance if she could shift, but that was no longer a possibility when her body was broken to this point. Her body fell to the ground like a pile of bones and skin. The last thing she heard before losing consciousness was a deafening roar and the pounding of heavy paws.
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