Chapter Five

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Emily POV The training in the afternoons was fun for me, and I learned quickly, surprising everyone. My speed and coordination for my age were better than anyone anticipated. Stretch, bend, jump, cross my left hand, jump, land, crouch, sweep my leg and bam, and I sent the boy falling on his back with a hard thud. I dropped another boy, who was two years older than me, onto his back, and he submitted to me. It has taken me most of the summer break to learn and get stronger. I had grown taller and more robust in the eight-week break and was more flexible. What started with her father thinking I would not last the summer break turned into me being a good warrior, with hints that I would one day be a top fighter. The summer was over far too fast. I did not want to start school yet and was enjoying myself too much. ‘Come on, Emily, we are going to miss the bus!’ shouted Justin. We had ten minutes to get to the bus, but Justin wanted to get there early. He always wanted to be the first on the bus so he could claim the back seat. Sighing, I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing my lunch box and out the door quickly and smoothly. Cindy POV ‘Don’t run in the house!!!’ I shouted as Emily disappeared out the front door. That girl is going to be the death of me, she grumbled to herself in a low voice. A chuckle from behind me made me turn and scowl at her mate. 'Will you take Charlette to school? She missed the bus again.’ I chimed softly. ‘Nope. Either you take her or make her walk. This is happening way too often. At the end of last year, she was being driven nearly every day. That will not be happening this year. You must put your foot down and get her on that bus. Charlette will not be given special treatment; she must join her siblings. Next year, the younger twins will commence school. Will you still be driving just Charlette each day? What do you think others will think?’ growled her husband, his patience running thin. He had noticed the special treatment his mate was giving this child, and the child was getting increasingly out of hand, flouncing around like she was queen. A few minutes later, Charlette entered the kitchen and grabbed her lunch. ‘I am ready for school now, Daddy. Can you take me? The bus is gone?’ she sweetly asked, looking meekly at her father. ‘No, I will not be taking you to school. Learn to catch the bus.’ he turned and walked out of the kitchen, giving his mate a quick glance as he walked out and headed towards his office in the packhouse. Emily POV I entered the classroom, walking behind my brothers. Justin pointed to a desk, and I sat down. I looked around the class, noting some of the other children I was familiar with. One in particular, a girl, was a person I did not like. She often bumped into me and caused me to almost trip. I hoped this year, the girl would be less of a bully. I did not like that sort of attention, though I was aware some kids just liked to be mean. Being the one they were mean to was just not nice. ‘Jason?’ Suzette, the girl who I disliked, called in a sing-song-like voice. Jason glanced over at her and frowned. ‘Is your little sister here because you need to look after her?’ she taunted, and some of her followers chuckled along with her. That made the class giggle at the taunt, but Jason just shrugged his shoulders, not letting her taunting get to him. Jason knew that some would try and cause an issue, and this Suzette was already the class b***h. So, it did not surprise the twins that she would be the one to start the teasing. I sat quietly in her chair, knowing any reaction from me would only make her brothers mad, but not at me, but at Suzette. They had already warned me before class that I would be teased, at least initially, and if I ignored all the teasing, it would slowly disappear. That was how the school year began, and all through the year, Suzette tried to get a little group together to tease me. I did as my brothers said and did not bother to respond to criticism each time Suzette teased me. I would smile at her and thank her for her advice and criticism. This annoyed Suzette more, and the more Suzette tried, the more my brothers patted me on my back at home for not listening to Suzette's teases. It was towards the half-yearly exams that I gained attention from others. It was something other than what I had planned or done for attention. However, I was in the music room. I had eaten my lunch during my lunch break and left the canteen early. I went to the music room and picked up a guitar. I have been sneaking in here for a few months now, loving how the guitar felt in my hand. The only thing I did not like about the guitar was that it made my fingers hurt, but now, a few months later, they barely hurt when played; the fingertips had hardened up against the strings, and I barely noticed any pain. Anyway, I was strumming the guitar. It was huge in my hands, and I was softly singing a song I had been writing; the end of the song was still not finished; the song was to be a birthday gift for my dad. The song was about how big and strong my dad is and how loving and caring about the pack. In walked the three teachers. They c****d their heads to listen as they strolled into the room and over to where I sat on a stool playing the guitar. I was so lost in my song that I did not hear or feel them enter the room. When I stopped singing to add the notes and words to the paper, the teachers clapped, startling me from my music. ‘Oh!’ I gasped and stood up from my chair, grabbing the notebook and putting the guitar down. ‘So Sorry, Sir:’ I apologized quickly, looking down to the floor. 'Emily, we did not know you could sing so beautifully too.’ Said Mrs Finch happily. 'You must join our choir.’ Mr Casey chimed in, just as enthused as Mrs Finch. ‘Sorry, Sir, Mrs Finch, I know I am not meant to be here during lunch, but I needed to finish my song for my dad's birthday on the weekend.’ I responded, ignoring the suggestion of joining the choir. ‘You wrote that song?’ asked Mrs Springer, surprise laced in her voice. 'Yes, mam, it is for my dad.’ I looked up at Mrs Springer to see if her face showed that she liked the song. ‘Please don't tell my dad; it was a surprise,' I begged. ‘Don't worry, we won't let the secret out, but only if you join our music group can you play and sing.’ Mrs Finch demanded. With a deep sigh, I responded, ‘Okay, but only if I can come in here at lunchtime for the rest of this week so I can finish the song,’ she negotiated. ‘Deal.’ the three teachers answered in unison. I spent the rest of the week in the music room and finished my song.
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