Chapter 6

1001 Words
Emily POV At the pack house, the main hall was decorated with lots of blue and silver balloons, tables filled with food, and a table at the back full of presents for my Dad. A large sign was hanging above the main table that was set up for Dad and our family. It said, ‘Happy 50th Birthday, Alpha Raymond.’ The band played in the background, and everyone was merry. I walked to the band and asked if I could sing the song I had written for my dad. Not knowing what was about to be sung, the band agreed and gave me a guitar and stool. ‘Attention, Attention. Let me introduce Emily, one of the Alpha's daughters, who is here to sing a song that she has written for her Alpha for his birthday.’ One of the band members announced. The room settled quietly, and I sat on the stool, took a deep breath, looked at my dad, and began playing. The song was a simple melody that had the crowd clapping in time. The band joined in. They caught on to the tune, and the band's singer joined in with the chorus. The cheers and clapping of the crowd surprised me. I was shocked that everyone loved the song as much as I had written it. I just wanted to show how much everyone loved their Alpha. My Dad came to me, hugged me, and kissed the tip of my head. ‘Emily, that was a lovely song, and you have a beautiful voice. Thank you so much.' Dad said with emotion in his voice. The school was easy for me. Luckily, I often had to team up with my brothers when they did partner tasks. My brothers liked having me as part of the study team. I was a good student and rarely did anything wrong. One look and I remembered stuff. The boys were in awe and often asked me to help with their homework to keep their grades high. Their mother thought the boys were helping me rather than the other way around. It did not bother me that the boys got complimented for helping me. They would share with me when they got rewarded, saying they would not have gotten the rewards if it were not for me. The three of them enjoyed the rewards, and they got closer. Meanwhile, my sister Charlette struggled with school, barely passing each grade. My mother would spend time with her, trying to help her with her homework, but Charlette hardly ever brought some home, making it harder for Mother to help her daughter. The mother could tell that her daughter relied on her beauty to get by. Mother hoped Charlette would find a suitable mate because she seriously would never be a good scholar. She was too whimsical and air-headed, wanting to play and flirt rather than learn. My mother was beside herself trying to work out how to fix this, a problem she had created by pandering to Charlette’s wishes instead of listening to her mate and pushing her to learn. Mother just hoped it was not too late to make her take school more seriously. Charlette had joined with Suzette, and they rapidly became one of the little groups that would bully and be mean to others in her grade or below. On my eighth birthday, I was outside in the forest, lying by the little creek that ran towards the larger river that held a lovely waterfall. When I heard a snuffling sound and was curious, I slowly sat up and watched the trees where the sound came from. After waiting for what felt like a long time, but it was really no more than five minutes, I got up and went to the bush. Pulling the branch back, I squealed in shock and fell back onto her bottom. A giant boar was digging with its snout at the base of a tree, blowing air and then digging again. A snuffling sound was made each time the boar blew air into the ground. c*****g my head, I sat back and watched this boar, who did not seem to either notice me or was not frightened by her. The whole scene mesmerized me. After a while, the boar managed to dig up a small black something. I was not even sure what it was. A root of some kind? I decided to go to the library and investigate what it was. The boar happily chewed the black blob, turned to look at me, snuffled at me, and calmly walked away. How rude, I thought, as the boar waltzed away without a care in the world. It did not occur to me that this encounter was not typical. Animals trusted me and were happy to let me know; a few times, I had even healed them, a new gift I recently gained and had practiced on the animals who needed some aid. I never thought anything of what I could do. With each new ability, I just accepted and practiced using it. My abilities made me unique, yet I was not aware that others did not have abilities, so I happily practiced my healing on animals. When an animal was injured, it would come to this creek and hide until I arrived, and then it would make a little noise that attracted me to them. How the animals knew how to come to this place and wait or if I would assist them was still being determined. At this time, I discovered another ability. I, who could now shift into my wolf, was surprised that I could change the color of my wolf's fur and hide my wolf’s scent. Unknown to me, I could make myself invisible. I could do this by changing my wolf's fur to blend in with the surrounding forest. I was not really invisible, so to speak, more like I just blended into the same color, making it harder to see me.
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